REWOUND: Listen to SPSN Listen LIVE's Host Diandra Interview with Guest Traci Neal. https://www.mixcloud.com/diandra-smith-hall2/spsn-listen-live-with-guest-traci-neal/ Spoken Word Artist Traci Neal talks with us about how she began writing poetry at 14, bullying and low-self esteem. Visit her site: https://www.tracinealspeakerpoet.com/
Music Aired: "We Serve A Mighty God" by Travis Malloy.
*** PLATFORM/TERMS: Mixcloud has blanket radio licensing deals with various collecting societies around the world. This means that users can upload shows or mix sets with songs from any catalog and they pay royalties to these societies (ASCAP), etc., who in turn distribute them to artists, labels and publishers. ***
*** Any submitted material from Indie Artists, their managers, labels, etc. by submission for airplay, interviews on our station, network, shows have automatically given permission for use. We will always use Artists, ID tags, Album, Single information that is given. We reserve our right to decline any music submission/or type of any submitted material by our own discretion without notice. ***
Diandra having been 8+ years online radio, has become a vet in the gospel podcasting industry. Gospel music is her love, Interviews is her forte, and Inspiring others is her goal."Be encouraged, Be Inspired, Be Forever Changed" is her motto and she is sure to say it at the end of each broadcast. Dia...