
LifeLift*OxygenLift Harness the Powerful Benefits of Oxygen with LifeLift. Oxygen burns fat, tones muscles, reduces stress
Be healty each breath you take with LifeLift

Remember to do your LifeLift breathing today. Take deep, long, expanded breaths and enjoy all the benefits from all that...

Remember to do your LifeLift breathing today. Take deep, long, expanded breaths and enjoy all the benefits from all that oxygen. Do everything you can to maintain that great feeling of being healthy and strong for the rest of your life.
Make sure with each exhale to empty completely.
A few minutes ago I decided to get an extra workout in, so I worked out with the stretch bands while I did 20 minutes of LifeLift breathing. I feel absolutely amazing. My stress feels like it just slipped out and left.
Harness the Powerful Benefits of Oxygen.
Oxygen burns fat, tones your muscles, reduces stress. Go for it!
Be healthier with each breath you take

Love you all,

Remember to breathe!Love you all,Rashelle

Remember to breathe!
Love you all,

"You are so good looking!"Who would not want to hear those words? So say them to yourself!Look in the mirror, give yours...

"You are so good looking!"
Who would not want to hear those words? So say them to yourself!
Look in the mirror, give yourself a great big smile and say, "You are so good looking!"
If you are to be attractive to the rest of the world, first find and see the beauty in yourself.
The most powerful beauty tip I can give you is free! It will cost you nothing to use, it will reward you immensely, and you have had it available to you all your life.
It is simply a smile. Smiles are infectious and irresistible. The more you smile, the more irresistible you become.
Years ago, I wrote a children’s story called "Little Magic Smile." This is my favorite line from the story: "The more you smile the better you feel, and the better you feel the more you smile. It is a magic circle of love, and one person can start that circle and change the whole world."
Do us all a favor. Smile!
And remember to breathe!
Love you all,

Hello Mamma and Daddy. I saw a beautiful post on my neighborhood email list where someone was asking a loved one who had...

Hello Mamma and Daddy. I saw a beautiful post on my neighborhood email list where someone was asking a loved one who had passed on for help with this situation they are going through. It made me think that since I talk to you both daily, maybe I could ask you the same favor that this sweet person was asking of their loved one. It has been a while since you left us. I miss you both so much, but since I was given the gift of total faith as a child, I know in my heart that you are still there and that you are in a magnificent place, still able to show me how much I am loved every day.
Today is Easter Sunday and since God gave us the ultimate sacrifice on Good Friday, He would be OK with this request.
I thought losing both of you was about as bad as it could get, but nothing could have prepared me for 2020 and all this time since. So, since I am certain you are both there looking down at this chaos, can I ask a favor? Could you please hold the hand of someone who is in the hospital without their family and let them know that you are there with them and that it is going to be all right. It breaks my heart to think of those who are suffering knowing that these are their final moments, and their families cannot be with them to hold their hand and kiss them goodbye. Please hold their hands so they know that they are and always will be loved, just the way our family loved you. Help them to know that they are never alone. Help them to know that someone deeply cares. Help them to know that as bad as this seems for all of us here, living through this, that there is an end coming and the sun will be shining again someday. Help them to know that as they leave this world, something even more wonderful is waiting for them.
If anyone can coordinate a group of angels to do this, I feel certain it would be the two of you. And please send a few angels to comfort those who are left behind. I can’t imagine the pain they are going through knowing that someone they love is dying with no one there. I can’t even begin to imagine the grief they must be feeling.
And my last request today, please surround this world of ours with hope, with faith and with love so our planet can heal. As a child being raised by the two of you all I ever saw was hope and faith and love, so I feel certain that if anyone can pull this off, it would be the two of you.
Before I go, I would really like to thank you both. It is because of the way you raised me that I am sitting here on this Easter morning with a heart filled with faith instead of fear. I know without question that if I were to take my last breath today that I would not be alone and I would know that everything is going to be all right, no matter how hard it seems today. I know in my heart that because of the greatest sacrifice that was given for all of us, we will all be OK.
To anyone reading this, I hope you find comfort today in knowing that this sad and tragic thing that is happening to our world today will pass. Tomorrow is a new day. Our world has suffered wars, pandemics, and great tragedies in the past and we have always come out of it. God never runs out of miracles and that next miracle could be for you if you just have faith. And please remember to breathe.
I am praying for your day to be filled with abundant blessings.
Rejoice! He is Risen!
Happy Easter my loves!
Love you all,

A while back I saw a response to something I posted where Someone seemed surprised that a woman in her 90"s, she had see...

