Two Gents and A Baby

Two Gents and A Baby Many of you know us from Thrifty Gents Floral & Events, and now we welcome you to follow our adoption journey as we turn Casey and Joey into a family.

This post is long overdue. First, thank you for being on this journey with us. We know we haven’t posted much.  But, tha...

This post is long overdue. First, thank you for being on this journey with us. We know we haven’t posted much. But, that was out of a lot of different necessary factors. When we started this page it was out of an idea that if we put it out there that we were starting the process of growing our family it might lead us down that path. We had success in the foster to adopt process and this page was a way to maybe help others or inspire people to reach out to the children of our community. We have reached a place in the process where we are almost to the end of our adoption journey and get to move forward. There were some things that came up with our case that we will feel most comfortable with deleting our public social media pages as far as the kiddos are concerned. Which is very sad to us, because they deserve to be shared with the world. This isn’t goodbye forever. Just goodbye for now as far as the Two Gents and a Baby pages are concerned. We are so amazingly grateful for our beautiful community. We love you all so much. 💚

We want to send so many amazing blessings to you! Throughout this holiday season we have felt so much gratitude for our ...

We want to send so many amazing blessings to you! Throughout this holiday season we have felt so much gratitude for our community of people. The kiddos had an amazing Christmas season and are excited to ring in the new year at “12” with their sparkling cider. Thank goodness for YouTube clips of the ball dropping in nyc. We are working our way toward termination and adoption. We will hopefully know more in the next few months. Happy New Year! "I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something." —Neil Gaiman To more mistakes and learning!

Today marks one year with the kiddos. There are so many updates on what we’ve got to do and how far they have come in a ...

Today marks one year with the kiddos. There are so many updates on what we’ve got to do and how far they have come in a year. I promise we will make that post soon. For now we wanted to celebrate the joy, hard work, sacrifice, accomplishment, exhaustion, learning, traditions, and everything else that comes along with getting two toddlers simultaneously. We are so grateful for the support we have been given. Sending so much love.

Summer flew by and we are halfway through the fall season. The kiddos are so excited for Halloween. They have talked abo...

Summer flew by and we are halfway through the fall season. The kiddos are so excited for Halloween. They have talked about it since we picked them up last November. We’ve celebrated Daddy Joey and Daddy Casey’s birthdays. We got our very first haircuts ever! We went to Pueblo Pride. We went to our very first wedding(we are still convinced that it was an over the top birthday with a princess and a lot of cookies). We are both in school now. We played flag football and T-Ball. We are attending dance class. So many exciting things are happening. There isn’t much to report on the court/adoption front. All of that seems to be just dragging on and is frustrating. Luckily the kiddos don’t really know it is a thing. We are so grateful for all of your support and love.

This summer has been fast and filled with a lot of adventures. The kiddos are growing so much. Each of them have gone up...

This summer has been fast and filled with a lot of adventures. The kiddos are growing so much. Each of them have gone up three sizes in clothes. We have worn through multiple pairs of shoes. We went to our first fundraising event, attended a full length musical, played in the water multiple days in a row. Went on a “road trip” to Boulder. Attended our first movie in a movie theatre and then our second. We signed up for t-ball. We are getting excited for pre school. Court has proven to be a slow and tedious process. We really don’t have many answers. But, we are blessed to have each day that we do with our kiddos. We are sending so much love.

Happy 4th of July! Sending love! “People in power are trying to convince us that the villain in our American story is ea...

Happy 4th of July! Sending love! “People in power are trying to convince us that the villain in our American story is each other. But that is not our story. That is not who we are. That's not our America. Our United States of America is not about us versus them. It's about we the people!”

Casey and I are both so proud to serve on the Broadway Theatre League - Pueblo board. Consider becoming a season ticket ...

Casey and I are both so proud to serve on the Broadway Theatre League - Pueblo board. Consider becoming a season ticket holder! Tickets are on sale on Monday.


We are so excited to announce the lineup for our 63rd season of Broadway Theatre League Pueblo. We have an incredible set of shows this season that are sure to get your Broadway juices flowing. From the classic CHICAGO to the critically acclaimed COME FROM AWAY all the way to the Broadway gem LITTLE WOMEN, there is certainly something for everyone.

Season ticket renewals and new season ticket holders can begin purchasing their tickets on MONDAY, JUNE 26th. Follow this page and stay tuned for more in depth updates as we move closer to Monday!

We are SO excited to welcome each of you this season and we look forward to seeing your faces at Pueblo Memorial Hall in 2024!


Happy Father’s Day! ⚾️ The 43rd Tony Andenucio Memorial Baseball Tournament felt a little different this year. We are bl...

Happy Father’s Day! ⚾️ The 43rd Tony Andenucio Memorial Baseball Tournament felt a little different this year. We are blessed beyond measure. Even if it’s a day by day situation.

Today marks 6 months with the kiddos. We have gone through a lot in that short time.  Recently we saw the oldest complet...

