
Oneminutestock Know where you are and where to go each day in the market with The 'Professor's' Daily commentary. A It all started in April 2009. Take control – Do it yourself.

I came home from playing golf and told my wife Marcia about a conversation I had with a friend. He told me that he lost a considerable amount of money in the stock market. He said that was dissatisfied with his financial advisor who was with supposed to be watching his investment portfolio. But apparently, all his advisor was doing was watching his investments go down. I told my friend that the te

chnical indicators I was following were negative, and had been negative for some time, and that no one should be in the stock market under these conditions. I wondered why his financial advisor wasn’t telling him this. When I discussed this with my wife, she opined that maybe people don’t understand technical analysis or indicators. Maybe it was time for someone to explain them in simple, easy to understand terms so everyone can use them to make investment decisions for themselves, without the need for ’advisors’. Or if they had a financial advisor, they can use these indicators to discuss whether they should be in or out of a particular investment. I believe that investors and advisors should know how to manage a portfolio, not just watch it go up or down. After discussing the above with Marcia, I decided to have a seminar at my golf club. So early in March 2009, with the Dow trading near 6,700, I stood before my friends and neighbors and announced that the Dow was going back above 10,000. I’m sure they wondered who this guy was that was so confident to make a prediction like this. I gave my reasons, explaining how technical analysis could be used to project a higher market. One of the participants at the seminar was so excited, that she told a neighbor about the seminar, who happened to work at the University of North Florida’s Department of Continuing Education. A few days later I was the discussing the outline of a course with them. The course was developed from a Methodology that I have used in my trading for years. When I worked for the Navy, I used to talk about this Methodology with my co-workers. Then after I left government service and consulted back to the Navy, I used to teach it to many of the people I worked with at Patuxent River, Maryland. And now, six years teaching the course at UNF, The Professor’s One Minute Guide to Stock Management has proven to be a very popular course. It draws overflow crowds of students of all ages and investment experience levels, and has been reported in newspapers and on TV. It is not like any other financial course or an expensive trading seminar.

3 years ago I launched the Cum Laude nightly service. When you join you get my Professor’s Comment throughout the week plus access to the Dean’s List and Member’s Watch List. Using my proprietary algorithms the Dean’s List ETF’s and the Member’s Watch List stock picks are filtered and ranked. They can be used for potential picks to trade and can be a guide to market directions. To wrap this all together I provide a Weekend Strategy Review summarizing my thoughts on the past week and the direction of the markets for the coming period. Trading and investments should not be a worrisome adventure. Life is too short and every moment is precious. There are too many things that we need to be concerned about as we live our lives. Worrying about our investments should not be one of them. It’s your money, your retirement, your kid’s education, your financial future. Protect it. Hank Swiencinski

“I really enjoyed “part one” of the Weekend Strategy Review today. I really needed that refresher. I must admit, I was getting kind of lost this past week about just where we were in all of this, this market. Sort of like a pilot up there in the sky getting disoriented. Even after a year of following the charts and your daily postings RELIGOUSLY, a guy can sometimes get a little lost. So, the “re-orientation” really helped, especially the part about the Dean’s List NOT helping one manage the “sells”. I want to admit that I’ve made that mistake before. I figure it might be good for you, the educator, if a guy like me is giving you HONEST feedback once in a while about the common mistakes that some of us “newbies” make, even though we’re diligent students. I have also been guilty of pulling the flowers out by the roots too soon, on occasion. Fortunately, I’ve made my moves within my means and have been pretty conservative too, actually maybe too cautious at times. All in all, my trading experience has been fun and profitable and I never would have generated a continuing interest at all if not for you.You keep it fun, educational and EXCITING. It’s been the best educational experience of my life, truly.”

