Our Story
Founded on August 4th, 2010, Global Freedom Fire Ministries, mission is...to bring Hope, Love, Peace, Joy & Salvation to a lost, abandoned & cast away generation of young & old around the World, who desperately need freedom. It is to rescue those trapped in Human/Sex Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Gangs, Prostitution, the Occult, etc & equip them with the tools needed to Live Free & Whole lives. It is to see Women young & old empowered & walking in the fullness of their destiny/calling, fulfilling their dreams/passions, & fully equipped to empower others to do the same. It is to raise up a generation of warriors, who will stop at nothing to bring the Good News of the gospel to the farthest ends of the earth. To disciple Nations & see the Kingdom of God established on earth as it is in Heaven, at any cost.
Our Organization Overview: We are a Full Gospel Organization - Made up of several other similar like minded - Biblically sound Organizations - with a primary focus on seeing lives, governments & ultimately nations transformed - Modern day Slavery abolished, Widows, Orphans, & the under educated empowered to live in Abundance! We are a Newly forming Ministry that God has been birthing for several years. Only recently have some of the missing elements needed to make a complete Launch, begun to fall into place. The Vision of this Organization is Huge & one which will be continually modified as we grow & flow with the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are a strategic Visionary & Pioneering Organization, one which so far as we know, is like Nothing anything else out there in many aspects! The vision is so huge there is no possible way to fulfill it with out a Team of Radical World Changing Revivalist partnering with us to fulfill all God has for us & bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth.
Our Goal is: to have Homes, Orphanages, & Training/Equipping Centers in many locations around the World to aid in the healing, equipping, & transformation of all those whom God uses us to Rescue from Human/Sex Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Gangs, Prostitution, the Occult, etc. These Homes, Orphanages, & Centers will focus on Identity, Spiritual needs, Life skills, & other key tools that will empower them to walk in all they are called/created to be.
What we need...We Not only need Prayer Partners, but we also need Financial Partners, &
Both Skilled & unskilled volunteers to assist with the Many projects (both short term & long term). Many of the short term projects are construction related (i.e. Security upgrades & repairs on older buildings & New Church construction, installation of reliable power sources, more stable long term homes, clean drinking water, Schools/orphanages, Medical facilities, Adult education/vocational training centers for the under educated, Bible Schools, etc). We also will have many other Long term & skilled mission projects including but not limited to... (educators, Medical Professionals, artist/craftsmen (men & women), Revivalists, Security Advisers/professionals, etc).