Today marks 6 months with the kiddos. We have gone through a lot in that short time. Recently we saw the oldest complete the first year of Pre-K. We are very sad that school isn’t all year long because they love it so much. We went to the City Park rides. We completed 7 weeks of soccer and LOVED it. Casey and I are still getting used to the idea of being sports dads. We established daycare and the kids are enjoying time with their peers. Both kiddos are almost (almost…) completely potty trained. Speech therapy is going well and sentences and words are becoming easier. Disney movie classics, Sesame Street, Blippi, and Vamperina are new tv favorites. The Bernstein Bears, Dr. Seuss, and any book with animals are the best for bedtime. We’ve grown two sizes in clothes and picking out new ones and getting dressed in the morning are like mini fashion shows. Eating and trying new foods is a favorite pastime. We opened a coconut recently and tonight they ate clams and pasta. With the weather being so nice they wear themselves out playing outside. There are so many amazing things that these resilient kiddos have accomplished. With the growth comes some hard emotional things that we are able to slowly work through. Having structure and guidelines are hard concepts. Sometimes daddy Joey is not liked. And that’s ok. (Even though in the moment it’s really hard.) Court is not looking promising as there have been some new developments in another state. And while we remain hopeful that these two will stay, we know that that might not be a reality. So everyday we love them while we can and we will wait to see what happens. We can’t say thank you enough for all of your lovely support as we navigate this crazy system. Sending so much love and light. 💚

Today is National Foster Care Day. When we started the process in January 2022 we kept saying, “We are a foster to Adopt...

Today is National Foster Care Day. When we started the process in January 2022 we kept saying, “We are a foster to Adopt home. Not a foster home.” Well the last five months have proven that there isn’t any difference in the two. Providing care to our two toddlers has been the biggest life changing experiences we have ever had. There is a lot of uncertainty with our current situation and we have to keep reminding ourselves that we are doing what we signed on to do. To provide care, space, love, attention, kisses for booboos, short order cookery, chauffeur services, and whatever else comes along the way. There are so many kiddos at all different stages of their lives that need a person like you. Get involved. Even if it is for short term placement. It’s not easy. But, it’s so worth it.

Spring is flying by and we wanted to give you a quick update on things that are happening. Our oldest loves pre-k and ge...

Spring is flying by and we wanted to give you a quick update on things that are happening. Our oldest loves pre-k and gets sad when it’s a day off. They are playing soccer and love it! We have had a game and two practices. It’s so much fun to watch. Writing our name is coming along. We do well with identifying shapes, colors, and counting. We love the warmer weather so that we can be outside playing. Our youngest enjoys getting to go to daycare where they can interact with other kiddos and read books and play. Going to tea parties with the girls and playing dress up have been highlights. We celebrated a birthday and Easter was a new and exciting experience. Both kiddos have shown tremendous growth with their speech, routines, learning, focusing on tasks, and interacting with others. We love reading and our collection of books has grown enough that we were gifted a new bookshelf. Court remains to be tricky. There are still a lot of questions that are unanswered. But, while we have this time we are loving every minute. We love eating, playing, and shopping. Family time is a pure joy. Cuddling with the dogs has become a daily routine. And the dogs have finally settled in. The cat can’t be bothered. We are working on converting the office into a bedroom and life remains super busy and special. We love you all and are so grateful for your continued support on this journey.

We know we’ve been quiet here. There hasn’t been a lot of updates. Court was postponed for the second time. It will happ...

We know we’ve been quiet here. There hasn’t been a lot of updates. Court was postponed for the second time. It will happen towards the end of the month. School is going very well for our oldest. They finally get to go the full day and that has made a huge difference for so many things. We also registered them for soccer. We are getting daycare figured out for the youngest. We think it will be extremely beneficial for social skills. We attended Bluey on Thursday at Memorial Hall. The reactions were priceless and early exposure to the theatre ++++ The kiddos are growing like weeds. They love playing outside when it’s nice enough. They love playing in their play kitchen and helping with flowers. We are learning to use the bathroom, utensils, dressing ourselves, colors, and annunciations. Speech, occupational, and emotional therapies are helping immensely with everyday routines. Learning is becoming valued. We have a birthday coming up in a couple of weeks. The cake has been ordered and the theme set. We might see a few 👑👑 added to the wardrobe. We have been so blessed with the community outreach that has been done. We couldn’t do it without you! Sending so much love! 💚

This bear sits in the kids room. It once belonged to Auntie Joanna. Whom the kids adore. They can’t be bothered with the...

