I’m not sure why, but I just realized I have never actually posted this directly to Facebook so here it is. Keep in mind that the Google Doc gets updated periodically.
Statement of the mother of a woman accused of assaulting a police officer in the line of duty.
On the morning of 22 November @0322 CST I received a text message that no mother ever wants to receive. My oldest informed me that my youngest, KyrieAnna 24, was in jail. Raising a happy young girl who had only recently found herself in some very unhealthy company, I was beyond shocked by the intentionally salacious headlines “attempted murder”. This had to be a mistake. She had been involved with a circle of friends who were in a word, degenerates, but that is a far cry from murder.
What I have come to learn is that, this was no mistake. The Sacramento Sheriff’s Department intentionally got ahead of the story to paint my daughter as some kind of out-of-control psychopathic murderer. One might ask, ‘Why would they do som**hing like that?’. The answer should almost be obvious. They put forth this message, haphazardly, carelessly, to take the public’s focus off the real story —- wreckless police activity or police misconduct.
This is not the first time this agency has been in the spotlight for abuse of power, lack of respect for the people under its care, and a total disregard for public safety. Do your own homework and what you find should leave you questioning how this entity has gone this many years, unchecked. We are not under Marshall Law and this is not a police state. Granted that decision making during an engagement with a suspect is challenging but officers are still not above the law and they should be held accountable for their actions. As a people, we have armed these officers literally and figuratively, because we believed their mission was to keep the peace, uphold the rights of the individuals, to think critically and to act reverently with the lives in their hands.
The life that concerns me right now is that of my daughter, KyrieAnna Liles, age 24, resident of Rancho Cordova (not Placentia—intentional lies from a corrupt agency). My daughter had found herself in a dangerous relationship and had made the decision to go to the police with the evidence she had of the abuse she was enduring. Armed with a few photos and her testimony against her then boyfriend, she was sitting in her own car, in her own driveway, with intent to drive to a police station. In her time of fear of the potential retaliation of a man she had trusted, she was in a vulnerable state of mind.
She was approached from behind by strange men who proceeded to try to forcefully remove her from her vehicle. In that moment, sitting in her own vehicle, in her own driveway, she was alone and not posing a threat to anyone. Scarlett, her service dog, who was also inside the vehicle with her has since been showing the signs of the trauma she endured during the absolutely unnecessary conflict.
My question to these so-called peace officers is this: Did you do everything you could to assess the situation before charging in? Did you run her plates and ascertain her legal right to be in her car, in her driveway or did you act solely on some random tip placed by a caller to dispatch? Did you take a few extra seconds to determine the risk (or lack thereof) or even attempt to talk to the woman before you grabbed her violently and proceeded to shoot at her, her car and her home? If she was not open to a discussion, did you think to call for backup? Were you confident in your ability to manage a potential mental health crisis?
Did you even think twice before subjecting an entire neighborhood to this violence? You did not! You approached a situation with little to no thought for safety and I demand you be held accountable for your actions. What could have been a conversation, turned into a shootout and subsequent car chase, caused by three ignorant and foolish little boys with a god complex.
I’m just a mother but even I could have handled the situation better. You boys need a time-out.
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This is the video the agency INTENTIONALLY omitted (starting at around 8:58) wherein officers determined no crime had been committed:
VIDEO CLIPS (on the YouTube playlist or I can send you the direct link. Just ask.):
Did not feel threatened:
No Crime. No Trespass. No 417:
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Press releases to share at will (they are individually posted on this page. Alternatively, I can send you a direct link):
PR1 - Police Misconduct
PR2 - Lawsuit Filed
PR3 - Constitutional Rights Denied
PR4 - Jail Not ADA Compliant
PR5 - Jury Trial to Begin
PR6 - Jury Trial Underway
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Civil Suit Filed:
Please also note/answer the following:
-The tox screening (from the ER) I obtained showed KyrieAnna did not have alcohol in her system at the time of arrest. There were no positive results for drugs either. She was lucid and able to hold a conversation. Perhaps the officers should have learned some basic communication/mediation skills.
-If the officers truly felt “threatened” or in “imminent” danger in any way or thought she was a danger to anyone else (sitting in her car in a vulnerable position, side and back exposed), why did they grab her? For that matter, why not employ any other non-lethal means? They went for their guns immediately. Why?
