What is Lab Wellness Testing?
Today, we are becoming more health-conscious, more aware of our bodies, and considerably more knowledgeable.
Nfinity Innovative Solutions ofers a program which allows individuals to receive wellness screens without a physician's written order. Wellness Laboratory Testing is not meant as a substitute for regular medical care. it is a way for people to monitor their health or medical condition. Wellness Laboratory Testing allows individuals to manage their health and health concerns between physician visits.
About Wellness Testing
*A physician's order is not required for these tests
*Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
*The customer, If 18 years or older or a parent/legal guardian if the person is under 18, consents to take responsibility for the follow up of abnormal results
*A physician will review critical test results
*Payment for tests must be received a the time of service in cash or check; insurance will NOT be billed.
*The results will be sent directly to you.
You're encouraged to share these results with your health care professional.
Contact Nfinity if you have questions. 844-244-2430