Eighteen months after I started my search for evidence of human progress, on the day before a New Year is born amid a global pandemic, political tensions, fake news, local conflicts, social distrust, personal isolation, waves of crimes, and a shroud of pessimism throughout, the thoughts, testimonies, and images of “Human Progress-the Bad, the Good, and the Factual” were passed along for its last stage of editing, before its first public screening early in 2022.
It was a humbling but exhilarating adventure of discovery, documenting the triumphs and failures of humanity and seeing it all, only possible from the shoulders of giants.
The march upwards of human progress is driven by the struggle to rise above the challenges of the external world, to satisfy human desires, solve problems and achieve a society sustainable in general wellbeing and a healthy environment, rather than a blind economic growth with consequential social, environmental, and food security threats.
The extraordinary achievements in human wellbeing are now gravely at risk. The unprecedented impact of the coronavirus pandemic, combined with the environmental crises the world is facing, threatens to reverse the gains in human progress and development, leaving societies around the world vulnerable and more unequal.
“What distinguishes COVID-19”—writes Pedro Conceição, Director of the Human Development Report Office of the OECD—“is the triple hit to health, income, and education, fundamental building blocks of human development. And as a result, the global human development index is on course to decline this year for the first time since the concept was introduced in 1990 – something that can still be avoided or at least mitigated with strong policy responses.”
Unless we make the right individual choices—echoes the UN warning—and leaders make theirs on recovering from the pandemic to avoid more severe environmental problems
El Progreso Humano: Lo Malo. lo Bueno, y lo cierto.
Como director de Intercultural Facilitation, es un placer para mí anunciar el inicio del desarrollo del documental "El Progreso Humano: lo Malo, lo Bueno y lo Cierto".
La película desafía la visión del progreso humano como una ilusión de la era moderna frente a las acusaciones contra los avances tecnológicos de ser perjudiciales para la sociedad.
Siguiendo el camino abierto por reconocidos pensadores y figuras públicas, el documental destaca sus pensamientos en la literatura y las plataformas de redes sociales.
Los invito a echar un vistazo a los nuevos anuncios a medida que la película evoluciona de una idea hacia el panorama del progreso humano que célebres pensadores de hoy están revelando para que todos veamos.
Intercultural Facilitation LLC busca apoyo y patrocinadores para completar la producción de la película. Visualizamos nuestra estructura de financiamiento con colaboradores de todos los campos: instituciones que otorgan subvenciones, academia, corporaciones, profesionales e individuales, en un esfuerzo combinado para llevar a cabo este proyecto.
Human Progress: The Bad, the Good, and The factual