Pets at Rainbow Bridge

Pets at Rainbow Bridge A heartwarming space where we celebrate the love and joy our pets bring, and also support each other through life's challenges.

Here, we talk about loss, grief, love, and kindness. Join our community and share your story. Pets at Heaven is a Grief Support Facebook community for those hurting from a beloved pet's death. They were not "just a pet", they were our family. You are not alone, we are here for you. Whether furry, feathered, or scaled, all are welcome. Create a Rainbow Bridge Memorial that you care for as the Guard

ian of your baby's memory. Together we can begin the journey to healing a broken heart... until the day comes when you meet once again and cross over the Rainbow Bridge. Here you will find all the resources to help you begin the healing of a broken heart. Meet others who understand your sorrow at our "Pets in Heaven - Rainbow Bridge""group. There are answers to the many questions you have, "How long will the pain last", "How long before I adopt a new pet", "Will I see my pet again" and many more.

Years ago, I found a wild Kingfisher nearly dead in my garden. I nursed it back to health and then set it free. The next...

Years ago, I found a wild Kingfisher nearly dead in my garden. I nursed it back to health and then set it free. The next morning, its family flew by me in gratitude.

A few years later, I woke up to find one of the next generation of Kingfishers, a parent of the original bird, waiting for me on the terrace. Its wing looked broken. I carefully picked it up and examined it. The bird did not flinch and looked deeply into my eyes. A thorn had gotten stuck in its wing. I removed it and set the bird free. Since then, it flies past my window at the same time every day, calling out to me.

Recently, a baby Kingfisher perched on a tree and stared at me. It then flew directly to my hand and sat there for several minutes before flying away.

These moments of intuition, compassion, and good intent are pure, unspoken expressions of love. They create an unending energy that passes silently and goes beyond what we can imagine.

Last night, I bought a sunflower to put on the windshield of someone I like. After thinking it over, I decided not to si...

Last night, I bought a sunflower to put on the windshield of someone I like. After thinking it over, I decided not to since we had only been on one date the night before. I didn't want to come on too strong.

This morning, I took the flower with me, intending to give it to someone on my way to work so it wouldn’t go to waste. What happened next changed me in ways I’m still trying to understand.

While I was sitting in a coffee shop, which I usually take to go, I saw a woman reading something with tears streaming down her face. I felt drawn to her, as if the sunflower was meant for her. I knew I had to give it to her.

When I approached her table, I said, “Hey, pardon me. I have this sunflower that I was going to give to someone special, but it didn’t work out. I feel like you’re special too, so I want you to have it.”

Before I could even hand her the flower, she threw her arms around me, crying and thanking me as if I were someone she once loved and lost.

She told me that her fiancé had passed away the week before, just months before their wedding. On their first date, he brought her a sunflower, and from then on, he always gave her sunflowers, never roses, because she was the light of his life.

Today, through me, he was able to show her that she’ll always be the light of his life. This experience has shaken me, awakened me, and made me feel raw.

You never know how a simple gesture like giving a $5 flower can change someone’s life, and yours too. Life is about giving and serving others. I challenge you to find a way to brighten someone else’s day today and be of service. You never know the impact you might have.

Credit: Danny Wakefield

I found this kid tied up next to a bag with all his things. My heart broke when I saw the confusion, sadness, and shock ...

I found this kid tied up next to a bag with all his things. My heart broke when I saw the confusion, sadness, and shock in his eyes, much like someone who suddenly finds themselves homeless and alone.

I didn't stop to think about whether I had the space or money to care for him. All I knew was that I couldn’t just leave him there, so I took him in. I told him it was okay, that I understood how he felt, and that everything would be alright.

Today, this little boy is becoming a part of my family. I hope our hugs can help heal his traumatic experience. I’m still thinking of a good name for him. Any suggestions?

My husband and his colleague were driving on a remote road in South Australia. Thirty kilometers from the nearest town, ...