This bear sits in the kids room. It once belonged to Auntie Joanna. Whom the kids adore. They can’t be bothered with the bear. But, it brings me comfort each morning as we start the day. It’s as if he’s telling me we will have a great day. And I can do this. Day 52: we have been to all of the major appointments doctor, dentist, eye doctor, immunizations. The younger of the two will need glasses. They are ordered and they are bubble gum pink. Kiddos choice. We have set up weekly therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy. The oldest wrapped up the second week of preschool. They absolutely adore school. We only can do 2 1/2 hours a day right now. But can’t wait to move to the full day. They love to play house/cooking, trains, dress up, building, cars, and helping daddy Casey with flowers. Most foods are favorites. We don’t just have one. We dislike very little. We love helping with the dogs. They are becoming best friends. The cat is still questioning the kid’s existence. Story time is becoming a bit easier. We might be listening to 4 pages of the book instead of 1. Routines are becoming easier. Listening is not. Casey and I had a stellar review for our thirty day review. It was a few days ago. You can do that math. That was reassuring. The rescheduled court date is happening the second week of February. Send us thoughts of peace no matter what the outcome. We so appreciate that you are on this journey with us!

We started the paperwork process for foster to adopt a year ago. There was a large part of the year that was mundane and...

We started the paperwork process for foster to adopt a year ago. There was a large part of the year that was mundane and playing the patience game. Which I am not a good player. The end of November everything changed. One can prepare themselves for what fostering will look like and the different processes and emotions that go into it. But, once your in the middle of it all of that preparation goes out the window. The past 46 days have been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of our lives. Things aren’t going as planned with court and certain results. It is all still very much in the air. So any positive vibes or prayers that you want to send our way would be greatly appreciated. On a positive note: this week we were able to start preschool for the oldest kiddo. They are loving it! Adjusting sleep schedules has been an adventure. I know there are several books written about parenting. But I want the spark notes addition. Never in 1 million years would I have thought about sleep schedules and how hard that process is. There are so many beautiful memories already that I cannot share in picture form. But we are so grateful for all of you to be on this journey with us. I’ll be there in a

Two Gents And A Baby shared a post on Instagram: "We started the paperwork process for foster to adopt a year ago. There was a large part of the year that was mundane and playing the patience game. Which I am not a good player. The end of November everything changed. One can prepare themselves for w...

Yesterday the kiddos and I colored and wrote thank you’s to family members and friends for the amazing outpouring of gif...

Yesterday the kiddos and I colored and wrote thank you’s to family members and friends for the amazing outpouring of gifts that were received for Christmas. The holiday season was a fun one filled with wonder and excitement. Experiencing it through “our” kids eyes was magical. We toasted on New Year’s Eve with apple cider and chocolate cake and it was the perfect wrap up to the season. We have shifted from being Joey and Casey to daddy. Which is a heart melting experience each time. The kiddos are finally starting to realize or feel comfortable with the idea that our house means all of us live there. While we like to focus on the positive moments: none of this has been easy. Trying to navigate a system that is very broken is hard. Going from no kids to two toddlers has been a total shift in our way of life. We (the kids) unfortunately didn’t have the implementation of structures and boundaries. And repetition of something thirty times without sticking is exhausting. But, we are loving every minute. If anyone is interested in going through the process. Please, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will help in anyway we can. As difficult as it is, the rewards outweigh the difficulties. Thank you for being part of our journey!

We are wrapping up day 19. We all came down with a little cold and are surviving. We are learning a lot about each other...

We are wrapping up day 19. We all came down with a little cold and are surviving. We are learning a lot about each other. New movies have been watched, books read, foods tried. We survived the first projectile vomit episode, sibling fights, some time outs, and conversations about what happens when we aren’t our best selves. We went to the dentist and the doctor. They did so well at both. The kids love bath time. Blocks and dolls are favorite toys so far. No one prepares you for the amount of diapers one goes through. Growing up I used to make fun of my mom for making breakfast burritos out of the pot roast from the night before. Now I’m creating dinner burritos out of the pork loin from the night before because cooking something new almost everyday is exhausting! Bless those who do that and have done it for years! Here, Casey is modeling like a cute 1950’s housewife. We are preparing for Santa’s visit and we are so excited to share this magical week as a family. We are wishing you all a blessed and beautiful week. As always thank you for your continued support throughout this journey. So much love!

We are on day 11 of our amazing adventure. So far we have been to two birthday parties, a holiday party, had our first m...

We are on day 11 of our amazing adventure. So far we have been to two birthday parties, a holiday party, had our first meal at La Tronicas, went to the dentist, worked at the flower shop, delivered flowers, watched movies, played with toys, tried new foods, learned certain colors numbers and letters that we didn’t know before, played at the neighborhood park, and one of us celebrated our 4th birthday with close family and friends. Everyday we are finding a rhythm. Casey and I are learning so much and are so grateful for all of the love and support. 💚

Hello all!We wanted to take an opportunity (after the recent whirlwind of getting settled!) to give an update. Two lovel...

Hello all!

We wanted to take an opportunity (after the recent whirlwind of getting settled!) to give an update. Two lovely, charismatic, and incredibly busy children have found their way into our home. It's going to be a journey for all of us, and it's just beginning. And while we can't share many details at this time, please know your words of encouragement have kept us going. Many more updates and stories to come, so much love to all!


Pueblo, CO


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