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More than a simple baby, the Babe of Bethlehem carries messianic titles, as seen in Isaiah 9:6. Scholars once sought the prophecy's fulfillment in Hezekiah, a righteous king, but details didn't align. Instead, Isaiah's vision finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, hailed as the Wonderful Counselor – embodying awe-inspiring wisdom and the ability to guide and console in all things. Learn more from the article "Titles of the Messiah from Isaiah 9:6" by Eric D. Hunstman, found at the link in our bio!
Presendia Lathrop Huntington Buell was delighted to become a member of the new Relief Society even though she lived too far away from Nauvoo to participate regularly in the meetings. Listen to Kate and Sam discuss the fourth meeting of the Relief Society in Nauvoo in the latest episode of Committed Conversations.
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In this personal essay, historian Claudia L. Bushman shares the story of her and Richard Bushman's courtship. She is a social and cultural historian of the nineteenth-century United States and has delved deeply into women's history.
Listen to the full recording of "Courtship" on popular streaming services, including Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
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Who was the first woman to vote in Utah? What happened to women's suffrage after Utah women voted for the first time 151 years ago?
Listen to our latest audio article, "First to Vote: Utah's Unique Place in the Suffrage Movement," on the BYU Studies Podcast to learn more about the journey toward equal voting rights in the United States.
BYU Studies on Apple Podcasts:
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Podcast ep. 29: Working for a More Divine Model
Today we're happy to share a new episode of the BYU Studies podcast! The full episode is available on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.
This episode comes from a special issue of our quarterly journal, Celebrating Women's Suffrage. (Volume 59, number 3)
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New Testament Commentary: Epistle to the Hebrews is OUT NOW! Head on over to our website to buy your copy today!
Podcast ep. 28: Burning the Couch: Some Stories of Grace
Robbie Taggart tells of the couch he and some youthful friends found one day and decided to burn. When the fire got out of control, a fire truck showed up fortuitously, and a firefighter with a large extinguisher put out the flames. “So. What’s going on here?” he then asked. “I, uh,” the young Taggart stammered, “we were just being idiots.” The firefighter smiled broadly and said, “Well, sometimes being an idiot catches up to you.” He then walked away. This is his first example of grace, a concept he brings to life. Check out the full story on our streaming services or using this link:
The History of the Name of the Savior's Church
Our newest podcast episode, "The History of the Name of the Savior's Church: A Collaborative and Revelatory Process," is available on all our streaming services! Here is a sneak peek into the full episode!
Check out our newest podcast episode “Moramona: the Mormons in Hawai’i, second edition” on any of our streaming services or our YouTube channel! It discusses early Mormon figures in the Hawaiian islands 🌴 🌺
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“The Expanded Canon: Perspectives on Mormonism and Sacred Texts” is our newest podcast episode and is live on our streaming services! 🎙
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