Pittsburgh Standard

Pittsburgh Standard We Write For You! You Decide For Us! EXPRESSIONS: Includes devotionals, articles on Christian faith, and Christian religious events on campus. We write for you!

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SCRIPTURE:After he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, �Joseph son of David, ...

After he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, �Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.� (Matthew 1:20, NIV)

I asked myself, what do I learn about the Holy Spirit?
1. The Holy Spirit is responsible for 'what is conceived in her [Mary].'

I asked myself why it is so significant that the Angel of the Lord lets Joseph know 'what is conceived in Mary is from the Holy Spirit'?

Now, the angel lets Joseph know that Mary's pregnancy results from the miracle of God's intervention in Mary's life without her having to do anything but believe in what the Lord would do through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the initiation of the Holy Spirit to work in Mary's life for the miracle of conception without the involvement of Joseph or any other human being for the conception. The angel of the Lord wants Joseph to be aware of that without being afraid to take Mary home as his wife. Also, the angel of the Lord is letting Joseph know that what is happening in Mary cannot be explained scientifically or logically, for it is a miracle and will be a miracle.

I saw important implications for my life for the here and now.
Miracles are not just a thing of the past but the here and now. Three years ago in November, I tripped and badly fell in Oakland. My whole body landed on my right shoulder. I could still get up and go to the bus stop by the Lord's grace. I found out later that I had passed out on the bus. Whatever was happening, I went into shock. When I woke up on the bus, I got down and went home. At home, I suffered through the night, barely sleeping from 11:00 pm - 7:00 am. It was so painful that our good friends Danilo and Lidia came to our house and took me to the emergency room. The doctor was shocked that I did not return to the ER. He even told us that it may not be possible to put the shoulder back in place without surgery because I waited so long. We prayed, and the doctor was able to put the dislocated right shoulder back in place. I had to wear a sling over my shoulder. He told me that it would take a long time to heal. The only problem was that I needed a side job at the time while doing ministry, which required both hands to lift 50 lbs or more 🙁 I needed both hands to lift heavy boxes and put them away. I prayed for the Lord's healing, and a miracle happened; it started with Pastor Mike coming to our house and administering communion near my bedside, claiming the Blood of Jesus for my healing and restoration. Pastor Mike told me about that job. I prayed for a miracle because, with a sling, I could not get that job and work for Lydia. Before the job interview, I prayed and prayed.

That day's Bible reading was from Psalm 81. I claimed the promise there for myself that said, "Now, I will relieve your shoulder of its burden. I will free your hands from their heavy tasks." (Psalm 81:6, TLB)

A miracle happened because I took my sling off when I claimed that promise and felt my shoulder was rapidly healing and strengthening. I went to work without the sling and could do my job. But the fantastic thing was that even though I did not tell Lydia I had dislocated my shoulder, she put me on the register. It felt like my hands were freed from lifting heavy boxes and putting them away. Miracles have not stopped five years ago in our lives.

Growing up as a Hindu, I had severe asthma and was even admitted to the ER. There were times I even felt like I would die. I lived through that for many years. Slowly, I learned about Jesus and what He has done in people's lives through the Bible stories my mommy would read to me. One day, I watched The 700 Club, and Pat Robertson talked about 'accepting Jesus Christ into your life.' I did not know what that meant, so I asked my mommy.

I thought to myself, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow as the Bible says He is, then what He did in those days He can even do now. That means Jesus can even heal my severe asthma. So, coming from a Hindu family background, I believed in Jesus, accepting Him into my heart as my Lord and personal Savior.
When I believed in Jesus, the Holy Spirit not only healed me of my severe asthma, but my life was also transformed. Other than being healed of my asthma entirely and being able to do things I could never do before, I was also so ecstatic that my beloved dad, who was a Hindu at the time, would ask my mommy, "Ramesh is so different, what brought the change in him?" My dad would even ask me, and I got to share about Jesus with my dad.

My dad did not become a Christian right away, but I praise the Lord that he gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ right before He went to be with the Lord. This was a miracle, including everything that happened before that.