“I might have been foolish but I took all profits off the table today. Next week is Rosh Hashanna and I won’t be around for a couple of days. I don’t want to think about it. If I miss the last few points oh well. There is a feeling I have now that I think things are too far ahead. In March of 2000 and In 2007 and 2008 no one rung a bell to tell me it was a top . It is so hard to believe trading your way is so disciplined and easy. Yes, easy . Your explanations of how you think things out is very helpful. Have a nice weekend.”“Thank you for everything that you have done for all of us!!! Be well,”

“Caro Professore, Again you were so right, I am way up. I love metals.”

“You’re amazing. Thank you, Hank, for putting emphasis on buy and sell discipline. It makes a huge difference.”

“Enjoyed the class last week tremendously. As an engineer myself, I love your pracitical approach towards the market.”


“Thank you for the class. I am really learning. Can’t wait to review the slides from last night’s class.”

“Really enjoyed your class and wish I was your next door neighbor!”

“Thank you for all the knowledge you have shared. I enjoyed your class very much and I’m finally in the position (reach the age of 59 ½ ) where I can take advantage of your information. Thanks again for a great class.”

“Class last night was good especially for the current environment. Just listening to the attendees at break and afterwards, they all felt good and a little more sure of themselves.”

“Thanks for all you do in the class to educate us. I have gotten out of 90% of my mutual funds and am in a money market fund for most of that…..also taken 100% of my profit-sharing and parked it in the money market option.”

Master the Markets with the Professor’s Enhanced Arrows System🎯 Cyber Monday Special: Transform Your Trading Strategy Sa...

Master the Markets with the Professor’s Enhanced Arrows System

🎯 Cyber Monday Special: Transform Your Trading Strategy

Save almost 70% off the regular price

This Cyber Monday, take your trading skills to the next level with The Professor’s Enhanced Arrows Trading Strategy. This cutting-edge system simplifies decision-making with crystal-clear buy and sell signals.

Here’s what you’ll get:

✅ Enhanced Arrows System: Easy-to-follow Red and Green arrows paired with color-coded signals for clear entry and exit points.
✅ ThinkorSwim Setup Video: Step-by-step instructions to seamlessly implement the system on your charts.
✅ Bonus “Going to the Candy Store” Video: Discover the Professor’s proven techniques for capitalizing on event-driven market days.

Designed with simplicity and clarity in mind, this system minimizes screen clutter while maximizing results. Whether you trade ETFs, stocks, or options, the Enhanced Arrows Strategy gives you the tools to make confident decisions and spot profitable opportunities fast.

Cyber Monday Special:
Regular Price: $399
Your Price: $124.50

👉 Claim This Special Offer Now! Use blackfriday2024 Coupon code on checkout

Clear and Concise Arrows and Color Bars Signal Entry and Exit Points. Can it be any Clearer? Want to Get in on The Action with this unbeatable Cyber Monday Deal?

SAVE almost 70%

The Professor’s New Arrows Advanced Color Driven Trading System

+ BONUS Going to the Candy Store video

2 years ago the Professor officially launched his groundbreaking Arrows trading system. It was an immediate hit. WHY? Because every day presented a new opportunity for this complete, easy-to-learn trading system, to generate buy and sell points.

Many weeks his success rate was 90+ percent on his trades. The indicators and techniques he developed applied to Position Trades on the 60 minute bars and End of Day trading on the Daily's and on even lower timeframes.

Using his Arrows the Professor trades ETFs like QQQ, SQQQ, DIA, SDOW, TNA, TZA and more waiting for green arrows to appear and If the demand indicator and other tools confirm the rating.

Cyber Monday Special:
Regular Price: $399
Your Price: $124.50

👉 Claim This Special Offer Now! Use blackfriday2024 Coupon code on checkout

Dear TradersMany of you have asked if I would share some of my trades using my Enhanced Arrows Trading System. Fortunate...

Dear Traders

Many of you have asked if I would share some of my trades using my Enhanced Arrows Trading System. Fortunately, i have been frequently updating my Cum Laude subscribers on these trades. So here are some snippets with the trades and charts showing exactly how I use the system. PLUS there's an offer at the end of this e-mail for you to get this system.

