Since Advanced Vehicle Assemblies/Tubular Metal Systems closed their facility in Pinconning, know locally by it’s long-time name, Northern Tube, 15 months ago, the factory at the corner of Fifth and Jennings Streets in the City of Pinconning has sat empty.
Pinconning City Manager Rebecca Lakin announced to the City Council at Monday’s meeting that five months of confidential work have born fruit with the purchase of the site by a developer who plans to demolish the current buildings and develop the nearly 14 acres as a multi-unit apartment complex. The complex is planned to comprise 18 buildings with 324 apartments: 198 one-bedroom, 108 two-bedroom, and 18 three-bedroom units. These are moderately priced apartments with rents being $900, $1100 and $1350 for the 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms respectfully. He also is planning on adding a day care center and possible store fronts. There will be 400 parking spaces with a total investment of over $50 million dollars.
Ms. Lakin told the Journal, “This project will benefit the City’s tax base for years to come! We currently are working with Bay County for Brownfield Redevelopment funding, and the City will eventually give a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) program. The plan is in progress as we speak and depending on speed of the programs, we are hoping to begin shovel to the ground sometime in 2025. This is huge for our community; it will offer jobs, new families to move in, new students to come to our schools and other endless possibilities!”
A brownfield, as defined by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), “is a property the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.” Brownfields are often abandoned or underutilized sites due to the presence of contamination or suspected contamination. They directly impact the affect municipality by decreasing the tax base, lowering property values on adjacent properties, increasing crime and blight, and eliminating jobs. Federal, State, and local grant funds are available to redevelop brownfield sites, with specific funding earmarked for converting them to housing. Those funds are being sought to help finance the local project.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is a value capture revenue tool that uses taxes on future gains in real estate values to pay for new infrastructure improvements. With a project such as this, water, wastewater, and street improvements will likely be necessary. Pinconning & Linwood Area Chamber of Commerce President
Josh Klee said, “The Chamber has long seen the need to increase the amount of affordable housing in the community, to expand the City’s tax base, as well as increasing the number of potential customers for our members. The conversion of an unused former industrial site to residential use fits the general use of that area, and the economic impact will begin as soon as demolition of the existing factory begins. We’re excited for this project, and appreciate the work the City has done to make this happen.”
Pinconning Area Schools Superintendent Andy Kowalczyk said, “This project would be a great boost to our community. Affordable housing and daycare can make a difference in getting high quality staff at Pinconning Schools.”