You probably wouldn’t have heard this story, nor I, if I hadn’t dined recently at Texas Traditions Restaurant on Port Lavaca Main Street. With the tale Capt G told:
I have been a fishing and hunting guide on the Texas Coast since I was 18 years old. 47 now and currently helping my brother out at his restaurant. I fish on Lavaca Bay in front of this town and don't put a boat in the water any longer. It’s honestly not necessary and I'm catching more and better quality fish at this time of my life than ever before; from speckled trout and flounder to redfish. I wanted to share this fish story that will haunt me till the day I die.
While fishing one evening for trout I managed to land aonce in a lifetime redfish that pushed the measuring tape to an amazing 53 inches, just shy of a Texas state record (in length but not weight). Afttached are a few pics that will go down as my most epic redfish encounter, probably till the end of my time.
Please follow me out on TikTok for all my adventures for the full redfish video, or follow me on Face Book at Cptg Franek!