August 10, 2023 My Trades:

I had another nice day yesterday trading SQQQ, TZA, SDOW and FAZ, the inverse ETF for the Banks. Just after the opening, a Green Arrow appeared on a 10-min chart of SQQQ. The first bar was still blue with a negative but rising Bias, so I only bought a few trial shares. The bars finally turned green at the 10:20 mark, allowing me to go all in. I exited the trade on the Red Arrow that appeared at the 11:50 mark for a nice profit.

August 23, 2023 My Trades:

I traded a few shares of UDOW to get paid yesterday before spending a few hours at the beach with my friend Sal. We do this every few weeks during the summer to enjoy a few beers, ci**rs, and B.S. Sal and I just like to sit by the water's edge and watch the ocean with a good stogie. Speaking of watching…. If you look at a 10-min chart of UDOW, you will see the Green Arrow where I entered the trade at 10:40. I got stopped out at the red bar/Red arrow at 14:00.

August 25, 2023 My Trades:

I was on the sidelines during Friday’s early decline, mostly because I thought the market was extremely oversold, and would reverse. I was watching for a few Green Arrows. The opportunity came at the 11:20 mark on the 10s, when a Green Arrow appeared on UDOW. I bought a trial position on the first Green Arrow, mostly because the Bias, while rising, was still negative. I went all in on the second Green Arrow at the 13:50 mark and closed the trade when a Red Arrow appeared just before the close.


Discount Ends July 1, 2023 - last chance on the Professor's Enhanced Arrows Strategy Don't Miss OutThis June 7 - 9, 2023...

Discount Ends July 1, 2023 - last chance on the Professor's Enhanced Arrows Strategy Don't Miss Out

This June 7 - 9, 2023 Enhanced Arrows

10-minute Chart speaks for itself

Green Arrow Buy, test the water, all in when confirming indicators go positive. Red Arrow Sell. Can't get any easier than that.


Arrows Trading Strategy

+ThinkorSwim video

+Going to the Candy Store video

a $399 value
ONLY $249

SAVE 35%
Find out how to get this deal

The Professor's ending this deal on his Enhanced Arrows Strategy Don't Miss OutThis June 7 - 9, 2023 Enhanced Arrows 10-...

The Professor's ending this deal on his Enhanced Arrows Strategy Don't Miss Out

This June 7 - 9, 2023 Enhanced Arrows 10-minute Chart of QQQ speaks for itself This June 1, 2023 Arrows sell Signal

Here's the 30-minute Chart of the ETF SPY Green Arrows, and Green Bars with confirming indicators that occurred on Thursday June 1, 2023. Entry at $418. June 5, 2023 at 1pm Eastern, we received a Red Arrow, our indication to exit our SPY position. Exit at $429

The Professor's Enhanced Arrows traders were in on these moves on SPY over the last few days.

Clear and Concise Arrows and Color Bars Signal Entry and Exit Points Can it be any Clearer?

2 years ago the Professor officially launched his groundbreaking Arrows trading system. It was an immediate hit. WHY? Because every day presented a new opportunity for this complete, easy-to-learn trading system, to generate buy and sell points.

For many weeks his success rate was 90+ percent on his trades. The indicators and techniques he developed applied to Position Trades on the 60 minute bars and End of Day trading on the Daily's and on even lower timeframes.

Using his Arrows the Professor trades ETFs like QQQ, SQQQ, DIA, SDOW, TNA, TZA, and more waiting for green arrows to appear and If the demand indicator and other tools confirm the rating.

DISCOUNT ENDS at the Professors Discretion

Arrows Trading Strategy

+ThinkorSwim video

+Going to the Candy Store video

Visit to save 35%

This Just Happened Arrows sell Signal TZA 30 minute Here's the 30-minute Chart of the ETF SPY Green Arrows, and Green Ba...