-Probable cause does not apply to this abduction because the officers had already determined “no crime had been committed”. The car was NOT a deadly weapon and was actually turned off, until she was violently grabbed. She did NOT have a weapon on her person or in her car (evidenced by the follow up investigation) and her hands were visible throughout the exchange.
-To all the concerned citizens inquiring about Scarlett, KyrieAnna’s service dog; she is staying with a foster family. She has been showing signs of post trauma, including snapping at people, having severe bowel issues and anxiety. She is on the mend but make no mistake, she was not “unharmed”.
-The officers, who shoot about as well as storm troopers from a galaxy far, far away, shot out the front window of the house and now I have to pay to fix it. Didn’t your parents teach you to clean up your own messes?
-I have since spoken with neighbors who also had bullets flying onto their property.
-Whose house was she allegedly “trying to break into” and who witnessed that? Police released footage of a woman at a front door. Perhaps someone should explain what breaking into a house entails.
-Did she have a weapon on her when she was forcefully removed from her vehicle, and if so, was she breaking any laws? The fact is, that it was only after she was arrested and the cops went back and ransacked the house that they confiscated a Chef’s knife from her kitchen. That’s just crazy! Who keeps knives in their kitchen?
-Did you know she was held for more than SEVEN days without bail or a hearing and was never given access to a lawyer during that time? She was further denied necessary and court-ordered medical treatment.
-There have been some ugly comments about my daughter’s behavior. In fairness, I would say that I might have handled the situation differently. Let’s not confuse her demeanor with criminal behavior. The only thing I see she was “guilty” of was exercising her Fifth Amendment Right to not say anything to the officers. Did they even tell her she was being investigated? Arrested? Detained? Charged? As far as she knew, they were following up with her regarding her call, which had been resolved. Further, if men dressed in any attire proceeded to assault me, you better believe I would have escaped to safety and a busy road with lots of witnesses.
-Her tenants/roommates want her to come home. I have spoken to each of them and they are all shattered. They lived with her and, although they all hoped she would send “Sage” (the ex-boyfriend) and his drugs packing, none of them deemed her a threat.
-Media previously reported (information received from an agency PIO) that “thankfully no one was home” but that is categorically untrue. One young man, one of my daughter’s tenants, was in his room accompanied by a friend and was sitting within feet of the vehicle where the violence ensued. Another young man, also a tenant, was in his room just a few feet from where the front window was shot out and the bullet was lodged in the wall above his head.
-After endangering the lives of innocent people at the house, officers detained the young men and took them to the station, monopolizing their day, preventing them from going to work. They used coercion and bullying tactics in an attempt to extract information and elicit a confession from them regarding KyrieAnna having a gun. They even had the nerve to say she was the one who shot the front window. Both men denied that she owns a gun and no gun was found during the search of her vehicle and home. If a gun is uncovered during the investigation, I will recant.
-Using the guise of “searching for bullet casings”, officers ruthlessly entered the house like Gestapo, ransacked all the rooms and confiscated electronic devices. What was stated in the search warrant that justified this? Does this prove she broke into a house and threatened lives? Does it justify opening fire in a peaceful neighborhood? This department was clearly not looking for anything but a gun for the explicit purpose of justifying their own megalomaniacal actions.
-My daughter was shot twice in the right arm from a shooter who shot out her rear passenger window. To my understanding, there were no exit wounds and no bullets removed from her arm at the ER. Apparently the bullets just ‘bounced’ off of her. She is apparently bulletproof, thank G*d. I have her medical records from *** where she was admitted for two gunshot wounds. There was never any question as to how she was injured, despite how the information was initially reported; another intentional misdirect from this agency.
-For all the ignoramuses on YouTube and social media:
-If you honestly think you have a clear picture of what really happened from watching an
(obviously) edited video, then I will not engage you
-She OWNS the house in the video and bought it with money she had been saving from
age 15 to age 21
-Scarlett, her service dog, only barks at people she deems a threat (ala the cops)
-Scarlett has been depressed since the incident but is now being kept by a foster family
-Scarlett was well cared for, being fed Royal Canin from her hard working fur mom
-She does not have an Only Fans *eyeroll*
-She was tired of being abused
-She was distraught and has severe PTSD and Anxiety (no other diagnoses at this time)
-This is exactly why a lot of women never come forward about abuse (nutcase, m**h
head, & other highly judgemental ad homonyms)
-You need to get a real life or maybe you need to have your civil rights violated before
you open your puerile mouth again
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