Our Story
Welcome to Steve Barwick's Colloidal Silver Secrets Community on Facebook!
This community is sponsored by www.LifeandHealthResearchGroup.com publishers.
What's more, this community is based upon the enthusiastic advocacy of the responsible use of colloidal silver -- the world's most powerful natural antibiotic!
Please feel free to post your own colloidal silver success stories, so that as the community continues to grow, your stories will be available to everyone. There is no better way to learn about the powerful infection-fighting qualities of colloidal silver than to read the personal accounts of those who have used it successfully!
Talk about what you use colloidal silver for, how you use it (i.e., drink it, apply it externally, use it in an inhaler, spray bottle, eye dropper, neti pot, etc.), how much you use, and what your results have been.
Do you use it on your pets? Let us know! Do you use it to sanitize around the house -- kitchens, bathrooms, kitchen areas, etc.? Let us know! Do you use it internally when you get sick? By all means, tell us your best colloidal silver success stories!
Let's see what we can learn from each other about the many health-promoting ways colloidal silver can be used.
Also, be sure to use the "share" function anytime you see a post on this community that you think would help your Facebook friends understand more about colloidal silver and it's powerful uses against infection and disease. The more you "share" what you learn on the Colloidal Silver Secrets Community, the faster the community grows!
When comments are "liked" by the moderator on this page, it should not be construed as an endorsement of the comment. Instead, "likes" are used by the moderator on this page solely as a means of "thanking" those who comment for their participation. The moderator may or may not agree with the comments "liked."
This is not a gripe site. If you have a gripe with a product, please directly contact the company selling the product. Or use your own site to gripe, not this one. This site is for posting positive information and success stories about real-life colloidal silver usage.
This site is also not a Technical Support site. If you have a technical support question about a product, please directly contact the company selling the product. If it's a product from the sponsor of this site -- i.e., LifeandHealthResearchGroup.com -- please contact them during normal business hours at 1-888-846-9029. If you have a tech support question about a Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator from TheSilverEdge.com, please contact the Tech Support Hotline at The Silver Edge, which is available Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm west coast time: 760-253-2988. For Tech Support service by email, please send your email to: [email protected]. You can also call the Silver Edge customer service department, toll-free, Monday - Friday, 9 am to 5 pm AZ time, at this number: 1-888-528-0559. For Customer Service by email, please send your email to: [email protected]
The only other thing I ask is that you please don't spam with links to other colloidal silver vendors or colloidal silver generator manufacturers. Spammers will be banned.
And please don't attempt to sprinkle your posts with the names of your favorite brands of colloidal silver. For purposes of this group, that information is irrelevant. What is most relevant is your own personal usage of colloidal silver. So please, tell your story!
I've received some complaints about this community's spamming policy.
Some people, apparently, believe it is unfair that I refuse to allow the community to be used as a free advertising base for the hundreds of other colloidal silver products and vendors that can be found on the internet.
So I’m going to explain the community's spamming policy one more time, and the reason for it. After that I’m simply going to enforce the policy by deleting all posts that I deem to be spam, and removing the spammer from the community membership roster.
This community is financially sponsored by www.LifeandHealthResearchGroup.com, publishers. That means they pay the tab to keep this community running, so they get their colloidal silver-related products mentioned from time to time.
I try to make this the most dynamic, information-intensive and content-rich group on the internet, and not a mere advertisement for the products sold by Life & Health Research Group.
Nevertheless, it is a fact that Life & Health Research Group financially sponsors the community, so their products WILL be mentioned from time to time. And products sold by competing companies are NOT allowed to be advertised on this group. In other words, links to the web sites of such products should simply NOT be posted.
One of the reasons I have a stated policy against community members spamming by posting links to web sites that promote competing commercial colloidal silver products, is that it leads to far too much confusion for group members. Please allow me to explain:
When community members start posting links to various web sites touting different brands of colloidal silver, or different views on colloidal silver, or different types of colloidal silver generators, the community becomes little more than a repository for the oft-times wild claims of competing companies. This in turn leads to a cacophony of arguments over which claims are valid, which colloidal silver products are “real” or “true,” etc.
For example, one web site says that such-and-so brand of colloidal silver is the "only real" or "only true" colloidal silver because it contains metallic silver particles rather than silver ions. Another web site says no, only brands containing silver ions work. Another web site says only their special ozone-infused brand of colloidal silver is the "real" or 'true" or “most effective” kind. And another web site says hey, none of those are "real" or "true" colloidal silver, because they're only 5 ppm or 10 ppm or 15 ppm, whereas only 5,000 ppm colloidal silver really works. Then even another web site says colloidal silver isn't effective unless it’s specially protein coated. Another web site says the best or most effective colloidal silver is crystal clear. Still other web sites say colloidal silver has to be bright yellow to work. And even others say the solution has to be dark brown to be “real” or effective. Etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum.
