City urges court to rein in Fort Worden PDA receiver
By James Robinson
Citing more than $230,000 in unpaid utility bills and vendor payments, the City of Port Townsend has entered the fray of the Kitsap Bank versus the Fort Worden Public Development Authority case urging the court through recent filings to prioritize that the receiver pays for basic operations and obligations — before paying its own attorneys and professional fees.
Separately City Council Member Libby Wennstrom filed a declaration in support that included details about what isn’t being paid, things necessary to maintain the upper campus property.
“The city’s $121,798 outstanding utility bill is quite substantial; nearly half of that balance ($55,814) has been incurred since the receiver took over management of the Fort Worden campus,” wrote Wennstrom in the Dec. 26 declaration. Both documents were filed by Kenyon Disend PLLC, which represents the city.
Wennstrom details a litany of unpaid vendor payments totaling $109,233 that date back to September 2024, alleging that Kitsap Bank “dishonored” those payments by citing insufficient funds in the PDA account, despite evidence to the contrary. Wennstrom argues that the receivership, Elliott Bay Asset Solutions, now operating as the PDA, should make good on these payments before paying itself.
Kitsap Bank pays an average of $310 an hour for the firm’s services.
Pick up a copy of the Leader or go to ptleader.com for the full story.