This page is all about Hope, Enlightenment, Encouragement, Upliftment, Love, Unity, Guidance, Insight, Conquering & Overcoming, Progress & Evolution, Respect, Freedom, Reality & Perception, Success and Progress. I sincerely hope to provide those who may be lost with a Sense of direction, to enable others to assist their peers who have similar struggles, and to build a bridge for all to cross. This isn't the place for immaturity or negativity so I respectfully request that anyone who comes across this page please refrain from posting or entertaining foolishness. Additionally, I will also be sharing my knowledge about certain matters of Law to properly educate & equip you all on what police actions voilates your Constitutional rights. Let us assist one another and recharge each other's spirit daily with positivity ! Breaking Bread is about sharing knowledge, ideas, plans, etc., amongst individuals who desire to contribute to the success and well-being of others. This is why I created this page so that we can all initiate a process that will unite us for our own betterment and allow us to feed off of each other's growth. So please Contribute❤✊🏾💪🏾👑