WCTS Radio Give to the Max 2024!
Give to the Max is a special fundraiser for Minnesota-based nonprofits in November. Watch this short greeting from Steve Davis, General Manager of WCTS.
Visit wctsradio.com/give to be a part of our mission!
Dr. Matt Morrell, President of Central Seminary & WCTS Radio, shares about our 2024 Give to the Max fundraising campaign.
Join us in raising $50,000 to help minister the message of the Gospel to our community through music and Bible teaching.
Visit wctsradio.com/give to donate today!
Sharathon '24 - Saturday Update
We're heating up! 🔥🌡️ Over 90%
Our phone lines are still open at (763) 417-8270 or give online at wctsradio.com/sharathon
Thank you!!
Friday Night Sharathon Total
We’re getting closer!! Only $43,856 remaining.
Visit wctsradio.com/sharathon to pledge or donate securely online.
Phone lines open Saturday morning. It’s a joy to hear what makes WCTS Radio special in your home. Thank you!!
Sharathon - Pathway to Victory
Thanks for sharing your favorite programs with us when you call in. We always love to hear what makes WCTS Radio special for you!
Hear Pastor Robert Jeffress & Pathway to Victory Radio weekdays at 8:30am on WCTS. Thanks for tuning in!
Established in 1996, Pathway to Victory serves as the broadcast ministry of Dr. Robert Jeffress and the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas.
Pathway to Victory stands for truth and exists to pierce the darkness with the light of God’s Word.
Stream: https://wctsradio.com/listen/
Donate: https://wctsradio.com/donate/
Sharathon Day 3
From the studios of WCTS Radio
Sharathon Day 2
Live from the studios of WCTS Radio for Day 2 of Sharathon '24
Sharathon - Grace to You
WCTS Radio exists to minister the message of the Gospel to our community through music and Bible teaching.
We're thankful for our listeners who support this vital mission of extending solid Bible teaching across the Twin Cities and around the world.
As our third day of Sharathon '24 kicks off, would you consider a donation to encourage more listeners in their study of God's Word? Give us a call at (763) 417-8270
Stream: https://wctsradio.com/listen/
Donate: https://wctsradio.com/donate/
Dr. John MacArthur & Grace To You can be heard on WCTS Radio weekdays at 10:45am for Bible Q&A with John MacArthur, and at 3:00pm and 7:00pm for Grace to You Radio. Thanks for tuning in!
Todd Nettleton - Sharathon
WCTS's Bible-centered programming includes Voice of the Martyr's Radio with host Todd Nettleton.
VOM Radio is a weekly national program focusing exclusively on the testimonies of our persecuted family and on building fellowship between the Body of Christ in the United States and His Body in hostile and restricted nations. VOM Radio is the only program of its kind.
Each week, host Todd Nettleton shares testimonies from brothers and sisters willing to suffer persecution rather than deny their faith in Christ.
Tune in to VOM Radio on WCTS weekdays at 3:45p and Saturdays at 4:00pm. Thanks for tuning in!
Stream: https://wctsradio.com/listen/
Donate: https://wctsradio.com/donate/
Sharathon '24
Streaming from the studios of WCTS Radio
Countdown 2 video.mp4
Our count is down to two! Only 2 days til Sharathon starts!