A while back I saw a response to something I posted where Someone seemed surprised that a woman in her 90"s, she had seen on television had said she had lost weight by doing breathing exercises. The simple truth is Oxygen is the key to life. It is also the key to great health and weight loss!
Webster Dictionary –The word aerobic: increasing the efficiency of oxygen intake by the body.
If you always take good, deep breaths as you go about your daily life, your life will be so much improved. Remember, all living things need oxygen. Animals, plants, and certainly you and I need oxygen. You and I need oxygen every moment of every day whether we are sleeping or awake. You can improve the quality of your life dramatically if you improve the way you breathe. Feed every cell in your body the nourishment it needs most, oxygen. Now come on, no matter what else you are doing right now, take a good deep breath.
After you have learned to do the Life Lift breathing technique correctly from the original DVD you may want to progress to the workout DVD’s designed with a complete body workout. It is a really good idea to alternate your workout DVD’s daily to keep a fresh attitude and to keep the body responding better to the new abundance of oxygen. Alternating your workout seems to help the body resist going into a plateau.
Want better abs? Exhale!
Exhaling with pursed lips, just like you're blowing out a candle is the fastest way to engage the transverse abdominis, the deepest abdominal muscle." says PT trainer David Reavy in an article in Prevention magazine.
Sound familiar? Those of you who do the LifeLift breathing know how important this step is while doing your LifeLift workout. This is just one more confirmation of how important it is for you to breathe, exhale for the best workout possible.
The first step in doing your LifeLift breaths is blowing out as if you are blowing through a straw, exact same motion as blowing candles. He goes on to say don't be afraid to make some noise. The more you exhale with force (not like coughing up a lung, but gentle force) the better the contraction.
If you feel for any reason that the exhale breath out is too intense, modify it. I often teach people to think of the pah as a breath going deep into the bottom of the belly. Remember to keep it as a total air sound. Think of a suction, a vacuum pulling your breath down from your mouth to the deepest part of your belly.
The different positions that I show in the DVD are designed to help you sculpt your body. The basic Life Lift breath always works the abdomen. The other positions will help you target your problem areas. Play with the different positions until you feel comfortable with each of them, then pick your favorites. After you get familiar with the different positions it is good to pick 3 or 4 to do daily. Do each position for 3 to 10 complete LifeLift breaths. This way you will focus the oxygen to specific muscles, and you will not get tired of doing the same ones each time. Soon you will be able to graduate to the 15/20 minute workout DVD’s where you will be able to work out with me without having to think about doing the Life Lift breath correctly.
For now, the main thing is to master the Life Lift breath.
At the beginning of the Instructional DVD you will be told it is best to do Life Lift on an empty stomach. Good news! That has changed. A good time is before eating, however new studies show that it is OK and may even be beneficial to do your Life Lift breathing shortly after eating, usually 15 minutes if you have eaten a full meal. Time of day is not important. Do anytime that is convenient for you.
Because you are tightening the abdomen area it is easier to do and more comfortable if your stomach is not too full. In other words, if you have just eaten a three-course meal...wait at least an hour or two, but for the average breakfast, lunch, or snack, you should be fine to just start breathing.
Another reason to do Life Lift without a full stomach is to maximize the effect of Naturally Occurring HGH.
Life Lift is totally natural and safe as well as yours free for the rest of your life once you have learned the breathing technique. You are not introducing anything into your body except oxygen.
To lose weight and inches I suggest that you do at least 40 Life Lift breaths daily until you reach your goal. This is the equivalent of about 20 minutes daily. When you begin following the new workout videos you will be doing your breaths at a slower, more precise tempo, so you will need to do less repetitions. You can get a great workout in 15 minutes. Try to incorporate it into your daily life, doing a few here and there when you are doing other things like sitting at your computer, tighten your hind end and breathe, rather than just sitting there. It is also great to do when you are in your tub or shower, get into the standing pelvic tilt if you are in the shower, if you are in the bathtub, just flex your f***y and breathe. When you are brushing your hair, putting on makeup, driving your car, just standing. Just do a few breaths and watch the stress disappear, and see your inches and pounds leave you too. I have noticed a remarkable increase in amazing testimonials telling me of wonderful results in not only inch and weight loss, but healing from those suffering from illness and disease.
When you reach your goal, or if you are doing it only to build your immune system, get healthier, sleep better, keep your muscles toned, reduce stress, etc. or just for maintenance-then 5 or 10 minutes 3 or 4 days a week is usually sufficient. Doing Life Lift is so simple that you can do it anywhere that it is convenient. Let it become a natural part of your life. I find that if I am feeling stressed, tired, or just thinking about wanting to look better that I will do it several times a day, usually just 5 or 10 breaths, (about 2 to 5 minutes). It makes me feel so much better. I have incorporated it into my life. You can make it a natural part of your life too. Breathing right is the most important and valuable gift you can give yourself. And it is so easy. It is a natural high. When you learn to do it right you will get that famous endorphin high that runner's talk about, without any stress to your skeletal structure, instead you will be nurturing your body to be stronger and healthier.
Because of my years of training in the health and fitness field, I believe strongly that slow, precise movements are much more effective than quick, intense movements. I also know that if you become too intense you may burn yourself out easily. One of the things that is so appealing about the Life Lift program is that it is so easy, manageable and nurturing. I feel certain that the reason I have so many people who have maintained their results for so many years using Life Lift is because it is so easy to do and it feels so good. If you will create a program for yourself using Life Lift as a way to relax and nurture yourself, it will be easy to do Life Lift for your Lifetime.
Life Lift sets off a series of events that results in your body absorbing more oxygen that it normally does. This extra oxygen is what brings so much benefit to your whole being. In addition to the HGH released by Life Lift, which is discussed above.
With each breath throughout the day, we take in oxygen and create carbon dioxide, which we exhale. The carbon dioxide builds up in your body to a certain level and sets off the next inhalation.
Paradoxical as it may seem, carbon dioxide is the key to affecting the level of oxygen in your blood. The Life Lift breathing process, during the time you are holding your breath out, allows the level of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream to build up beyond the point at which you normally would inhale. This puts your body on high alert for oxygen. Your body has many ways to adjust itself to changing priorities, which you can observe throughout the day. A shortage of any vital nutrient, including oxygen, triggers a host of responses. In this situation your body becomes extremely receptive to any incoming oxygen. When you finally inhale, that oxygen is sucked up through your lungs and rushed to the bloodstream., and most of all to where muscles have been flexed or stretched. It rushes to that point to heal, thus toning and firming the muscle.
This cycle of high levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen alternating may be what tells your body you are functioning as a highly physical being, triggering it to release more HGH (human growth hormone) so you can be as physically young as your performance needs indicate you need to be. In contrast, if you sit around all day, your HGH levels will fall off. Your body will give you what you tell it, by your actions, you need. If you need nothing-indicated by no activity and lots of food- it will power down into cruise control at a low level. If you rev up the circulatory systems, your body will say, "Hey, we got a live one here," and put in the high-performance ingredients you need to have a high-performance body and mind. Life Lift is the best way we know to rev up your body and get it to come fully alive.
With Life Lift you are directly adding oxygen, which invigorates your brain (amazingly, your brain uses 20% of the oxygen you breathe.) That same oxygen alters your acid/alkaline balance to where it is supposed to be, thus supporting your immune system, and breaking down accumulated toxic waste and the chemicals released by stress so they can be made harmless and eliminated. Life Lift will generally boost your energy and relax you, depending on what you need.
OK, my loves, remember to breathe today. This is your day. Make the most of it!
Love you all!

