This man claims to be progressive and this does not sit well with me. After reading that first post I went to his page and read that he is an “activist for progressive values” so I thought maybe, just maybe, that first post was in jest but nope. He bold faced posted that second post where he basically says all of us who are angry at him for saying men “just want to impregnate you” and to “take the compliment” are stupid. Then in the next post he goes onto apologize to r*pe victims because he doesn’t view the men who perpetrated those crimes as men. Well, Stephen, just because you don’t see them as men doesn’t mean that aren’t still men. And how are we, as women, supposed to tell the difference between a man and a perpetrator. We do not brand perpetrators or make them wear signs that say “do not approach, I’m a r*pist” and when statistically only 25 out of every 1000 perpetrators will end up in prison and every 68 seconds someone (primarily women or female presenting people) is r***d in this country. So yes, we choose the bear. We fear men more than bears because bears will simply kill us, or maybe not. But men are statically very likely to assault us, to torture us physically and emotionally, to keep us just barely alive and suffering before killing us. And even if they don’t, we are then left with a very daunting and difficult aftermath of that trauma that requires the rest of our lifetime and lots of therapy (which is expensive btw) to heal from and that’s not even factoring in going to the police, which can be equally as traumatizing (I would know, I’ve done it). All of this is why women choose the bear. And maybe instead of being so offended over it, actually listen to women instead of assuming we’re all stupid for fearing for our lives from a very real threat. Educate yourself on why we’re so afraid and then use your activism to help educate other men. Be an actual ally.
So as an actual r*pe survivor, I do NOT forgive you. Not unless you do the work.