Our J-FLEX Special Issue on Special Issue on the Social Impact of the Internet of Medical Things: From Body Wearables to Brain Implants is open for submission.
The Guest Editors are: Yuxin Liu (Lead, National University of Singapore); John Rogers (Northwestern University); Benjamin Tee (National University of Singapore); Damien Coyle (IEEE Brain, University of Bath); Ketra Schmitt (TTM EiC, Concordia College); Katina Michael (TTS EiC, Arizona State University); and Paul R. Berger (J-FLEX EiC, Ohio State/Tampere)
In a unique interdisciplinary collaboration with the IEEE’s Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) and IEEE Brain, J-FLEX is joining forces to explore both the technology of the Internet-of-Medical-Things (IoMT) solutions and medical wearables/implantables. Articles on neurotechnologies and their societal implications will be published in J-FLEX, while articles on the broader social implications of neurotechnology, including opinion, commentary, and peer-reviewed articles, will appear in IEEE Technology and Society Magazine (TSM).
The scope of this Special J-FLEX Issue will focus upon system-level applications of IoT and medical wearables but will also welcome technical work that is a key facilitator of these system-level use cases.
Related to the synergy with SSIT, the J-FLEX articles should also address aspects of its carbon neutrality, biodegradability, toxicity, abundance of raw materials, data structures, privacy and surveillance, as well as risks, benefits, efficacy, costs and ease of use. Lastly, an emphasis on application areas where flexible electronics can transcend traditional rigid and bulky CMOS-centric systems.
J-FLEX is a joint publication of IEEE Sensors Council (SC), IEEE Electron Devices Society, and IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS):