Bottoms Up (House Remix)
Took a classic club banger and turned it into a house banger! Streaming now exclusively on SoundCloud!
Wow, that eclipse was the dopest thing I think I’ve ever seen 🤯 now here’s the dopest thing I think I’ve ever made! You can check the full song visual video preview on my page, and pre-save it with the link here! Releases this Friday! Happy Eclipse Day!
SHEEEEESH 😮💨🔥🔥🔥 this is the first song I’ve released to streaming platforms this year and just wow 😅 I am blown away by my rapid exponential growth in my music, and this one is a true representation of that! This is by far the best damn thing I’ve ever made musically in my opinion, and I’m so freaking stoked for you all to hear it! It releases next Friday 4/12, and as always you can pre-save now with the link below 👇 which helps me out so much with promoting my music and ultimately follow my dreams, so if you dig the music, if you like me as a person and want to help me out, or if you’re just a kind soul looking for something nice to do today that would really help someone out, please please please just take a few seconds to pre-save it so I can hopefully get this masterpiece out there all over the world! 🙏✌️
My newest track I made with a sample from “The Motto” by Drake is out on SoundCloud! If you haven’t gotten the chance to listen, and like EDM, or Drake, or both, you probably would really enjoy this song! 🙌🙌🙌
My new house rager “I’M THE FKN MAN” is out on SoundCloud now and ready for your listening pleasure! Here’s my visual video for the song as well, and the link below to SoundCloud
HEY YOU AMAZING PEOPLE!! My brand NEW EP Manifesting 101 is available for PRE-SAVE on Spotify and is also available for PRE-ORDER in iTunes and Apple Music if you want to say “SCREW THAT WAIT” and peep these sweet beats now before everyone else! Either way all the PRE-SAVES mean the absolute world and you’re a true OG and are very much appreciated by me if you can help out! It helps me out tremendously by giving my music a much better chance at getting put on Spotify playlists and more! It’s quick and easy if you have Spotify! Just click on the link right here 👉 and it’ll take you right to it! Thank you advance for all of your support and I can’t wait for you to hear this thing!!! For now though, here’s AN EXCLUSIVE TRACK-LIST VIDEO PREVIEW!!! Much love!!!!
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Open your 👁
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There’s a lot to say about this one, one being I tried a new app called Blender and with no digital sculpting or animation experience at all and was able to in one day learn it and sculpt this brain as well as add all the rendering details and the blue particles, needless to say it’s a super user friendly app! You should go check it out if you’re interested in any of those things. Secondly, I added it to iMovie where I came up with this super intense set of visuals for a song that really gets the dopamine flowing!! Get your quarantine exercise for the day with this new single I am very proud of! Enjoy
Well at least I can use this extra time to make more music, and I know times are tough and hard to truly enjoy right now with all the restrictions but it’s not stopping you from blasting this and going wild so you can forget about all this mess for a bit!
(Also if you haven’t figured it out you’ll have to wait to hear the full song when it comes out but for now a mashed up preview to give you a good idea how hard it goes)
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