Einstein said there are only two ways to live your life. One is like nothing is a miracle. The other is like everything ...

Einstein said there are only two ways to live your life. One is like nothing is a miracle. The other is like everything is a miracle.
Remember to do your LifeLift breathing today. Every breath you take is a gift. The deeper you breathe, the better you will look and the better you will feel.
It is such a wonderfully simple thing to do. The gift you are giving is to yourself and to those around you. The better you feel, the happier you will be and the happier you are the more others will want to be around you.
One of my children's stories is called 'Little Magic Smile." In it a tiny angel is told "The more you smile, the better you will feel, the better you feel, the more you will smile. It is a magic circle of love and one tiny soul can start that circle and change the whole wide world"
It is the same with your breathing. The more you breathe, the better you will feel. One wonderful deep, healing LifeLift breath can change your whole day.
Love you all,

Sheila sent this yesterday, and it made my day. I am hoping it will inspire you to breathe today.Hello,I got my order. I...

Sheila sent this yesterday, and it made my day. I am hoping it will inspire you to breathe today.

I got my order. I am opening the DVDs and watching, listening to every word.
I love that you still sell things that I was able to buy directly from you.
I just had my bloodwork checked and have been vegan for 6 months so this program is the icing on the cake. Plus, yesterday I just donated about $2000 of exercise programs and equipment that will never work.
I feel slimmer and healthier just watching you! LOL.
So relaxing and easy to follow.
Thank you for what you do. I hope to see great benefits from your program.

Love you all,

Take a deep LifeLift breath and just relax. This day belongs to you.Remember to breathe!Love you all,Rashellewww.oxygenl...

Take a deep LifeLift breath and just relax. This day belongs to you.
Remember to breathe!
Love you all,

Happy St Patty’s Day! Wishing you a wonderful - Lucky Day filled with Abundant Blessings!💚🍀💚🍀💚🍀💚🍀Remember to breathe!Lov...

Happy St Patty’s Day! Wishing you a wonderful - Lucky Day filled with Abundant Blessings!💚🍀💚🍀💚🍀💚🍀
Remember to breathe!
Love you all,

Definitely worth a re-post.Remember to breathe!Love you all,RashelleMelinda Keen Lewis‎ to Rashelle HainesI just wanted ...

Definitely worth a re-post.
Remember to breathe!
Love you all,
Melinda Keen Lewis‎ to Rashelle Haines
I just wanted to share that I started using Lifelift a long time ago. I had all the DVDs. I let someone borrow them and they were never returned. I've been working out without the DVDs, but honestly, it's so much better to have them. So, tonight, I treated myself and reordered the whole set. I feel Lifelift is the best overall whole-body workout you can find. I'm dedicated to getting back to working out every day with a different video. Thank you, Rashelle for creating this wonderful program.
Thank you so much Melinda. I love this post.
Remember to breathe!
Love you all,


Reno, NV


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