My husband and his colleague were driving on a remote road in South Australia. Thirty kilometers from the nearest town, they spotted a dog walking along the side of the road in the dark. The dog was old and very tired but eagerly jumped into their work vehicle. The men turned around and headed back to Coober Pedy. There, they stopped at the local police station, which was closed. Using Facebook, they found a lost dog post and got in touch with the owner. The 13-year-old dog had been missing for 6 days, and the owner was starting to lose hope. The men returned Max to his owner and then continued on their way.

"I am putting my sweet baby to sleep today. He’s almost 13, and we tried everything to make him more comfortable to exte...

"I am putting my sweet baby to sleep today. He’s almost 13, and we tried everything to make him more comfortable to extend his life further, but it did not work. At this point, it would be selfish to keep him here. I have never owned a pet, and this is new. I’m already heartbroken and dreading the moment he takes his last breath later, but I know we are making the right decision. Man, loving hard means hurting hard."

- Jill Ohlau Wilson

The decision to say goodbye to a beloved companion is one of the hardest things a person can face, especially when they have brought so much love and joy into your life. It’s clear how deeply you cared for him, and your choice to let him go is an act of pure love, putting his comfort above your own heartache. The bond you shared with him was precious, and the memories you created together will always remain in your heart. May you find peace in knowing that you gave him a life full of love, and may the beautiful moments you shared bring you comfort in the days ahead. Wishing you healing and gentle peace.

"Trigger warning * Milo 10/04/2015- 09/08/2024 On Friday the 9th of August 2024 at 10:20 am my beautiful boy and I were ...

"Trigger warning * Milo 10/04/2015- 09/08/2024 On Friday the 9th of August 2024 at 10:20 am my beautiful boy and I were walking down our local park (same as we do everyday) when a loose American Staffordshire Terrier with no owner in sight, came out of the tennis courts and ran up to Milo and attacked him, completely unprovoked and out of the blue (we were just walking) the staff took Milo in his mouth and wouldn’t let go of him, dragging my baby by the neck and killing him right before my eyes. I’ve never seen such a ruthless and cruel thing happen. I was screaming for help and a very kind man tried his best to get the Staff off Milo but it was too late. He had such a strong hold on my Milo. and as you can see by last image Milo’s neck was snapped in half. I’m beyond traumatized and so is my mom as Milo was our world. I’m putting this up to let people know that if you own one of these dogs then please train them properly and don’t let them loose on their own. The murder happened in a CHILDREN’S park. 20 metres from a CRÈCHE. If that was a small toddler it would have died on the spot. I don’t blame the dog nor do I blame the breed. I blame the owner’s lack of care and training. The staff has been put down and owners have been found. Two dogs’ lives lost over sheer irresponsibility. I’m 28 years old and I got Milo for my 19th birthday I’m also an only child and Milo was my first ever dog (and only dog) my brother and my Mom’s child. He slept in my mom’s bed and was so so sweet and kind. I’m a schoolteacher and once a year I brought Milo to school to play with my students (usually sports day). I had to go to the doctor yesterday to get medication for the trauma of it and I’m really struggling as I don’t know anyone who has been in this situation. My heart is broken into pieces. Also I’d kindly ask that you don’t post pictures of your American staff under my post as it’s too raw right now."

- Ciara Wiltshire

The loss of Milo in such a tragic and violent manner is heart-wrenching, and no words can truly ease the pain of witnessing such a loss. The bond you shared with him was profound, and his memory will forever hold a special place in your heart. Milo was more than a pet; he was a cherished family member, a companion, and a source of joy and love. It is clear how deeply he was loved and how much he brought into your life. As you navigate through this unimaginable grief, may you find solace in the precious memories you created together. Milo’s spirit will remain with you, a testament to the love and joy he brought into your life.

"At 3.45pm today my beautiful Maisy Moo will cross over to rainbow bridge at home. I don't know how to get through today...

