Be A "Silent" Giver #thelighthouse #christmas #giving
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Gigi in grandmas closet. Checking out the shoe game. 🤣🤣
Thanks to the thoughtfulness of Tara, Monique, Renell Sheree, and Sharolyn, I had an unforgettable TWO hour spa experience followed by surprise flowers that made my day truly special. Renell Sheree Monique Tara, and Sharolyn, I’m so grateful for our friendship. It means the world to me.
That room looks like so much fun!!!
Happy birthday my love! If a picture is worth a thousand words then this year was nothing short of a thousand amazing memories. Doing life with you has been a fulfillment of a lifetime of hopes that one day I would find my person. The one that I could experience my truest happiness. The one that I could be my complete and total self with reckless abandonment, and never be ashamed. Your wit, your tenacity, your tender heart, your willingness to lead by example and outpouring of wisdom into ALL who have a heart to receive are just a few of the reasons why I adore you and adore what we share.
Happy birthday to my Fine, Strong, and Courageous Knight!! I love you utterly.