It might not feel like Spring yet, but we are Spring cleaning!
@portlandengineroom has a rare dedicated desk co-working space available now. Come by and check it out!
New member sign up specials happening now at Portland’s original boutique co-working space, Engine Room. Contact us today for more details!
Portland Engine Room has rare co-working spaces available! Call us today to schedule a tour or plan to visit our open house happy hour on Thursday, Sept 27th from 5-7pm!
Come join us for some drinks, snacks and good company! We'll be welcoming potential new members as well as current members, friends, clients and family.
Another taste of the Engine Room Band at last night’s @mammrocks Business Class Rock Off at @portlandhouseofmusic with @milesspadone on guitar, @xanderlnelson on the bass and @albertlea albertlea killing it up front.
“We are Engine Room for your listening pleasure.”
Damn that was fun. Thanks @mammrocks, @portlandhouseofmusic and all our friends that came out! #engineroomband #bestmostfunfakebandever
Huge congrats to long time Engine Room member and friend, the talented @deadliergent, for his photo exhibition installation at the @thepresshotel. Go check it out!
Sometimes you have to make it rain, even in Seattle.
Merrell shoot produced by ER's Chuck Martin Productions