My video newsfeeds are often filled with spouses becoming caregivers to their partner after a terminal diagnosis, life after losing a child, tragedy after tragedy, failed marriages, financial ruins, diagnosis after diagnosis… whatever it is … something sticks out to me with these people going through battles I have never had to understand.
Life doesn’t happen to you but FOR you.
Even in the worst moments and most upsetting situations life is full of purpose and anything and everything can absolutely be turned for good. I’ve seen it over and over again and geezsh…what hope.
Whatever life is throwing at you that feels unfair or too hard, I never want to discount that pain. But I want you to know there is always ALWAYS hope and you are not a victim. Life has a way of reminding us that we don’t write our story but we can change our mindset.
Remember there is something.. FOR YOU that will change you for the better.. in everything.
And the one that is FOR YOU is behind it every single time.