You see, in October 2007, my dad went into cardiac arrest after battling renal kidney disease for more than 6 years. On the day he went into cardiac arrest, my prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ was, "Lord Jesus, please don't let Satan take my daddy, for he does not know you yet." The Lord Jesus heard our prayers, and my dad was able to be resuscitated and spent the next 70 days in the ICU, etc. During that time, every day, we prayed for a miracle. The Bible verse that came to my mind was Jesus' response to Martha when Lazarus had died: "The purpose of his illness will not result in death but for the glory of the Lord." In those 70 days, almost every minute, my mommy was by my dad's side. She would read the Psalms and New Testament to him every day from Matthew to Revelation. On Dec 17th, right before he died, my beloved dad gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. In those 70 days, we saw miracle after miracle happen. But the greatest miracle is that my beloved dad was called to be Jesus' very own and resides in Heaven. So, even though my daddy died physically and spiritually, his illness did not result in death but life with the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you, Jesus!

My mommy had led both of us to Christ at different times. I was led to Christ on Valentine's Day, and my dad was led to Christ during Christmas. The prayer my mommy prayed with me went something like this, which I prayed almost every day, believing in my heart:

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I am so sorry for all my sins. Please forgive me for all my sins. I repent of all my sins. Please cleanse me with your precious cleansing blood, and I will be clean again. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Thank you for dying for my sins and returning to life on the third day to save me. Please, Jesus, come into my heart and make my heart your home. Live in me, Jesus, and I will live for you and serve you for the rest of my life. Thank you for coming into my heart and making my heart your home. Thank you for living in me, Jesus, so I can live for you. I acknowledge you as my Lord and Personal Savior, accepting you into my heart. Please be my Lord and Personal Savior. Thank you for being my Lord and Personal Savior Jesus. Thank you for listening to my prayer and answering me. In Your Name, I Pray Jesus! Amen!

We know that if the Lord Jesus wanted to, He could have kept our dad physically and wholly healed him, but we cannot always understand His ways. I know that our family has experienced miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much, Jesus.

But more than that, our daughter's birthdays were a miracle, too. Because of complications during the pregnancy, a C-section had to be done. When baby Esther was delivered, she had the umbilical cord wrapped twice around her neck. We praise the Lord Jesus for a healthy baby Esther that Jesus gave us. She is 12+ now.

When baby Evangeline was born, an emergency C-section had to be done, too, after trying so long for a natural birth. When she was born, she had swallowed so much meconium she did not breathe right away, and her Apgar score was 0, so she had to be in the NICU. At the time, Pastor Hugo, Heather, Pastor Mike, Jeanne, Calvin, Elise, Edwin, Marie, and many others visited and prayed for her. A miracle happened in her life, too. She is now a healthy 9-year-old child today.

I ask you now, dear friend, why expect a M.I.R.A.C.L.E in your life this season?

Dear friend, I do not know what you are going through right now. You may be in a painful situation, a confusing situation, a perplexing situation, etc. It may be related to relationships, finances, academics, career, health, behavior, job, etc. From a human viewpoint, there may not seem to be hope for any change, BUT I want you to know that there is hope for the season, and the hope is in the power of the Holy Spirit. Whatever you are going through, be assured that the Holy Spirit can intervene if He chooses to, for nothing is impossible with God. If God could make Mary pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit, God can make anything happen if He chooses to. Rest assured in the power of the Holy Spirit.

I choose to because the Lord has his own purposes and timing that we cannot understand. I know that He loves you and me very much and wants to always be our Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and Wonderful Counselor.

He wants you to believe that miracles happen even in this time and are not limited to 2000 years ago. The greatest miracle in your life will be this Christmas season when you accept the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be a miracle because your life will change dramatically when you do that, and others will notice the difference. When they cannot explain why you have changed so much for the good, the arrow can point to the Lord Jesus Christ and how the Holy Spirit is transforming your life by His grace. When they cannot explain why you have been healed, the arrow can point to the work of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life by His lavishing grace. These are just two examples. The miracle starts with the Holy Spirit, which I have experienced in my life, and our family has experienced it.