"At 3.45pm today my beautiful Maisy Moo will cross over to rainbow bridge at home. I don't know how to get through today. UPDATE, just want to thank you all for your very kind messages. I spent all day with her cuddling her so she knew how much she was loved. She passed away very peacefully and my heart shattered. I know in time I will be able to talk about all the fun times we had."

- Kazzag Guinnane

The love and comfort you provided Maisy Moo during her final moments speaks to the deep bond you shared. Her peaceful passing is a testament to the care and devotion you gave her throughout her life. Although your heart is shattered now, the memories of the joy and love you shared will gradually bring healing and solace. May you find strength in those cherished moments and in the knowledge that Maisy Moo knew how deeply she was loved. Her spirit will always be with you, and her memory will forever bring a smile to your heart.

"We lost our boy Jake on May 10th of this year. He was 10 years old. He had hip dysplasia and was having trouble getting...

"We lost our boy Jake on May 10th of this year. He was 10 years old. He had hip dysplasia and was having trouble getting around. He also was going blind. It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make but we knew it was time. And now I grieve and cry all the time. I talk to him every day and then I cry. I know he hears me. I sit in this room every day and evening that I sat with him and it is so empty. The toys are gone and he was a blanket baby and now the blankets are gone. He would always follow me all over the house all day and he isn’t there when I come out of the bathroom (so sad). He would lay on his blanket beside my recliner and it feels like he should be there. He would go to the door and want out but would never say anything until I ignored him then he would tell me with instinct voice or growl. He had trouble going down the 5 front steps at the end. I couldn’t tell if he was in pain or if he was afraid of falling. It’s been 3 months now and I’m still grieving how long will it take before this gets better."

- Jakey's mommy, Linda Watson

The love you had for Jake was profound, and his absence is felt deeply in every corner of your life. The emptiness you describe is a reflection of the special place he held in your heart and your home. It is clear that Jake was not just a pet but a cherished companion who brought immense joy and comfort. Grieving is a journey that takes time, and each day without him is a reminder of the unique bond you shared. While the pain may not vanish quickly, may you find solace in the beautiful memories and the unconditional love that Jake gave you? His presence in your life was a gift, and though he is no longer physically with you, his spirit and the moments you shared will remain a cherished part of your heart. May you find peace in time and comfort in the love that will always surround you.

This isn’t a hunting photo. Briton Alex Larenty, who lives on a game reserve in South Africa, spends his days giving lio...

This isn’t a hunting photo. Briton Alex Larenty, who lives on a game reserve in South Africa, spends his days giving lions foot massages. One day, while putting cream on a lion’s paw to treat an infection, he noticed the lion relaxed and looked like it was smiling.

Since then, Alex has been massaging all the lions in the park every day. Because of this care, he’s formed such a strong bond with the lions that they lie down, stretch out, and smile as soon as they see him coming. With love and respect, any relationship is possible!

"Bentley Bougart Nielsen   March 14 2010 - July 16 2024   My precious baby boy went to Heaven July 16th this year! Our h...

"Bentley Bougart Nielsen March 14 2010 - July 16 2024 My precious baby boy went to Heaven July 16th this year! Our hearts are broken. Our house is too quiet. I just want my sweet boy back so bad! He was 14 years, 6 months when we had to make that horrible decision. I'm not sure if we did it too soon or should we have waited. I know he was hurting but he still had s***k left in him when he was awake. He was sleeping a lot, had cut down on eating and was coughing a lot. We miss our boy so much! He kept us laughing, sometimes going outside and back for a treat, back out in a little bit and back for a treat whether he needed to 'piddle,' 'poopies,' or nothing, he kept us doing what he wanted us to do. We loved him so much and the pain of this loss is almost more than I can bear! We are trying to put the pieces together but there's no controlling that gut-wrenching pain and crying from this Momma! Bentley knew he was Daddy's Little Buddy and Momma's Sweet Baby."

