The Universe exists at rate of "Nth root of N > 1" about O. One may use cartesian or polar coordinate systems to visualize.
The Cooper Conjecture states that this rate is most often observed as sq.rt.2, but has a limit at cubed rt. 3, but this limit is sufficient to overcome any need for a "second circle".
This suggests toward a Universal Model, rather than a Multiversal Model for Creation.
Case Usage: A traveler moves at a rate of 300 million meters per second in a linear direction. The observable Universe will always exist as ≈ sq.rt.2 : 1, where 1 represents the speed of the observer.
If 3 observers leave a single point at a rate of 300 million meters per second each, the Universe will exist as ≈ cubed rt.3 : 1, where 1 represents the matrix of the points achieved by each observer within the system.
4 observers? Well, we are back to the rate of sq.rt.2 : 1. Actually, this number arises more than any other number within infinity. Even, an infinite number of times by observable potential, so much that this rate stands out as a veritable constant.
That is, not to suggest the slightly larger rate of cu.rt.3 : 1 isn't available as a "suspension medium".
Cooper's Conjecture States that to occupy nearly-infinite or infinite volume, Observable Reality must follow such principles, rather than the multiverse or "many dots" theorems.