We also eagerly anticipate three miracles this Christmas season if the Lord chooses to give them! My precious wife Chandraleela and I are praying for these three Christmas miracles He knows about. If He chooses to, the miracles will happen. Thank you, Jesus. We believe in miracles because of Jesus Christ.

You can also experience miracles in His precious timing for Jesus, which is the reason for the season. Please wait for Him even when your chances look slim and the future dim.

To be continued....

May you experience a miracle this Christmas season, knowing Jesus is the reason for the season.

"Miracle Is Redeemer's Awesome Capability Loving Each! (M.I.R.A.C.L.E)"/"Why expect a M.I.R.A.C.L.E in your life this season?"

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the miracles you have done while you physically walked the earth. Thank you for the miracles we experience even 2000 years later because of the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in us as we turn to you. In essence, it is you that is living in us. Thank you for transforming lives by your grace. Help me, please, to be guided by your Spirit. Thanks so much for your help. I pray for your miracles in the lives of those suffering and in pain. Come, Lord Jesus, and intervene in our lives. Come, Lord Jesus, and reveal yourself to us, strengthening us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Choose us to be your very own, Oh Lord. O Come O Come Emmanuel. Ransom us. Thank you for dying for my sin and returning to life to save me. I yield my life to you, Oh Lord, and ask for your help. Thank you for being my Lord and Personal Savior as I yield to you. Thank you, Lord, for having heard my prayer and answered me. In Your Name, I Pray Jesus! Amen!

The formatted version with the previous Advent devotionals can be found online at

"Miracle Is Redeemer's Awesome Capability Loving Each! (M.I.R.A.C.L.E)"/"Why expect a M.I.R.A.C.L.E in your life this season?" By Ramesh C. Reddy

SCRIPTURE:�After he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, �Joseph son of David,...

�After he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, �Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.� (Matthew 1:20, NIV)

I asked myself what do I learn about the angel of the Lord?
1. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream during a crisis in Joseph's life.
2. An angel of the Lord addressed Joseph as the son of David.
3. An angel of the Lord told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary home as his wife.
4. An angel of the Lord told Joseph what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.

I asked myself the significance of the angel of the Lord appearing to Joseph in a dream.

I found it excellent to know that when Joseph faced a critical crisis, he took the time to consider what the most loving response, even in pain, should be. As he considered the course of action to take against Mary for what he had perceived to be infidelity, an intervention occurred. This intervention was through the means of a dream as Joseph fell asleep. If he fell asleep, this also tells us that Joseph did not act immediately but pondered his decision in pain. In his pain, the angel of the Lord comes to handle his crisis. The angel of the Lord tells Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary home as his wife. The angel of the Lord assures Joseph that there is no infidelity and that Mary has been faithful to him even though she is pregnant. If the angel of the Lord had stopped there, Joseph could have still had questions and confusion, so the angel of the Lord would have told him exactly why he should not be afraid. It is because 'what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.' Wow!

I asked myself what the implications were for my own life.

Just as the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream to help him handle the crisis he was going through as he carefully considered his decision, the Lord can intervene in my life too to help me make decisions that are right in His eyes when I lovingly consider a course of action in a crisis. It means I should not be reactive too quickly but wait on the Lord. I need to allow the Lord to intervene. I cannot help but wonder how much Joseph prayed in the crisis when the words 'considered and dream' were thought about.

I know the Lord can reveal the correct response, especially in areas of my fears, just as He did for Joseph. When the Lord reveals a course of action, He will make it clear to me that it is from Him and that I need not be afraid to follow His lead. Wow! Thank you, Lord. It could be through a dream or any other means that does not contradict His Word. I need to wait on Him.

I ask you now, dear friend, what has a D.R.E.A.M revealed to you?
Dear friend, a dream can reveal to you the way of the Lord if He chooses that avenue; it can reveal what the Lord wants you to do; it can reveal principles for living; it can reveal things to come; it can reveal warnings of what could happen that need prayer to overcome; it can reveal what our subconscious is bothered by, etc. However, the most important thing to consider in a dream is whether that dream's message aligns with God's Word. If the dream does not contradict God's Word, it is a message to follow. I realized long ago that God is not limited in how He reveals Himself or the message He wants to convey, so He can still speak to us in dreams if He chooses to.