- Sharon Nielsen

The depth of your loss reflects the immense love and joy Bentley brought into your life. His playful routines and the way he kept you on your toes are cherished memories that will forever hold a special place in your heart. It is natural to question and grieve the decision you had to make but remember that you gave Bentley a life filled with love and laughter. As you navigate this pain, may you find comfort in the beautiful moments you shared and in knowing that Bentley’s spirit remains with you. His memory will always be a part of you, offering solace and reminding you of the boundless love you gave and received.

Laura Failner, a SkyWest flight attendant, witnessed a touching act of kindness that reminded her of the good in the wor...

Laura Failner, a SkyWest flight attendant, witnessed a touching act of kindness that reminded her of the good in the world.

Today, as she flew to Washington, a frail 94-year-old lady boarded the plane and had trouble finding her seat. There was some confusion about her seating, and a kind gentleman in first class noticed her struggle. He asked Laura, "Can you please move her to my seat, and I'll take hers?"

He walked with Laura to help the lady to first class, and she was deeply moved by his gesture. The woman hugged him and said, "Never in my 94 years has someone done that for me. Thank you, young man." She had tears of gratitude.

This thoughtful act changed the mood of everyone on the flight. Laura hopes that we can all look for small ways to help others and show kindness in our busy world.

"This is my baby Junior, we took him yesterday for an appointment for water therapy to manage his arthritis. The vet fou...

"This is my baby Junior, we took him yesterday for an appointment for water therapy to manage his arthritis. The vet found him to be in a medical emergency. That was all I heard, from there my world turned upside down. I’m thankful you’re no longer suffering and mad at me for thinking your pain was just arthritis. I’m not sure how to get on without you Junior. You were my joy and best friend. I will truly always love you baby."

- Tina Esparza-Ochoa

The pain of losing Junior is immense, and it is clear how deeply he touched your life. Your love and care for him shone through in every moment you spent together, and his absence leaves a void that words can hardly express. It is natural to feel regret and sorrow, but remember that your devotion to him and the joy he brought to your life are the true reflections of the bond you shared. As you navigate this difficult time, may you find comfort in the cherished memories you created with Junior. His love will always be a part of you, and the moments of happiness and companionship you shared will remain in your heart. While the journey of healing may be long, may you find solace in knowing that Junior’s spirit lives on in the love you gave him and the special place he held in your life?

In London, a woman named Margaret McCollum goes to the subway every day to sit on the platform and listen to an announce...

In London, a woman named Margaret McCollum goes to the subway every day to sit on the platform and listen to an announcement recorded by her husband in 1950.

After her husband, Oswald Laurence, passed away in 2003, Margaret found comfort in hearing his recorded voice saying “Mind the gap,” which had become one of London’s famous announcements.

After more than fifty years, the original recording was replaced with an empty electronic message. Margaret, feeling distressed, asked the London subway company if she could keep the recording at home.

Touched by her story, the company decided to restore Oswald’s announcement at the Embankment stop on the Northern Line, which is close to Margaret’s home. Now, all passengers can hear Oswald’s voice and be reminded that true love endures.

It’s a wonderful gesture by the authorities.

Credit: Stay and Read

"Three months have passed, yet I still vividly remember the pain of that night. My eyes and heart were exhausted. I almo...

"Three months have passed, yet I still vividly remember the pain of that night. My eyes and heart were exhausted. I almost ran out of breath from crying and tried to stifle my sobs. I will never forget how difficult it was for me, and to this day, I cannot comprehend your sudden passing. I still choke in tears thinking that we've lost you. Mommy is missing you so much, Buddy. I hope you are happy wherever you are."