This Just Happened Arrows sell Signal

TZA 30 minute

Here's the 30-minute Chart of the ETF SPY Green Arrows, and Green Bars with confirming indicators that occurred on Thursday, June 1, 2023. Entry at $418

Today, June 5, 2023, at 1pm Eastern, we received a Red Arrow, our indication to exit our SPY position. Exit at $429

The Professor's Enhanced Arrows traders were in on these moves on SPY over the last few days.

**** Clear and Concise Arrows and Color Bars Signal Entry and Exit Points ****

Can it be any Clearer? Want to Get in on The Action? Launched May 2023, SAVE 35%. The Professor’s New Arrows Advanced Color Driven Trading System + BONUS Going to the Candy Store video


The Professor and One Minute Stock have been providing his Weekend Strategy Review every weekend for over 10 years.  We ...

The Professor and One Minute Stock have been providing his Weekend Strategy Review every weekend for over 10 years.

We hope you have found the Professor's analysis and commentary useful. You may have noticed you are still receiving notifications of the Weekend Strategy Review, however, you now need to be logged in to see the content.

As you may be aware costs have risen significantly in the past few years. To offset our costs we will be asking for a monthly fee going forward if you wish to continue receiving the Weekend Strategy Review.

The fee is set very reasonably at $8.95/mo.

Here's an extract from the Memorial Weekend newsletter take on the Thursday/Friday rally in the NASDAQ was that it was part of a blow off top in that index. Chip stocks, especially those connected with Artificial Intelligence, like NVIDIA, have been in the news lately. They have also been at the top of the Member’s Watch List. As I’ve mentioned several times before, the pattern on the NASDAQ is an Ending Diagonal. And the fifth wave of an ED is usually characterized by a ‘Blow Off Top’, sometimes called a Through Over Wave. I believe this is exactly what we saw on Thursday. It’s caused by what some people call, ‘Fear of Missing Out’ or FOMO. It’s one of the more reliable signs that a market or a stock is getting close to reversing. We’ll see…

To subscribe and continue receiving your weekly review please visit

Note: If you are a subscriber of the Cum Laude service, you receive Weekend Strategy Review as part of your service.

Thank you for your understanding

The Team

P.S. You may also be interested in the new Enhanced Arrows System for ThinkorSwim that the Professor launched in May 2023. Details on this easy to use system can be found at

2 years ago the Professor officially launched his groundbreaking Arrows trading system. It was an immediate hit. WHY? Because every day presented a new opportunity for this complete, easy-to-learn trading system, to generate buy and sell points.

Want to Get in on The Action?Clear and Concise Arrows and Color Bars Signal Entry and Exit Points Can it be any Clearer?...

Want to Get in on The Action?

Clear and Concise Arrows and Color Bars Signal Entry and Exit Points

Can it be any Clearer?

Here's the 15-minute Chart of the ETF TZA, Direxion Daily Small Cap Bear 3X with Green Arrows, and Green Bars with confirming indicators. This is this week's trading.

The Professor's Enhanced Arrows traders were in on these moves on TZA over the last few days.

This morning the May 25, 2023 the Green Arrows, and Green Bars fired again, here's a close look at that signal.

Also this morning May 25th, here's the 30-minute chart of TQQQ, ProShares UltraPro QQQ, Green Arrows, and Green Bars. Another great move.

Launched May 2023 SAVE 35%

The Professor’s New Arrows Advanced Color Driven Trading System

+ BONUS Going to the Candy Store video

Show me the offer

Launched May 2023 SAVE 35%The Professor’s New Arrows Advanced Color Driven Trading System+ BONUS Going to the Candy Stor...

Launched May 2023 SAVE 35%

The Professor’s New Arrows Advanced Color Driven Trading System
+ BONUS Going to the Candy Store video

2 years ago the Professor officially launched his groundbreaking Arrows trading system. It was an immediate hit. WHY? Because every day presented a new opportunity for this complete, easy-to-learn trading system, to generate buy and sell points.