It's all a bunch of advertising gimmicks and marketing hooks, pure and simple, masquerading as 'facts' and designed to sell specific products. And I don’t want this community descending into the kind of argumentative chaos bred by everybody posting links to their favorite brands of colloidal silver or colloidal silver generators, and then fighting with each other over who’s telling the truth and who’s not.
This is what the independent colloidal silver researcher Daryl Tichy means when he says you have to beware of companies that "...attempt to define colloidal silver solely within the narrow parameters of the product they produce."
In other words, you have to beware of companies who, by their own self-serving definitions of what constitutes “good” or “bad,” colloidal silver, become the sole repositories of “good” colloidal silver, and other companies producing different forms or brands of colloidal silver are cast as "purveyors of inferior colloidal silver products," or even “charlatans” or “rip-offs.”
I simply won’t allow this community to descend into that kind of chaos and foolishness. I don’t care which colloidal silver product you use. I’m just happy you’re using colloidal silver. And I want to hear about your results.
As Daryl Tichy astutely points out, "The most meaningful evaluation of colloidal silver should be based upon the RESULTS YOU GET WITH IT, not on self-serving definitions."
As I state above, “This community is based upon the enthusiastic advocacy of the responsible use of colloidal silver -- the world's most powerful natural antibiotic! Please feel free to post your own colloidal silver success stories, so that as the group grows, your story will be available to everyone. Talk about what you use colloidal silver for, how you use it (i.e., drink it, apply it externally, use it in an inhaler, spray bottle, eye dropper, neti pot, etc.), how much you use, and what your results have been. Do you use it on your pets? Let us know! Do you use it to sanitize around the house -- kitchens, bathrooms, kitchen areas, etc.? Let us know! Do you use it internally when you get sick? By all means, tell us your best colloidal silver success stories! Let's see what we can learn from each other about the many health-promoting ways colloidal silver can be used.”
I hope that lengthy but unfortunately necessary explanation helps community members understand the purpose of this community, as well as gives some more in-depth insight into the community's spamming policy. Community members who think I’m wrong, or being unfair by not allowing links to be posted to the products of competing colloidal silver vendors should simply use the “Leave Group” link.
To all other community members, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued membership and participation in the community!
DISCLAIMER: The FDA has not reviewed nor approved the information on this site. For purposes of this group, colloidal silver is discussed solely as a dietary nutritional supplement, and uses for colloidal silver discussed or described on this group are done so solely in the context of dietary mineral nutritional supplemental usage. No one in this community -- including members, administrator(s), commercial sponsor(s) or associates of the community -- are medically trained. We are journalists and publishers, not medical professionals. Therefore, nothing stated on this community, or linked to on this community, should be construed as medically diagnostic in nature, nor should it be construed to be medical advice for dealing with a given health problem. People's anecdotal accounts of their use of colloidal silver, and their opinions and thoughts and ideas on colloidal silver and its usage, are neither meant nor implied to take the place of medical guidance from a licensed professional. Nor is material referenced on the pages of this group or hyperlinked to on the pages of this group, meant to take the place of medical guidance. Readers and group members are hereby cautioned to do your own research and conduct your own due diligence into the proper use of colloidal silver, rather than just take the word of someone posting information, opinions or anecdotal accounts on this group, or linking to outside information from the pages of this group. In some rare instances the use of colloidal silver -- particularly excessive usage -- can result in a permanent physical discoloration of the skin, eyes, nails or tissues known as argyria. This condition is thought to be due to the buildup of excessive silver particles in those areas. While colloidal silver is sold (at the time of this writing, and for decades previous to this) in virtually every well-stocked health food store in the U.S., and is used safely by an estimated 10 million people throughout the Americas, there is no way to absolutely guarantee your use of colloidal silver can never result in a side effect, including argyria. That's why the administrator(s), sponsor(s) and associates of this group advocate the moderate, common-sense use of colloidal silver as a dietary mineral nutritional supplement, and leave it up to you the reader or group member to determine through your own research and due diligence what level of colloidal silver usage you wish to partake of. By becoming a group member you hereby acknowledge that your colloidal silver usage is your own responsibility, and not the responsibility of the group or of any group administrator, member, sponsor or associate. You are solely responsible for your own health and dietary decisions. The Colloidal Silver Secrets Group, its administrator(s) and sponsor(s) and associates hereby disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for any loss or hardship that may be incurrred as a result of the use of colloidal silver, or appliances for making colloidal silver, or for the application of any information found on this group site or linked to from this group site.
Copyright 2010. All information on this group site is copyrighted by Life & Health Research Group, LLC, PO Box 1239, Peoria, AZ 85380. All rights reserved. No reproduction without the expressed written permission of Life & Health Research Group, LLC.