Presidential candidates have embraced podcasts. Have you?
What can podcasters and content creators learn from Donald Trump’s guest appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience that’s led to 42 MILLION views in a week? Turns out..a lot.
6 Critical Things to Consider Before Launching Your Podcast: Part 1
Thinking about starting a podcast? It's vital you get started on the right that allows you to build a solid foundation on which your show can grow successfully over time.
In order to launch your show effectively, there are a number of key components you need to dial in so you don't run into the issues that prevent so many aspiring podcasters from getting beyond just a small handful episodes before throwing in the towel on their production.
There's a famous saying that says "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail," and no truer words have ever been spoken about starting a podcast for the right reasons AND properly strategizing for a powerful launch that sets the table for what your show will become.
In this episode of Podcast Theory, I'm kicking off a 6-part series covering critical aspects you absolutely need to consider. Today and over the next five episodes, you'll discover vital components that will help you launch your show with precision, confidence, and clarity.
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This One Thing Makes Podcasters Quit (and It's Not What You Think)
If you've experienced past episodes of Let's Blow This Up, you've learned many reasons why podcasters throw in the towel on their production after only few episodes...
Lack of strategy. No buy-in. Unrealistic expectations. Starting for all the wrong reasons.
And in today's episode, we're going to talk about a reason you've probably never pondered. And considering where things are headed with AI and technology in the podcast industry, it's a big one.
For the second-to-last episode of Season 2 of Let's Blow This Up, I'm pleased to be joined by my friend Alex Sanfilippo, Co-Founder of PodMatch and the man behind Podcasting Made Simple Live. Alex, his wife Alicia, and the entire team at PodMatch have built one of the strongest communities in the podcast space and place major emphasis on giving back to podcasters across the globe.
In addition to tackling this not-talked-about-enough factor of why creators throw in towel on their shows, Alex and I will also dive into many important aspects you need to keep front of mind as we embark on a new year in podcasting, including but not limited to:
- The PodValue Initiative that's helped put over $500k back into podcaster's pockets
- Why the fundamentals of podcasting will never lose relevance (regardless of the new shiny objects that enter the game)
- How to effectively navigate your way around new technology and platforms (and not burn yourself out in the process)
- Will AI-hosted podcasts ever be en vogue?
- The importance of your message being an inch wide and a mile deep (and how to set yourself up to make an impact with said message)
Mark your calendars for this don't want to miss it!
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Tips For Leveraging the Podcast Medium For Business Growth & Investing
At Let's Blow This Up (and Bombtrack Media as a whole), we're all about helping you utilize the podcast platform to grow your brand.
There's no denying the significant role a well-curated podcast can play in your marketing strategies - allowing you to make meaningful connections with your audience while, at the same time, creating a wealth of content that can be utilized for social media, websites, blogs, email newsletters, and more.
In addition to that, it serves as a powerful networking tool that connects you with like-minded professionals in your industry, presenting the opportunity to grow your knowledge base, expand your contacts, and position yourself as an authority in your space.
In this installment of Let's Blow This Up, I'm sharing the mic with someone who's all of that and then some - Ian Hoover, Co-Owner of Deacon Hoover Real Estate. Ian and his partners have grown one of most successful real estate investment firms in Western Pennsylvania with Ian, a podcaster, author, and sought-after public speaker, playing a critical role in that accomplishment.
Throughout this conversation, we'll discuss the role podcasting has played in Ian's business growth, why he's looking to get back to more consistent podcasting going forward, what it's meant to connect with other like-minded people in his space to create podcast content, and much more.
Mark your calendars for this episode today!
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5 Things Your Podcast Doesn't Need: Part 4
The "5 Things Your Podcast Doesn't Need" series rolls on and today, in Part 4, we are taking a slight detour away from the attention spans of your listeners and focusing on an item that many podcasts feature, but don't necessarily need.
As podcasting has evolved, many things have changed and become available to this medium. One of them is the ease in which we can access podcast content on our devices.
Back in the day, the term "PODcast" was literal because you uploaded "internet radio episodes" to your iPod and consumed at will. This was a newfangled thing (as was downloading music onto a portable rectangle), and many shows featured the word "podcast" so people knew what they were accesssing.
Today, the question needs to be asked: Does the word "podcast" still need to be used?
I'm exploring this and more in today's episode. Enjoy!
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On-Point Podcast Strategies That No One Is Talking About with Nichole Eaton
I've got some breaking news for you: There's more than one way to grow a successful podcast.
I'll say that again for everyone in the back: THERE'S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO GROW A SUCCESSFUL PODCAST!
Too often, podcasters get locked into a specific way of producing their content because someone else told them it's the only way to do it.
In reality, growing your podcast should be centered around your needs, your goals, and your visions for your brand and business - taking into consideration important factors such as time, other responsibilities, spending time with loved ones, and more.