For many weeks his success rate was 90+ percent on his trades. The indicators and techniques he developed applied to Position Trades on the 60-minute bars and End of Day trading on the Daily's and on even lower timeframes.

Using his Arrows the Professor trades ETFs like QQQ, SQQQ, DIA, SDOW, TNA, TZA, and more waiting for green arrows to appear and If the demand indicator and other tools confirm the rating.

**** The Professor does it again ****

By retaining the best parts of his Arrows Trading System and incorporating them into his all-new Arrows Advanced Color Driven Trading System. With this latest development, the emphasis was given to decision-making based on color coding with less screen clutter.

In the video the Professor outlines in detail how the new Advanced Color Driven system works with clear and concise examples.

**** Just 3 basic elements to follow ****

In simple terms, Bias display, Arrows (Red/Green), and Signal (Green/Yellow/Red). If you have problems reading charts, and signals, doing comparisons, and figuring out market direction, this is the system for you. The video shows you everything you need to start trading almost right out of the box.

**** Includes Instructional Video to Setup ThinkorSwim ****

The system was developed on the TD Ameritrade ThinkorSwim platform, one of the best Trading platforms around. In the second video you'll get step-by-step instructions on how to add the indicators and color bars to Charts.

Here's the new Professor's Enhanced Arrows and colored bars through 5-22-23 on SDOW

**** Includes BONUS Going to the Candy Store video ****

DISCOUNT ENDS at the Professors Discretion

Arrows Trading Strategy +ThinkorSwim video +Going to the Candy Store video


Professor's TQQQ Arrows today 11-30-224 minute bars speak for themselves. Scalp Traders ONLYProfessor's TNA Arrows 10-21...

Professor's TQQQ Arrows today 11-30-22

4 minute bars speak for themselves. Scalp Traders ONLY

Professor's TNA Arrows 10-21 to11-30-22

4 hour bars speak for themselves. Short Term Traders ONLY

Would You Like to Know More?

******* HOLIDAY SALE SAVE 35% *******

The Professor's Arrows Trading System
+ bonus 3 video Scalp Trading full course

2022 my success rate has been better than 90% on my Arrow Trades

I MUST tell you that I've been hammering the market with all the volatility that's been going on with my short-term arrows trades on ETFs. Not a little bit...a lot!

The current environment with its EXTREME volatility, is something that is ideal for traders. With this system, I'm making anywhere between 1 to 10 trades per day. I get in, get out, and never hold anything overnight.

Every day presents a new opportunity for this complete, easy to learn trading system. This past week, I have had a success rate of better than 90+ percent of my trades. The indicators and techniques you will learn can also be applied to Position Trades on the 60 minute bars and End of Day trading on the Daily's. You're gonna love this new system.

I have found that the new arrow system works great when used on major market ETFs like QQQ, SQQQ, DIA, SDOW, TNA, TZA and more. Every day, I simply wait for green arrows to appear and If the demand indicator confirms the rating.

This Winter Sale won't last long. PLUS there's extra bonuses revealed if you get in on this offer before it expires. HOLIDAY SALE SAVE 35%The Professor's Arrows Trading System + bonus 3 video Scalp Trading full course ...
11/28/2022 HOLIDAY SALE
SAVE 35%
The Professor's Arrows Trading System
+ bonus 3 video Scalp Trading full course

2022 my success rate has been better than 90% on my Arrow Trades

I MUST tell you that I've been hammering the market with all the volatility that's been going on with my short-term arrows trades on ETFs. Not a little bit...a lot! The current environment with its EXTREME volatility, is something that is ideal for traders. With this system, I'm making anywhere between 1 to 10 trades per day. I get in, get out, and never hold anything overnight.

Every day presents a new opportunity for this complete, easy to learn trading system. This past week, I have had a success rate of better than 90+ percent of my trades. The indicators and techniques you will learn can also be applied to Position Trades on the 60 minute bars and End of Day trading on the Daily's. You're gonna love this new system.

I have found that the new arrow system works great when used on major market ETFs like QQQ, SQQQ, DIA, SDOW, TNA, TZA and more. Every day, I simply wait for green arrows to appear and If the demand indicator confirms the rating.

++++  You can't make this up - Again The professor knew the markets were going lower Without serious in-depth analysis i...

++++ You can't make this up - Again The professor knew the markets were going lower

Without serious in-depth analysis it's impossible to know where the markets are likely headed.

If you dn't know where the markets are headed how can you possibly trade stocks? The market makes up a huge chunk of where anystock is going. When markeys rally or crash most of the stocks are the reason why.

At one minute Stock the Professor uses his armory of analytical tools to evaluate the market every day and subscribers get this insight 4 times a week.

+++++ Its uncanny how accurate his insight is.

If you want to be ready for what the markets are planning on doing read on...

++++ From the Professors Comments September 11, 2022

"In my last update, I discussed how the Dow would likely rally above the 32,000 level to complete sub-wave ‘c’ of retracement wave 2 up. My targets were between 32,164 to 32,289 levels. Yesterday, the Dow reached a high of 32,227 before pulling back to close at 32,150, a gain of 377 points...... Large rallies on lower volume coming at the tail end of a retracement move are a sign of an exhausted market."

"Yesterday’s rally appeared to complete a classic 3-3- 5 retracement flat in all the major indexes. If I’m correct about this, the indexes should start sub-wave 3 of Wave 3 down early next week."

Prices began falling hard on September 13, 2022 as you can see in the price chart.

Want in on this going forward? 2 week deal here

The Professor wrote this to his subscribers on Septemebr 10, 2022Yesterday’s rally appeared to complete a classic 3-3- 5...

The Professor wrote this to his subscribers on Septemebr 10, 2022

Yesterday’s rally appeared to complete a classic 3-3- 5 retracement flat in all the major indexes. If I’m correct about this, the indexes should start sub-wave 3 of Wave 3 down early next week..........

I started buying shares of SDOW and TZA. I also bought a few November 270 DIA Put Options with a strike price of 270. If the market starts to move lower next week, as I expect, I will add to these positions on any short-term rallies. I will also be looking to buy shares of SQQQ, SPXU and a few shares of SARK.

I still believe that Wave 3 down will end somewhere between the 26,500 and 28,000 level, so I’m not too concerned about getting ‘perfect’ entry points. All I’m doing now is looking for ‘reasonable’ places to get short. If I’m right about the upcoming Wave 3 down, perfect entries won’t matter much. I believe its time to start getting short.

Was he right? YES

We all know what happened to the market last week.
Do you want this insight delivered to your e-mail 4 times a week? We've got you covered, try us for 2 weeks and you'll see the edge you'll get on the markets.

BEST of all it's only $19.95.

Weekend Strategy Review August 28, 2022Stocks plunged Friday after hearing bearish news on interest rates from the Fed a...

Weekend Strategy Review August 28, 2022

Stocks plunged Friday after hearing bearish news on interest rates from the Fed at their annual meeting in Jackson Hole. (Why do these clowns need to meet at Jackson Hole, some of the most expensive real estate on earth. You think they could meet in the basement of a DC office building to save us taxpayers some money.) Anyhow, the delusional money managers on Wall Street, who were hoping the Fed would keep rates low, and like children who didn’t get their way, started dumping stocks like they were hazardous waste. By day’s end, the Dow was down 1,008 points, closing at 32,253. The NASDAQ and S&P were down 498 and 141 points, respectively. The decline was impulsive. Wave 3 of Wave 3 down was on.

In Thursday’s Comments, I discussed how the Dow had completed retracement Wave 2 up on 16 August and the first waves of Wave 3 down were starting. I said it looked like the Dow needed one smaller retracement to the 33,200 level +/- before wave 3 of Wave 3 down would start. So, on Friday morning, before the Fed Meeting began, the Dow reached an intraday high of 33,364 before starting to decline. I was off by a few points. But once the decline started, it quickly blew through the 32,700-32,750 level I mentioned as my first target and then closed at my next target at 32,250. (I hit this one right on the nose as the Dow closed 3 points from my target).

