My next track is released this Friday!
It’s called “Starting New”
It has been inspired through some turmoil with a particular label.
In any event, I’m starting new. With a lot more than just music too! Get ready, big changes are coming!
As you all have figured out by now, I really love making Lofi music!! It’s so much fun for me.
But Lofi is not the only genre I dabble in. Here is this mornings vibe, hope you enjoy.
Hopefully going to turn this into an actual track with a special artist. So stay tuned! I’ll keep you posted ☀️😎🔥🔥
Next release is scheduled for July 7th! I really hope you enjoy the nostalgic vibe to this track. Those strings just do something to me I swear!
Follow my Spotify to stay in the loop!
I’ve been doing stuff I swear!
Here’s a little taste of what I thought was good enough haha 😂
Comment please and tell me what you think!
You know how those instagram things work 😉
Much love and appreciation to you all! Go follow my Spotify to catch this next release!
Here a sneak peak at my next release! Save the date for this one!!
The count down begins! Make sure to save the date!
Hey there! Yea you! I know it’s been a while and I haven’t been around too much.. it’s been rough on me too..
But, during the time I was away I was working on a lot on new music!
Here is the first sneak peak of my next single to come out! Set the date in your calendar, and every Friday for the rest of the year! Yay!
New releases every Friday!!
We all face our own storms.
We all face our own challenges.
I want you to know, you can do this.
Just keep pushing forward.
If you are in the mood for some music to unwind to, make sure to head over to my Spotify! It will be a wonderful musical journey driven by some of the sweetest lo-fi beats if I do say so myself. If you do find yourself enjoying my music or content, it really helps to share this out with other people. Its one click for you but means the world to me! thank you to all who have supported and given your kind words.
I have a few new songs lined up for this coming month so make sure you are following so you don't miss out!
I once had a boss who told me a secret. It was a small little trick he used to pull into his life what he wanted.
It took me a while to realize how powerful his technique was.
To this day I don't know why he decided to share with me this small dose of "secret sauce".
He told me that whenever he felt like he needed more of anything. ANYTHING. He would simply start putting/sending out more of what he needed to the universe.
Now I know it might seems confusing or a little counter productive. But he swore by it.
So when you feel like you need more love, send out more love.
when you feel like you need more peace, send out more peace.
See the trick here is, you get what you focus on. Good or bad. 🧐
Absolutely, hands down, no questions asked the BEST cookies I have ever put into my drool puddle of a mouth! This must be witchcraft 🤤 I am truly blessed to be surrounded by so many people who love me!