কাশীতে আমার তীর্থ যাত্রা Varanasi INDIA || Subarna Dey❤️
কাশীতে আমার তীর্থ যাত্রা Varanasi INDIA || Subarna Dey❤️
Happy Diwali 🙏❤️
Ma kali simultaneously represents
Truth and Time, both unrelenting, naked, and terrifying (Chandika). The severed heads around her neck symbolize false identification and ego: we are not who we think we are. Her sword of knowledge relinquishes us of our false identities and opens us to our divinity. In the process, she laps up our never-ending desires (represented by blood) so that we may be free, content, and truly peaceful. As time, She wipes away our karma (skirt of hands).
Because She is also the loving, benevolent Mother (Ambika), She collects our falsehoods, without judgement. She asks us not to be ashamed of who we are, to be honest, no matter how uncomfortable our truths are. She beckons us to our true selves and Her love is our protective shield. As we reflect on Maa Kali, let’s reflect on how we limit ourselves from being who we truly are. How do we judge ourselves? What could we become if we let go of the shame? Joy Ma kali🙏
Birthday টা এবার খুবই ভালো গেলো ❤️Subarna Dey
Birthday টা এবার খুবই ভালো গেলো ❤️Subarna Dey
আরিশের সাথে Halloween এ খুব মজা করলাম ❤️ Subarna Dey
আরিশের সাথে Halloween এ খুব মজা করলাম ❤️ Subarna Dey