Innovation for All: Designing for Disability Ignites Everyday Accessibility
The people who successfully innovate are the people who actually.. I’ll give you a lovely example of this BT developed a phone with huge buttons intended for people who are basically blind Yeah I remember Now the thing to remember is designing for the disabled is a really good philosophy because most of us are kind of disabled a lot of the time So if you’re standing on a train you lose the use of one arm because you’ve got to hold on to something It’s now mandated that you have door handles rather than door knobs in buildings so that people with no hands can open the door with an elbow Now actually someone carrying two mugs of tea effectively has no hands
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Taking Advantage of Viral Trends: A Recipe for Business Success!
On Gorilla Marketing Tactics you can use them Gorilla Marketing locally to get the business on what you’re doing So let’s start off with the first one here Cash in on viral trends So today there’s a lot of trends There’s websites that you can go and say trending topics And you can always figure out a way to cash in on that Jessica she bakes cookies on the side And one of the stories she was telling me that got picked up on media all over the place was these fidget spinners that are very hot nowadays My kids have two of them I was in LA the other day My niece and nephew were talking about trading a gold one for a green one and all this other stuff Jessica made fidget spinner cookie And all she did is make a video and she took a bite after it was done spinning and suddenly goes viral Who picks it up by the way All these It was on Food Network It was on HLA It was on Mashable It was on Yahoo How much traffic did that bring you How much attention did that bring to your brand
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Your emails SUCK!
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