Anyhow, it was interesting for me to see how things developed. Hey, inflation is currently running at over 12 percent. The Fed is telling us that inflation is at 8.5 percent adjusted and 6 percent core. They’re wrong! They know its closer to 11-12 percent, but won’t admit it. If they want to get inflation back down to their 2 percent target, they only have two options. Either raise rates to at least 4-5 percent, which will kill the economy, tank the stock market and cause a hard landing recession, or they can raise rates gradually, as Wall Street had hoped, keeping the stock market on its easy money, artificial high. The later would have cause runaway inflation during the fall elections, which would be political su***de. The Fed knows that it’s the people on Main Street, not Wall Street who vote. So, they chose to raise rates another 0.75 percent. In his remarks, Powell said, “It would take ‘some time’ and require bringing ‘some pain to households and businesses’, which he called ‘the unfortunate costs of reducing inflation’. Now you know why I hate this guy! He was one of the people who caused the problem in the first place with his easy money policies. Now he’s apologizing to us for his mistakes. BTW, my take on Powell’s ‘some time’ comment is about 2-3 years as a minimum. And the ‘pain’ he mentioned is a Dow near the 27,500 to 28,000 level, with 24,000 to 25,000 a possibility. I don’t see the Fed reversing course on interest rates or ‘pivoting’ as Wall Street likes to call it, anytime soon. We have at least three more major waves to this Bear Market before it completes and Wave 3 down is just starting. The targets I mentioned above are just for Wave 3 down.

The Market Timing Indicators on the Dow remain neutral (just barely). The Timing Indicators for the S&P, NASDAQ, and Russell are negative.

The Scalp Trading Indicators on the same indexes are negative.

The Dean’s List and The Tide are negative.

The Sector Ratio weakened to 19-5 positive after Friday’s session. The top five strong sectors were Autos (5), Utilities (4), Energy (3), Leisure (2), and Cap Goods (2). The five weak sectors were Consumer Products (-1), Computers (-1) PharmaBio (-1) Semiconductors (0) and Media (0).

I restored my full position on the Doctor’s Trade of TZA yesterday just after the open, when a Green Arrow appear on the 5 min bars. A few minutes later, there were Green Arrows on all the intraday charts. Every chart from the 2-hour time period and below was showing that TZA was entering the Trend Mode. It was time to load up.

OK, so where do we go from here now that the Dow is at 32,250? Hmmm? Looking at a chart of the Dow, my next downside target is near the 31,050 level+/-. The Dow might make a small bounce sometime next week, but any bounce now should be temporary and short lived. Remember, were in the heart of a major Wave 3 decline now, so I’m not expecting much from any bounce. There is an alternative that because yesterday’s plunge was a bit more than a 0.38 percent of the wave1 rally off the 17 June low, the Dow could have completed its sub-wave 1 down. If this is the case, the Dow could rally back to the earlier wave 4 high, which was Friday’s high of 33,363. I give this extremely low odds, but it is possible. A strong decline on Monday will end this possibility.

BTW, my next target for the S&P, which as the same pattern as the Dow, is now near the 3,900 level. The S&P closed at 4,058 on Friday. My next target for the RUT is near 1,780-1,790. This is the level where the RUT traded for five days in late July. It is also close to the 200-day moving average, so it should supply strong support. The equivalent level on IWM the tracking ETF I use to make my decisions on TZA or TNA, is near the 179-180 level. IWM closed at 188.98 on Friday, so we should still have about 10-points of downside remaining in IWM before we must make a decision on TZA.

Bottom Line: It appears that Wave 3 down, the wave we have been waiting for, is now underway. All I’m doing now is holding my short positions in inverse index ETFs. I’ll be using a 3-day, 12 min chart to add to these positions on any short-term rally.

That’s what I’m doing



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Reno, NV


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