Dear family,
We're still reeling from closing.... Seven world premieres up. Seven world premieres down. All homegrown right here in Philly.
In 2014 when we launched this company, we weren't exactly sure what we were doing. Or how it would turn out (or even if it would turn out).
Now that we've closed our final production, we're writing to share our sincere utmost warm-hearted gratitude for you all. Without your faith, supportive energy, kind words, donations, time, and feedback, Orbiter 3 would not have been possible. The existence and success of Orbiter 3 is thanks to you, our incredible community.
Thank you.
Thank you to the 200 founding members who were first to put their money where their hearts were, who granted us the seed fund we needed to launch.
Thank you to the 50 final-year members who helped us mount our last, most ambitious productions.
Thank you to our audiences, who filled each space with open-mindedness and faith.
Thank you to all our donors, small and large, without whom these shows would have never happened.
Thank you to our board, who graciously contributed their advice and skills to our mission.
And most of all, thank you to our collaborators: directors and actors, designers and technicians, producing partners and community partners. Your time, energy and talent provided the lifeblood of this company.
Though we're done producing plays, there is still a little bit more to come from Orbiter 3. Please stay tuned for what’s next and how we plan to advocate for and support playwrights and artists in Philadelphia in perpetuity. For now, our most heartfelt thanks. And peace.
Love always,
Orbiter 3
Emily Acker, L M Feldman, Emma Goidel, Sam Henderson, James Ijames, Maura Krause, Cat Ramirez, Mary Tuomanen, Erin Washburn & Douglas Williams
We’re closing up the Orbiter 3 merch shop with one last run on NEW BLACK Orbiter 3 logo shirts and hoodies, our cheapest and sexiest swag YET.
If you ordered one via our crowdfunding campaign, it’ll be in the mail and on its way to you soon.
If you want to order one NOW, you still can! Place your order by Sunday, July 8 to get in on the final Orbiter 3 swag.
New Black Logo Tees - $10
New Black Hoodies - $25
Classic Balloon Tees - $10
Pick up your merch at the Drake Theatre on Saturday, July 21, 11am - 5pm