The REA Podcast has topics on Self-improvement, life after trauma, narcissistic relationships, healthy boundaries, Renewing Your Mind ECT. You're invited on this healing journey with Nia on Spotify. Shining Light into the darkness for those to find their way out as well.
#healingtogether #realemotionalawareness #spotify #selfimprovement #rea #thereapodcast
New episodes on connection. Connecting to others & connecting to the Holy Spirit. Years ago I learned the value of the Word of God & the message found in Romans 12. Repeating the Word of God (daily) has the power to change your current circumstances, for the better. Let's Heal Together; allowing the Word to teach us the importance of, "Renewing Your Mind". Find new episodes on Spotify under: The REA Podcast ✨
#newtopics #spotify #thereapodcast
#musicandtalk #rea #youtube #thereapodcast #rea #realemotionalawareness
The REA Podcast is now on YouTube & Spotify, be sure to: Like, Comment, Share & don't forget to Subscribe!🎉
Your support group for navigating through difficult emotions, tragedies or drastic life changes. Going over healing affirmations, education for healthy boundaries, coping skills & spiritual motivation. This is your support channel, bringing Life to Death... with
Real Emotional Awareness.
Let's Heal Together.
Artist Tyler Tyree submitted his rap piece to The REA Podcast. Shouts out to 'Premium' for his submission & special guest! Thank you all for sharing your amazing talent, effort & support!
Find It On Spotify
#thereapodcast #musicandtalk #realemotionalawareness #spotify #rea #selfimprovement #newpodcast #healingtogether
Hello @everyone, I'm Nia with The REA Podcast.
Find us on Spotify.
Your support group for navigating through difficult emotions, tragedies & drastic life changes. Going over healing Affirmations, Education for healthy boundaries, Coping skills for victims & survivors as well as Spiritual motivation. This is your Group Therapy Podcast, bringing Life to Death... with
Real Emotional Awareness.
Let's Heal Together.
#thereapodcast #HealingTogether #musicandtalk #PickingUpThePieces #findonspotify #rea #realemotionalawareness #NewEpisodeAlert
New Episode Alert🚨
The REA. Podcast is now streaming on Spotify!
Picking up the pieces is now available!
#thereapodcast #realemotionalawareness #findonspotify #PickingUpThePieces #rea #musicandtalk
Are you casting spells when you speak?
"The REA. Podcast" is on Spotify.
#thereapodcast #realemotionalawareness #rea #healingtogether #musicandtalk
Add To Yourself First.
Don't Sacrifice What Happiness You Already Have For Someone Else's "Promises".
Let Them Add To You First,
Before You Sacrifice ALL of Your Happiness For The Wrong Person #rea.
#periodpooh #realemotionalawareness
Welcome our guest: Imani Melvin onto the show as he opens up about his trauma with being incarcerated for more than 25 yrs with REA. on Spotify.
#healingtogether #spotify #rea #newtopics #newpodcast #realemotionalawareness
"Shining Light Into The Darkness For Others To Find Their Way Out As Well"
#musicandtalk #healingtogether #selfimprovement #merchavailablesoon #traumashame #spotify #rea #realemotionalawareness #follow4followback #sponsorneeded #newpodcast #comeontheshow