KICKSTARTER LAUNCH: The new issue LAAB, our ongoing annual-esque newsprint journal of the radical imagination, is LIVE! Masterminded by Ronald Wimberly, LAAB #3: THREE'S COMPANY concerns itself with the number three, from the holy trinity to the menage a trois. The erotic, the sacred, the profane, the 1970s sitcom -- you can find them all here, in what is actually the fourth issue of the newspaper. Featuring writing from Vanessa Place, Jillian McManemin and Audre Lorde, and comics from Anuj Shrestha, Bhanu Pratap, Celine Loup. E.S. Glenn, Hussein Adil, James Harvey, Kelly Bjork, Lamar Abrams, Melek Zertal, Oliver Ono, Patrick Mckeown, Ronald Wimberly, Shannon Wright, Nevyets, and Yahya Ashour.
We cannot do this without our small but growing committed corps of readers and fellow travelers. LAAB is one of our favorite things we do at Beehive, and it's always on a bit of a bubble as to whether we can keep it going. We hope you'll help us spread the word and keep independent publishing viable. Please consider pledging on Kickstarter (link in bio or at beehivebooks.com/laab), preordering on our website, or sharing with anyone in your world who might be interested.
The campaign will run until midnight on Thursday, October 3rd. We have lots of great pieces to share along the way. Deep thanks to everyone who puts their energy or their funds into making projects like this possible.