Have any questions about mortgages? Contact Tyler Brown from PRMG (Paramount Residential Mortgage Group Inc.). He knows the Ins & Outs and would be more than happy to help you. DM us for full video. #radio #whateverworks #podcast #mortgageadvice #educate #happysunday #redlands #lomalinda
What an episode! The love we get and the love we give is what it’s all about. Thank you to all the callers, and all the listeners for listening to “Whatever Works” on KCAA radio 106.5fm & 1050am. #radio #whateverworks #happysunday #music #podcasts
Man with many talents. We had an awesome time interviewing Jay Kasai and hearing about his goals and ambitions. If you guys are not already following him, take a look at his page and be inspired! #music #radio #whateverworks #happysunday #losingtime
Amazing stories from amazing people. Jay Guevara is one of them. He is living the “Hero’s Journey” and it inspires me to keep doing what I’m doing. #kcaa #radio #whateverworks #reachinggoals #happysunday #amazingguest #anotherone #staytuned #beasponsor #greatcontent
If you guys want to hear more of artist singer song writer Rico Racc’s music or want to be on the show, contact us through DM or message us on our website at KCAAWhateverWorks.com #kcaa #SundayNights #RadioShow #MusicInterview #WhateverWorks #Redlands
One of the craziest stories I have heard. Great job Kyle for being such a great host and having such an amazing guest on our show. Please leave a comment and don’t forget to like our page and follow us for more content.
I hope you all enjoyed this video. Please leave a comment and don’t forget to like and support our page!
What would you do if you found yourself in the middle of a cult? 🫣 Lola is gonna give their testimony on how they escaped! Tonight at 7PM yall! 102.3FM 106.5FM 1050AM and kcaaradio.com #nbctalkradio #kcaaradio #whateverworks