Mother's Night/Solstice Eve 2024
Mother's Night & Solstice Eve 2024
I hope everyone had as wonderful of a Deipnon as I did. I took some time to share an herb infused wine, a cauldron fire and a reading with my Ladies this New Moon. Much love to all...🖤💜🖤
HAPPENING NOW! 11:00 am - 6:30 pm
HAPPENING NOW! 11:00 am - 6:30 pm
Come to TheMenageriepgh and get an Oracle Guidance Message Reading from me today and find out what your Spirit Team wants you to know at this moment in time!
Also, don’t forget that my friend Erica from Etta Arlene will be leading the class Apollo’s Oracle today at Noon!
#awitchawakens #awitchawakensevents
#themenageriepgh #themenagerie #notyournormalmomandpop #oraclecards #oracleguidance #oraclemessages #guidancemessages #runeoraclemessages #runecardmessages #divination
HAPPENING Saturday, July 13th, at TheMenageriepgh in Bellevue, PA from 11:00pm - 6:30pm EDT!
Come and find out what messages your Ancestors & Guides want to provide you at this moment in your life. This month you have your choice between 2 different readings:
1 - my Traditional reading where your Ancestors & Guides choose your deck for you
2 - Rune Oracle Messages using the Norse Goddess Rune Oracle deck
Appointments are recommended but not required. You can make you appointment by either calling or messaging the shop. Walk-ins will be accepted, as time permits, on a first come, first serve basis.
Come a bit early and check out all the amazing things that both The Menagerie has to offer. You will not be disappointed!
I look forward to seeing you there.
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#awitchawakens #awitchawakensevents
#themenageriepgh #themenagerie #notyournormalmomandpop #oraclecards #oracleguidance #oraclemessages #guidancemessages #runeoraclemessages #runecardmessages #divination
Preparing to journey to visit the element of fire…
Just a reminder to add this to your Calendar, you won’t regret it! ~ HAPPENING WEDNESDAY, Mar 20th - 6:30 pm at TheMenageriepgh! ~ ENERGY BALANCING CIRCLE ~ Come join us for our most popular event. Our Energy Balancing Circle continues to get better as it grows in size and popularity each month. We have a core group of regulars and continue to add new repeat attendees each month which help to bring the energy and healing frequency to amazing levels providing everyone with what they need at that moment in time. You will not be disappointed. ~ If you are experiencing any of the following: - run down or drained of energy, - ungrounded, - your magic feels less powerful or is not working at all, - feel like you’re not in control, - erratic sleep schedule, - unfocused/unable to concentrate. ~ Then my recurring, monthly event - ENERGY BALANCING CIRCLE: Living in the Gray - would be perfect for you! ~ This recurring event, on the third Wednesday of every Month, aims to help us Balance the Positive/Light and Negative/Dark Energies within ourselves so that we are able to better handle what life throws at us on a daily basis. ~ It IS NOT a cure all. It IS NOT a one and done, quick fix. It is a monthly tool to use alongside other tools such as boundary setting, self-care, meditation, etc., to help you bring your entire life into BALANCE and for you to start Living in the Gray, right where you belong! ~ No, this is not going to happen overnight and it will take a commitment and work on your part. But if you are serious about it and are willing, I promise you, it will be worth it. 🖤💜🖤 ~ #awitchawakens #awitchawakensevents #themenageriepgh #awitchawakenseventsatthemenageriepgh #energybalancingcircle #energybalancing #livinginthegray
I am proud to introduce the official launch of my business, A Witch Awakens - Guidance Message & Energy Healing Services! I will be offering select services by appointment, Online and In Person, at The Menagerie in Bellevue, PA. I will also be available for Private Events.
Please come check the website out and be sure to sign up for the all new Monthly Newsletter in the Footer Section!
Tarot & Oracle Spreads to help bring the New Year in right. #awitchawakens #tarot #tarot readings #tarotspreads #oraclecards #oracleguidance #oraclemessages #oraclespreads #divination #witch #witchcraft #magick #yearinreviewspread #yeartocomespread #newyearspread #newyearsevespread #witchsnewyearspread #newyearreflectionspread #newyearpredictionspread #pastyearreflectionspread #yearaheadspread #yearendspread
I absolutely LOVE this!
Blessed Solstice & Merry Yule to one and all. 🖤💜🖤
#awitchawakens #awitchawakensevents #themenageriepgh #themenagerie #notyournormalmomandpop #energybalancingcircle #energybalancing #livinginthegray #energyhealing #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingjourney #oracleguidancemessages #oraclemessages #guidancemessages #egiftcards #giftcards #holidayshoppingmadeeady #perfectgift #hardtoshopfor #lastminutegiftideas