With global resources in every medium of performing and visual arts, Venus Rose Productions aims to provide services and all necessary resources and tools for every artist personally and individually. We are on call and on staff 24/7, providing a secure and a solid foundation within your worth as an artist by having Venus Rose Productions assisting your every need and concern. Here at Venus Rose
Productions we are strongly resourced and equipped with international contacts to include:
International Male & Female Vocalists & Lyricists
International Male & Female Artists of every medium of visual and performing arts
International Dancers
International Instrument Artists
International Models
International Photographers
International Videographers
International Make-Up Artists
International Beatmakers
International Producers
International Record Labels
International Clothing Designed
International DJ's
International Recording Studios
International Touring Venues
International Venue Booking
International Graphic Designers & Artists
International Travel & Boarding Booking & Info
International Radio Play Opportunities
International Headliner Tour Opportunities
International Management
Individual Management
And a WORLD WIDE marketing network with Venus Rose Productions surely to meet your every artist need and your every fan base listeners saLuTiN you!!