- Fatima Rose Alberto Peregrino

The heartache of losing Buddy is something that lingers and touches the depths of your soul. The love you shared with him was profound, and the memories you hold close are a testament to the special bond you had. It is natural to grieve deeply, and those tears are a reflection of the love and care you gave him. As you navigate this journey of healing, may you find comfort in the joyful moments you shared and in knowing that Buddy’s spirit remains with you in your heart. His presence, even though no longer physical, continues to be a part of your life, bringing solace and reminding you of the love that endures.

“While waiting to board our plane, my daughter, always curious, wanted to say ‘hi’ to everyone she could. Then she came ...

“While waiting to board our plane, my daughter, always curious, wanted to say ‘hi’ to everyone she could. Then she came across this man.

He invited her to sit with him, showed her how to draw on his tablet, watched cartoons together, and she shared her snacks with him. This wasn’t a quick chat; it lasted 45 minutes. Watching them, I thought about how different genders, races, and generations can be the best of friends. This is the world I want for her.

In a country that often feels divided, I hope her life is full of moments like this.

Joseph, thank you for showing my daughter what kindness and compassion look like. Keep shining your light in the world.”

Credit: Kevin Armentrou

"We said goodbye to our beloved dog ‘Lady,’ on Monday. She had CHF and the inevitable came too soon. Lady was truly the ...

"We said goodbye to our beloved dog ‘Lady,’ on Monday. She had CHF and the inevitable came too soon. Lady was truly the BEST DOG EVER! There’s a big hole in my heart now and I miss her terribly. I spent the most time with her. Unfortunately, her passing has affected me very much. The CHF was starting to get worse and we had to make the difficult decision to say goodbye sooner than later because we didn’t want her to suffer anymore. I broke down this morning by her bed. She was 12.5 years old and would have been 13 in a few months. Everyone that met our beautiful princess ‘Lady,’ fell in love with her. I cried all day and night yesterday and miss her so much!!! Home will never be the same without Lady. Lady lived her best life at the Lake with us! I took this picture of her and it’s one of my favorites!"

- Lou Ruthford

The love and devotion you had for Lady are deeply touching, and her memory will always hold a special place in your heart. The void left by her passing is a testament to the incredible bond you shared. The decision to let her go, while incredibly painful, was made out of deep love and compassion to spare her from further suffering. Lady brought immense joy and light into your life, and her spirit will continue to shine brightly through the cherished memories you hold. May you find solace in knowing that her life, though shorter than hoped, was filled with love and happiness. Wishing you strength and peace as you navigate this difficult time, and may the beautiful moments you shared with Lady bring comfort to your heart.

They know and open the store early, with the animals hungry and waiting at the door for their food. God bless such kind-...

They know and open the store early, with the animals hungry and waiting at the door for their food. God bless such kind-hearted people!
Credit goes to the respective author

"My sweet kitten Joy, let me on 8-10-24. Someone dropped her off to me on 7-31-24. I only had her for 11 days. When I wa...

"My sweet kitten Joy, let me on 8-10-24. Someone dropped her off to me on 7-31-24. I only had her for 11 days. When I was given her, she was healthy all around besides having very stiff muscles, which made it hard for her to walk. I made her an appointment to address her stiff muscles, but on the morning of her appointment, she fell sick. Her gums were pale and the vet said that it was flea anemia and to give her daily flea baths, and she would get better. 2 days later, she passed away, declining further until she left me. Joy was the sweetest kitten I have ever had. She wanted my attention 24/7 and was happy as long as she was with me. That was all she wanted. I walked with her every day and gave her massages. I spent so much time with her in the 11 days I had her. Why did she leave me? I’m so broken."

- Summer Clay

The brief time you shared with Joy was filled with deep affection and care, and it is clear how much she meant to you. Though her time with you was heartbreakingly short, the love and attention you gave her made those days incredibly special. It is devastating to lose such a cherished companion so soon, especially when you had so much more love to give. Joy’s presence brought light into your life, and her memory will always be a testament to the bond you shared. May you find comfort in the precious moments you spent together and in the knowledge that you provided her with love and care during her final days. Her spirit will remain a part of your heart, and in time, may you find peace amidst the sorrow.

