Kyrene Altadeña Middle School is "No Place for Hate"!👏
Check out our May issue to learn how students decorated for, No Place for Hate, a nationwide movement committed to using the power of positive peer influence to build inclusive and safe schools in which all students can thrive!✨
#Ahwatukee #homeiswheretheheartis #FoothillsLiving #AZfamily #PhoenixAZ #N2Publishing #AhwatukeeFoothills #AhwatukeeArizona #ArizonaFamily #communitylove #foothillslivingmagazine
Who else is excited for the month of May?!🙌
Here's a little preview of next month's issue!👀
#communitylove #homeiswheretheheartis #PhoenixAZ #foothillslivingmagazine #AhwatukeeFoothills #ArizonaFamily #N2Publishing #AhwatukeeArizona #FoothillsLiving #Ahwatukee #AZfamily
Athlete of the month, Marcello, can attest that it always pays off to give it your all no matter what!!👏🔥
Read more about Marcello in our April "Athlete of the Month" article!🏒
#PhoenixAZ #N2Publishing #ArizonaFamily #AhwatukeeArizona #FoothillsLiving #AZfamily #homeiswheretheheartis #AhwatukeeFoothills #communitylove #Ahwatukee #foothillslivingmagazine #athleteofthemonth
Hats off to all the amazing doctors out there like Dr. Martinez at Big Apple Pediatrics! 🩺
Today we celebrate National Doctors Day for their dedication and selfless service. 🙏 Let's show them our appreciation and give a big round of applause 👏
#nationaldoctorsday #AhwatukeeFoothills #homeiswheretheheartis #FoothillsLiving #ArizonaFamily #Ahwatukee #PhoenixAZ #AhwatukeeArizona #communitylove #N2Publishing #AZfamily #foothillslivingmagazine
We love getting to feature the families in our Ahwatukee Foothills community on the front cover of our publications!😍
#homeiswheretheheartis #AhwatukeeArizona #AhwatukeeFoothills #ArizonaFamily #foothillslivingmagazine #FoothillsLiving #AZfamily #N2Publishing #Ahwatukee #communitylove #PhoenixAZ
💥BIG ANNOUNCEMENT💥 You’ve heard of “Reader’s Choice” and “Best of the Best”...😍We are SO excited to announce the launch of BeLOCAL BESTLocal, taking your local recommendations to the next level! Now through April 20th, nominate and vote for your favorite businesses across a variety of categories and industries. 🏆 The winners will be recognized as the ‘2022 BESTLocal Business’ in their category- awarding them a storefront plaque identifying them as the BEST, voted BY YOU! Winners will also receive a listing in our BeLOCAL physical & digital publication, highlighting their community recognition as the #1 BESTLocal ! This will be done every year.👉🏻There are a TON of categories, be sure to check it out and show some love to your favorite businesses, helping them earn the title of BESTLocal in the East Valley! 🗳 Voting starts NOW!