In this powerful episode of Let's Blow This Up, I'm joined by the one and only Nichole Eaton, author of "Rock Your Comeback" and host of the podcast that goes by the same name.
Nichole is living proof that you can produce your podcast based on the season of your life you find yourself in as she's taken her show from the home base of her first audiobook to a Top 5% podcast with a huge following...
All while running her coaching business, speaking on stages, spending quality time with her family, and diving into hobbies like pottery and doing arial silks.
In addition, Nichole and I dive into some effective podcast strategies that, quite frankly, don't get enough press - including but not limited to:
- Taking breaks from your podcast instead of burning out (and how to effectively communicate to your audience what they should do while you're off)
- What TikTok Live can do for your podcast's growth
- The value of doing "re-runs" of your podcast (instead of airing an episode that doesn't meet your standards)
- Transforming your "podcast voice" into an "on-stage voice"
Without question, this episode is a straight shooter with upper management written all over it. Join us!
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Yes, It's Easy to Start a Podcast. But It's Hard to Do This...
I've been getting inundated with an ad on Facebook and Instagram lately and I'm sure the reason why is because I watch it in disgust every time it pops up. Basically, I'm telling the algorithm I want to watch straight up garbage.
But that's a story for another day.
This ad starts out "Starting a podcast is easy!"
And, yes...I'll admit...STARTING a podcast IS easy.
But what happens once you start is what truly tells the story of what you'll accomplish with your show.
On this episode of Podcast Theory, I'm spending a few minutes talking about what REALLY matters once you get your podcast off the ground.
It's not just about getting started. It's about bringing longevity into play. Check out this episode to learn more!
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Let's Blow This Up featuring Paula Sima | 8.21.24
Podcasts provide a tremendous stage for growing a professional AND personal brand. Each time you press record (or go live), you're presented with an unparalleled opportunity to share your expertise, make genuine connections with members of your audience, and rap back and forth with your guests about the subjects that drive your strengths and passions.
On this episode of Let's Blow This Up, I'll be joined by someone who embodies the true essence of those attributes: the one and only Paula Sima! Instead of me telling you who Paula is, I'm going to let her do it...because I can't do her journey any justice.
Per Paula: "I am the owner & host of Talk Sh*t With P Podcast (as of now we have added Sh*t Happens), CEO of Wrap Sh*t With P which is a branding and gifting consultation company while also running Life With P a community for creatives battling MH and Financial Struggles. Born in Tanzania thats in East Africa but raised around the World… I have lived in 3 Continents, 5 Countries and now residing in Atlanta, GA."
And that, Bomb Squad, is just the tip of the iceberg!
Join me and Paula as we talk about how she's leaned into podcasting to grow her brand and create a safe space to discuss mental health, positive connection, growth, evolution, and more.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this will be the most fun 60 minutes of entertainment you have this week, so don't deprive yourself of the opportunity!
...and you're going to learn stuff, too. There's always that. �
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Let's Blow This Up featuring Lyndsay Phillips | 8.14.24
Repurposing your podcast content should be at the very top of your priority list. Whether you host your own show or leverage guest appearances to grow your brand, this content gives you an abundance of reusable assets that can be utilized across your entire digital footprint.
This is one of the primary points of focus at Bombtrack Media and one of the biggest reasons my guest this week and I hit it off so well!
Bomb Squad, it's time to mount up for another installment of Let's Blow This Up Live. In this episode, I'll be joined by the incomparable Lyndsay Phillips for an in-depth conversation about repurposing and maximizing your podcast content and blowing your brand up all over the world wide web.
Lyndsay will share her insights and perspectives on why so many entrepreneurs and professionals fall short in this area and what you can do to take your content AND your overall brand presence to the next level.
Ready to blow this up? I know I am!
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The New Focus of Let's Blow This Up, Podcast Theory, & More | 8.7.24 at 8:00pm EST
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for tuning in to Let's Blow This Up Live over the past few months. The conversations have been unscripted, real, and...if I do say so myself...spectacular and your presence watching live and tuning into the replay has been most appreciated.
In the spirit of elevating this experience by any means necessary, I've decided to make a couple small changes to the overall focus and direction of Let's Blow This Up Live. Join me on this week's livestream and I'll fill you in on all the details!
I'll also have some news on my other show known as Podcast Theory, as well as the new livestream series I'm developing known as The Cercone Chronicles.
Yep, there will be plenty of ways for us to hang out with me live. Get things in motion August 7th at 8:00pm EST.
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Don’t podcast the way someone else tells you to. Podcast in a way that makes sense for you, your audience, and your available time. #podcastingtips #podcastclips
A friendly PSA for brands that want to bring podcasting into their fold: you’re not alone in this! #podcastclips #podcastingtips