'In the last days, 'God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. (Acts 2:17)

We can never claim authority from a dream if that dream contradicts God's Word. That alone means not all dreams are from God to give us a message. Many dreams can just be gibberish and make no sense. As we spend more and more time with the Lord and ask Him to reveal what a dream is supposed to mean, He will do that for us. Thank you, Jesus!

Eighteen years ago, I was deeply heartbroken because a relationship I thought would lead to marriage failed. I fell asleep as I cried out to the Lord on my bed. When I woke up, the words of Jesus to Jairus after Jairus' daughter died came to me: 'Do not be afraid, just believe.' These words from God were very powerful because I felt the Lord telling me, 'Just as Jairus felt hopeless and afraid that his daughter would not live anymore, you are feeling hopeless and afraid regarding this relationship that will not live anymore, but I do not want you to be afraid but just believe.' In essence, Jesus was telling Jairus to believe in Him without fear, and Jesus was telling me the same thing when I felt the relationship had died.

Then, I remembered a dream from that night I also received. In that dream, I saw a figure in dazzling white climb up a mountain slowly. I felt that the white figure was Jesus. I asked myself 'why Jesus would climb up the mountain, and it occurred to me that Jesus wanted to spend time with Father God, and a relationship with God was paramount to Jesus. From reading the Bible, I remembered that Jesus usually went to the mountain to pray and have a relationship with God.

It was then that I realized that I was so focused on being in an earthly relationship that could lead to marriage, forgetting the Giver of the sanctity of marriage. It is God who ordained marriage; if I want to be married, I need to know the heart of God first. Before pursuing any earthly relationship, I need to fall in love with my first love and get to know Jesus more and more. The only way I could do that without error was through knowing His Word and following the Word.

I recalled that I had never read the Bible in its entirety to know the heart of God from Genesis to Revelation. So, that day, I told myself, ' I need to love Jesus more than anyone else, be in a relationship with Him, and understand His heart before even thinking about pursuing another relationship. It was then I decided that I would read the Bible in 33 days. During that time, I also sought the Lord in the questions I should ask when I encounter a relationship that could lead to marriage. As I read the Word, I came up with 40 questions to ask that were biblically based. During that time, a signature verse for my life was also revealed: 'But, life is worth nothing to me unless I use it to do the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus, the work of telling others about God's mighty goodness and love!' (Acts 20:24)

Marriage or anything will mean nothing without serving the Lord in my life. After reading the Bible, I also found out that my mommy wanted a bride for me who would love Jesus more than anyone else. I also wanted a bride who would love Jesus more than me.

Five years later since that dream and 2.5 years of online courtship, going through all 40 questions, the counsel of my mommy, Pastor Hugo, Edwin, Marie, Kristen, Josh, Bryan, Lydia, Calvin, Elise, the Lord brought my precious Chandraleela, a wonderful woman of God into my life to be my beautiful bride. At the time, Pastor Hugo, at my request, took time to go through all 248 pages of our correspondence to give me wisdom from a pastoral point of view regarding this match. My mommy gave her blessings to marry Chandraleela; my pastor gave his blessings to marry Chandraleela with a stern warning: 'Don't lose Chandra. If you lose this relationship because of your shallowness, don't come crying back to me. She is the right one for you.

I am so glad the Lord used all their advice in my life. Having the blessing of my mommy and Pastor Hugo was enough because I already knew she was from the Lord for me. I just needed more confirmation. Later, her entire family (Elisha, Sunandha, Vidhya, Pravallika, and Chandra's mommy), her pastor, and others blessed us for our marriage. I am speechless because I have been blessed with such loving in-laws, too. Thank you, Jesus. When Jesus gave me Chandraleela, He gave her to me and a wonderful family with whom I fell in love.

This all started with prayer and a dream leading to the completion of God's Word and my marriage to my sweetheart. I share this: we are blessed to have been married for 14+ years, having our precious daughters Esther (12+) and Evangeline (9+) old.

