I cannot stress enough that I believe if people took time to research alienation, reunification camps, and even the family court systems they would be appalled. There’s so much corruption and lies. The alienation industry is destroying people.
Drawing a line: We can disagree about a lot of things but I feel so strongly about this "alienation" movement being so detrimental to both survivors and children that I am drawing a strong line.
OMB Facebook and Instagram: I will be deleting posts that use alienation terminology in a way that validates the terminology or the movement. I have worked too hard over the years to allow the OMB channels to be used in a way that hurts survivors.
Why does it matter? This word (and this movement) is the single worst thing to happen to DV victims and survivors. This word is the Father’s Rights movement and when you use this word, you are playing into the hands of the enemy – you are validating and strengthening their movement. You are propelling this disturbing movement forward and you are setting family court advocates (myself included) back lightyears. You are unraveling the work we are doing. You are assuming position in enemy territory. This is very much a war between good and evil and only you get to decide where you stand. This movement is affecting our advocacy because we are divided - we aren't as strong as we could be.
I ask you: which side will you align with?
If you haven’t guessed by now, I have strong opinions on this topic. It is personal for me – not only because of my own battle (I personally faced alienation allegations and I am lucky to still have my children) but because I know the horrors of the reunification camps, I console the parents who have been defeated by this movement, I’ve listened to the guttural screams of the children being taken from courthouses to reunification camps.
If the narcissist or toxic individual is actively turning your children against you, focus on showing patterns of behaviors. I don't believe you need a term BUT if you absolutely MUST have a term, please use Domestic Violence by Proxy. An example of a “pattern of behavior” would be badmouthing or bashing you to the child, placing the child in the middle of adult situations, placing emotional burdens or responsibility on the child. Back each of these up with solid examples but please, please don’t say, “I am being alienated.”
If you are interested in understanding our position further, you can click here:
One Moms Battle