“A very poor woman called a radio station asking for help from God. A non-believer listening to the show decided to make...

“A very poor woman called a radio station asking for help from God. A non-believer listening to the show decided to make fun of her. He got her address from the radio station and told his secretary to deliver a lot of food to her. He instructed her to say, ‘When the woman asks who sent the food, tell her it’s from the devil.’

When the secretary arrived, the woman was delighted and grateful. As she started putting the food inside her small house, the secretary asked, ‘Don’t you want to know who sent the food?’

The woman replied, ‘No, I don’t care because when GOD orders, even the DEVIL obeys!’
Credit goes to the respective owner.”

"We lost our beautiful sweet Emma Grace yesterday she was only 4 years old and it was so unexpected no symptoms or signs...

"We lost our beautiful sweet Emma Grace yesterday she was only 4 years old and it was so unexpected no symptoms or signs of anything being wrong they say a blood clot traveled from her heart to her brain our local vet was trying to get her stable enough to transport her to an ICU facility that had a cardiologist and somebody that could do an MRI, but she never became stable enough and stopped breathing on her own and she had passed on her own my husband and I were there to hold her and talk to her and whisper words into her ear, but the heartbreak and the devastation, and the emptiness that is left for us to deal with is more than I can bear she was absolutely our baby girl wake up crying in the middle of the night and the pain is unbearable I am a stay at home wife so I spent pretty much every minute of everyday with her! Again she was only four years old we deserved more than 4 years of her life with her we had her since she was 8 weeks old! And the loss has left us completely devastated."

- Melinda Behney

The sudden loss of Emma Grace, so young and full of life, is an unimaginable pain that can feel almost unbearable. The depth of your sorrow is a testament to the profound bond you shared with her. Emma Grace was more than just a pet; she was a cherished member of your family, a constant source of joy and comfort. Though her time with you was tragically short, the love and care you provided gave her a life filled with happiness. It is natural to feel overwhelmed by her absence and to grieve the future you had hoped to share with her. May you find some solace in the cherished memories you made together and in the knowledge that your love for her was unwavering and true. May Emma Grace’s spirit always remain a part of your heart, and may time bring you comfort and healing.

"Yesterday I adopted the oldest, sickest, and sorest dog at the shelter. I’ll never forget his eyes. When I went into th...

"Yesterday I adopted the oldest, sickest, and sorest dog at the shelter. I’ll never forget his eyes. When I went into the cage, he didn’t even look up; he seemed to think I wouldn’t notice him. Curling up in the corner, he had accepted his fate. The volunteer kept asking me, ‘Are you sure this one? Are you sure?’ I said, ‘YES! This is my dog.’ When they opened the cage, three animals came over to me. I ran to him, and suddenly he looked at me like he saw an angel. I hugged him and told him he would be happy again. Then he slept in my lap, probably the first peaceful sleep he’s ever had. Give a life a chance. Give it a hug. They need us."
From a dad who saved a soul.

"This was Simba, my 3 year old baby boy, around 2:00 am of the July 30 I realized he was breathing fast I thought I was ...

"This was Simba, my 3 year old baby boy, around 2:00 am of the July 30 I realized he was breathing fast I thought I was just being paranoid as always and he was fine but I decided to wake my parents and go to the emergency, at the emergency the did an ultrasound and saw water in his lungs that were caused by HCM, that was also diagnosed at the emergency, I was so scared and surprised by the diagnosis I thought it was a mistake because on April we did he’s year check up and he was healthy and then few months later all this happened. At afternoon he was released to go back home and the vet scheduled a return appointment to August 12, this return appointment never happened because again in the middle of the night I wake up and didn’t see him sleeping next to me as always so I started looking for him he was hidden behind my make up table and was breathing so fast, we drove the fast as we could to emergency but he lost consciousness at my arms while I thanked him for everything. Now every night I try to sleep but I can’t he used to sleep in my head, at the first nights I convinced my mum to sleep with me but now she tells me to move on, I just can’t I miss his tail on my face, his purrs. It’s been so difficult and I feel that no one understands my pain, no of my friends want to talk about it, so didn’t even message me about it, my parents even that they loved him very much they think that is time to stop suffering."