So dear friend, whatever you are going through, whether it is as painful as what Joseph had to deal with, what I had to deal with, etc, the Lord Jesus loves you so much and cares for you. He wants to take care of you as you yield your life to Him. In your pain, He will reveal the answers to you and tells you, 'Do not be afraid, just believe'. Don't take your dreams lightly if you suspect a message from the Lord. But remember that the dreams the Lord gives will never be selfish based on self-centeredness. My dream focused on getting to know the Creator of the Universe before I get to know His creation. It was God-centered, and the response of finishing the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation was God-centered for me.

Whatever you are going through, wait on the Lord this Christmas season during Advent and help Him get you through. Though things may look bleak, you will never be out of His love nor out of His reach. He loves you as you are and will help you through. In pain and uncertainty, He is the only One who can give you peace. So, come as you are to the throne of grace and receive help in times of need. The Lord Jesus will use the Word of God to sustain you and me, so turn to the Word of God as I did when reading the Bible in 33 days. Look to the Lord for your help. He could help through different means as He chooses whether it is a dream.

Turn to the Lord of Hope, and you will turn to Hope. May you experience the powerful love of the Lord this Christmas season. Amen!

"Dream Revealed Emmanuel's Awesome Message!" (D.R.E.A.M)/"What has a D.R.E.A.M revealed to you?"

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much that you sent an angel of the Lord to speak to Joseph, for you existed from the beginning and became God-incarnate to rescue humanity from the bo***ge of sin and death. Oh Lord, thank you for how you help when we wait upon you. We have seen that in Joseph's life, and I have seen that in my own life. Help us not to rush into decisions in moments of crisis but wait on you, Lord, for those who wait upon you, Lord, will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary. They will walk and not faint. Thank you so much, Jesus. I pray, Oh Lord, for the one who is so confused right now and in terrible pain that you would reveal yourself to them and let them know you are not constrained by time. You, Oh Lord, know the hopes and dreams of those in pain. Help them, Oh Lord. Let them know you are the Source of Life and the Giver of Hope this Christmas season. Thank you for dying for our sins and coming back to life to be saved by your precious Blood on the cross to all who turn to you. Thank you so much, Jesus. In Your Name, I Pray Jesus! Amen!

The formatted devotional with previous Advent devotionals can be found online at

"Dream Revealed Emmanuel's Awesome Message!" (D.R.E.A.M)/"What has a D.R.E.A.M revealed to you?"

SCRIPTURE:�But, after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, �Joseph son of D...

�But, after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, �Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.� (Matthew 1:20, NIV)

I asked myself what does 'But after he had considered this' refer to?
'But, after he had considered this' refers to Joseph not wanting to expose Mary to public disgrace but having in mind to divorce her quietly.

I asked myself what 'cause-effect' relationship do I see in vs. 20?
Because Joseph considered quietly divorceing Mary without wanting to expose her to public disgrace, the effect is 'an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, �Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.'

I asked myself about the significance of the cause-effect relationship in vs. 20.

The significance is enormous, considering that Joseph did not act hastily to make a decision but decided to wait without rushing into one. This allowed him to sleep on his decision and revealed the correct decision to make in a dream. This would not have happened if he had acted hastily in a situation that he saw as unfavorable.

I asked myself what implications Joseph's actions have for my life?

The purpose of today's study was for me to understand the benefit of carefully considering a decision in a conflict without acting in haste. When we do that, the Lord can reveal the right decision through different means so our decision does not make waste. If Joseph had acted in haste, he would have divorced Mary, but he did not act in haste, and the Lord intervened in his life through a dream. I learned that I need to wait in faith in the Lord so haste does not make waste. I know the Lord Jesus can intervene in my life through different means when I wait upon Him. He can intervene in your life, too!

I ask you now, dear friend, why W.A.I.T through conflict in life?

Dear friend, when we experience conflict in life, our Lord and Savior can help us through the conflict by revealing the correct decision that should be made. It does not necessarily have to be revealed in a dream, but the Lord Jesus can reveal it to you through His Word, His Spirit, His community, etc., which will not contradict His Word.

