Thank you for everything last night. We had a blast, and it was great to see such a wonderful turnout for our final show last night. See you lovely humans on the flip side.
Huge thanks to everyone who's been a part of the HH voyage:
Jeff Pomerantz for always pushing for better sound
Agyei Marshall for building the group up, and being a key component in both the composition of the tunes, and later producing the tracks that had been released
Todd Gee for selflessly offering his house for our practice space, and holding down the deep low end on bass!
Justin Laughlin for being our backbone for the vast majority of the journey on drums
Adam Brzycki for being our newest drummer at the end of the journey! Great to play with you!
Katrina Zarate for being the voice of reason in so many great, powerful, and meaningful discussions about not only the band, but life
Michelle Pomerantz for your endless support, wonderful photos, and spiritual guidance for Charley haha! ;-)
And also we'd like to think everyone who was a part of the Heavy Hustle family at some point in various capacities
Tony Ozier / Dookie Green for being a G when we were writing music early on and setting us straight on the best takes we tracked
Paul Paresa for your keys wizardry both live and on our album
Joshua Davis for that slammin sax solo on our album!
Farnell Newton for your awesome sexy trumpet outro on These Days!
Nathan Powell for drumming those gigs with us when Justin couldn't make it
Slater Swan for tracking our album at your awesome studio, Anjuna Recording Studio.
Kevin S. Hahn for tracking our drums and reamping at your awesome studio Opal Studio
Matt Greco for your infinite patience working with Charley on the mixes that turned out so fantastic! Check out his spot The Rye Room
Adam Gonsalves for being the best mastering engineer around! Check out Telegraph Mastering!
And I personally am very thankful for all the fun we've had over the years. On to the next adventure.... for now ;-)