Brad Kutner got to meet the baby pygmy hippo at @metrorichmondzoo
Helene's impact near Konnarock
Roxy Todd has been reporting this week from some of the hardest hit areas of Southwest Virginia. This video is along Laurel Valley Road near the Konnarock community.
You can hear more of Roxy's reporting Thursday on Morning Edition and All Things Considered on Radio IQ.
Flooding aftermath in Allisonia
Roxy Todd was reporting Monday in Wythe and Pulaski Counties and recorded this video of damage along the New River in Allisonia.
Roxy Todd got this view of the flooded and fast-moving New River near Radford. The river is forecast to continue to rise into Saturday evening and crest near 27 feet.
#nrv #newrivervalley
Did you catch the balloons at the Wythe Arts Council Chataqua Festival? There's more to the festival all this week.
The all-important weather balloon...
The National Weather Service still uses some old-school tech to collect data for its forecasts. Weather balloon launches have been around since the 1930s. The balloons carry devices known as radiosondes that collect information like temperature, humidity and pressure as it ascends thousands of feet into the air.
Radio IQ Meteorologist Nick Gilmore recently got to see this process first hand (and yes... it was a good day for him).
You can read more about that here: