No more website guessing games!
One of the most important aspects of a website is the search bar 🔎
Here are a few reasons why:
🤬 Users are impatient. We all are! A search bar lets them find what they need fast, keeping them happy and engaged.
👑Content is king, but findability is queen. Even the most awesome website is useless if visitors can’t discover your hidden gems. Search unlocks your content’s full potential.
😊 Happy Users = 💰💰💰 More Sales. The sooner people can find what they’re looking for, the more likely they’ll buy your product/service.
Empower your visitors and watch user satisfaction soar 💫
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#ecommerce #onlinestores #shopifyexpert #sustainableproducts #ecommercewebsite #marketingagency #fitnessproducts #healthyfoods
@Kohl’s, we have some ideas on how to improve your website.
Like this post, if you want Luke to review other brand’s sites 😉
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What drives you? 🤔
Recognizing his unique talents in technology, @dekstech founder Luke took the initiative to transform businesse with his gifts. This passion is what fuels our culture. 😤
Luke isn’t just building websites, he’s crafting creative masterpieces that are fueling our clients’ success 🚀
With every happy client, our passion for web design and development grows . We’re just getting started, and our talented team shares the same fire! 🔥
Stay tuned to see what amazing websites we create next! 😏
What motivates you?!
#inspirational #followyourdreams #shopifyexpert #shopifystores #sellmoreonline #onlinesales #fitnessproduct #wheyprotein #furniturestores
#marketingagency #websitedeveloper
#smallbusinesses #apparelproducts #sustainableproducts #smallbusinessohio #smallbusinessnewyork
#entrepreneurship ##entrepreneurmotivation #shopsustainably
Testimonial from one of our awesome clients
#ShopifyExperts #ShopifyPartners #ShopifyPlus #ShopifyAgency #WebDevelopment