Joseph's wait to consider the decision to be made in a negative conflict taught him what the correct decision should be, as opposed to if he had acted hastily on impulse or anger. An hasty decision would have hurt Joseph, Mary, and all those around them. Our hasty decisions in conflict can not only hurt us but also those around us.

When we are upset, retaliating can be easy because we are sinful beings, but that should not be an excuse for you or me to retaliate. This Christmas season, we can be the ones to show love even through a conflict, whether family-based, friends-based, employee/employer-based, etc., by considering the right decision instead of acting in anger and impulse. This is a lesson I wish I had learned and applied multiple times, even in my marriage with my loving sweetheart Chandraleela and my sweet daughters Esther and Evangeline.

When we consider what decision to make in a negative conflict, seeking the Lord earnestly, it is amazing what the Lord can do. There are always positive and negative ways to handle a conflict, especially when we are hurt. With the Lord's help, we can choose the positive way.

Friend, I don't know what conflict you are going through right now, if any, but if you are, don't rush into judgment, thinking you have to act right away. No, friend, sit back and consider your options. Think about all the pros and cons of a decision, but mainly what God's Word has to say about the decision you have to make. When you do that, you will experience His peace, knowing that the result will be blessed by the Lord. Also, when you take time, you may even fall asleep, and when you wake up, you know what to do because you had a dream, got a Word from the Lord, heard something from a community of believers, etc. But remember, it has to be tested with God's Word because whatever decision you make will not contradict His Word.

Even before I studied this verse, an essential verse from Isaiah 40:31 came to my mind: "Those that wait upon the Lord will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary; they will walk and not faint."

For us, it should start with the Lord Jesus Christ. When we take Him as our Lord and Personal Savior and walk in His path, He will lead us and guide us to make wise decisions,s remembering 'a wise man controls his tongue; he knows anger causes mistakes' (Proverbs 14)

Wait in faith upon the Lord, for He promises that you will mount up with wings as eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint. In other words, the Lord Jesus will bring you through your conflict. Wait upon Him, and do not give up.

This Christmas season, wait upon the Lord Jesus, surrendering to Him as your Lord and Personal Savior. He paid the price for you at the Cross of Calvary before coming as a baby in a manger. His Blood cleanses you of all your sins and sets you free.

May you wait upon the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing wonderfully that Almighty's intervention is timely!

"Wonderfully Almighty's Intervention's Timely! (W.A.I.T)"/"Why W.A.I.T through conflict in life?"

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for revealing how Joseph reacted to a situation without acting in haste. He considered his options and did not move into judgment hastily. In the process, an angel of the Lord revealed to him in a dream the correct decision to make. Oh Lord, please help us not act in haste, knowing it makes waste but to wait in faith, knowing wonderfully Almighty's intervention is timely. For that to happen, we need to constantly focus on you, Oh Lord, instead of the problems that await you. Help me to do that, Lord, for I struggle in this area. Thanks so much, Jesus. Thank you when we wait in faith regarding decisions in conflicts, too. You will reveal the answer through Your Word, your Spirit, the Community of believers, your body, and the Church, and we can know it is from you when it does not contradict Your Word. Thanks so much, Jesus.

I pray for the ones in deep distress because of the circumstances of their lives, especially the conflict they are going through. Oh Lord, their flesh is telling them to act hastily and prematurely, but I pray that you give them your wisdom to wait in faith upon you to make the correct decision. Thanks so much, Jesus. I pray this for me, too. Thank you so that we can turn to you and talk to you, knowing you are there for us and loving us so much. Thanks for being our Lord and Personal Savior when we accept you into our hearts and ask you to lead and guide us. Thank you for dying on the cross of Calvary to save us as you shed your precious cleansing blood to purify us and coming back on the third day to give us Eternal Life forever by your grace as we accept your grace. I do, Oh Lord. Thank you for being born to save humanity as we reflect on this Christmas season. Please help us to wait on thee always. Thank you for hearing my prayers and answering me. In Your precious Name, I Pray, Jesus! Amen!

The formatted devotional with previous devotionals can be found online at

"Wonderfully Almighty's Intervention's Timely! (W.A.I.T)"/"Why W.A.I.T through conflict in life?" By Ramesh C. Reddy


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