Have you ever grown carrots?
Homemade banana chips. Sooo delish
Suprise! Look what we got! Merry Christmas from all of us at Sweet Apple Acres! Just kidding Happy Easter Everyone! 🐰🙏🐣
Ever wonder how connected you are to the soil? I am having so much fun with my garden watching things grow and playing in the dirt and it turns out my supplements that I have been using for 15 years fall right in line.
You and the soil both have a microbiome—a diverse community of microorganisms that work together to keep you healthy. A healthy soil microbiome leads to nutrient-rich crops. When you eat those crops, they supply your gut with essential nutrition! As soil microbiomes suffer, so do the plants they produce, making it more and more important to supplement those nutrients in your diet. Keep your gut microbiome healthy and save with the Gut Health Bundle!
I am also learning how everything is connected and we as humans have become “disconnected”
In my PEMF certification I learned about the earth’s magnetic field and how that works as well. Pretty cool stuff.
There is something to be said for a holistic lifestyle.
Homemade peanut butter!
You should try it!
Coming along but still learning!
I’ve never grown anything from a seed before but it’s so cool! I’ve got lavender, sage and cilantro coming up and my sunflowers have sprouted! Are you growing anything?
The moon was so cool this morning!