💀 Mondays are for memories…
and Mai(ght) Dais. Sippin’ with the Autumn Seiter and missin’ our Misery Tiki, Kansas City community of creeps.
Someday soon we’ll again be in the company of those beautiful living corpses. We may not be able to do that damn tiki at TikiCat anymore, but we long to be gettin’ awkward with Diana Condori at one of her endlessly inspiring Condor’s Cove pop-ups, wearin’ snake chains and screamin’ at Trent and Adam at Tiki Huna and to finally creep it up, filled with so much damn pride and love, at Roxie Bishop Stiglitz’s new bar Blue Palm Tiki.
The days are flying by and sometimes it feels like yesterday is untouchably far off. We miss you all more than you’ll ever know. But friendships like these make sailin’ these oceans of time easier. And we’ll forever make the journey to be back in your arms. Until then…keep killin’ it! We’re cheering you on from a distance, but cheering you nonetheless.