The Dialect Lab of Princeton offers one-on-one sessions to help you become more confident and clear in your communication. Because everyone has unique needs, we work with you to create an individualized plan. Our goal is always the same:
Clear and Confident Communication
Call us at 609.436.9143 or [email protected]
Study with Michael Dean Morgan, a Princeton speech professor and Broadway ac
tor, who lives in Princeton and founded the Dialect Lab. More info at
Some clients come to us to improve Dialect Fluency, others have an important presentation approaching or they want to be more comfortable in a group. What we offer:
Dialect Fluency: helps those who want more confidence speaking the English language. This is sometimes referred to as Dialect Elimination, but we find this term ineffective. Dialect Fluency respects your unique voice and develops personal eloquence to optimize and value who you are and where you come from. Vocal Power: helps you access the strong voice you have been hiding all these years. We all have vocal power we just need to know where to find it. Communication Tool Box: expands one-on-one confidence and poise. How do others see you? What signals are you sending without knowing it? Media Training: Become media savvy! Learn the tools necessary to optimize media exposure. Whether it is on-camera, radio, or written media. Know how to give an interview that tells your story and sells your product. Tools for Actors:
Dialect coaching ~ Monologue coaching
Audition coaching ~ Graduate School Auditions