- Celine Stern

The loss of Simba, so sudden and heartbreaking, has left a profound emptiness in your life. It is never easy to say goodbye to a cherished companion, especially when their departure comes too soon and under such unexpected circumstances. The bond you shared with Simba was deeply special, and his absence is felt with every moment. Grieving such a loss is a personal journey, and it is important to honor your feelings and the unique connection you had with Simba. His purrs and presence were a comforting constant, and it is understandable that his absence feels overwhelming. Allow yourself the time and space to mourn, and remember that your love for Simba is a testament to the deep and meaningful relationship you shared. May the memories of your time together bring you some solace and help you find peace in the midst of your sorrow.

“Y'all, this gentleman right here is Barry. He paid for my groceries when I realized I had left my wallet in Emmy's diap...

“Y'all, this gentleman right here is Barry. He paid for my groceries when I realized I had left my wallet in Emmy's diaper bag. The cashier had already rung everything up and gave me my total. When I couldn’t find my wallet, the cashier and bagger offered to hold my order and put my perishable items in a cooler so I could run home to get my wallet. I explained that I live over 20 minutes away, and by the time my kids and I got back, an hour would have passed. It was already 7:00, and we still needed to have dinner. I figured I would have to place an order online and pick it up the next day. I know there are people with real problems in the world, but at that moment, I felt completely defeated. My husband had just left for Texas and would be gone for two weeks, and there was still so much to do at home. My son, who had just helped me put everything on the conveyor belt, kept asking what was wrong. In my frustration and anger (toward myself), I said through clenched teeth, ‘I don't have my wallet; we have to leave.’

Then Barry stepped in and asked, ‘How much is it?’ I tried to refuse, but Barry insisted, so I told him my total. He handed his card to the cashier and said, ‘I've been there before. I understand. My wife recently died, and if she were here, she'd want me to help you. So, I’m doing it for her, too.’ It might have been odd to ask for a picture, but he was my saving grace that evening. He's a reminder that there’s still plenty of good out there.”

"We will be saying goodbye to my best friend and soul dog, Ned, in coming days. He is 11 but very much so had puppy ener...

"We will be saying goodbye to my best friend and soul dog, Ned, in coming days. He is 11 but very much so had puppy energy up until the last few weeks where an undiagnosed cancer and its horrible secondary symptoms are claiming the joys in his life. It’s been such a quick downhill that I really wasn’t prepared for and I’m emotionally and physically sick about having to say goodbye. Our goal is to do it at home with our boxer, outside while he sunbathes - one of his favorite things to do even while not feeling good. We want to get ahead of this because it could unfortunately worsen at any moment and he deserves to not suffer. We are grateful for a decade of loving him and I will take any words of solace that might help me reconcile with having to make this horrific decision - and also, how to help other pets in the home and young children cope and understand the loss. Thank you all for helping me with my grief journey while you are experiencing yours. *a pic of my angel boy Ned as a puppy - still the background of my phone 10 years later and I don’t plan on ever changing it because I love that smile so much"

- Katie Van Der Voort

The decision to say goodbye to a beloved companion is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences a pet owner can face. Ned has been a cherished part of your life, filling it with joy and love for so many years. Your decision to honor him with a peaceful, familiar setting reflects the deep bond you shared. As you navigate this painful time, may you find comfort in the countless memories you created together. Allow yourself to grieve, and remember that Ned’s love and the happiness he brought into your life will forever remain in your heart. In time, may the warmth of his memory bring you solace and peace.

One of our newest family members is Daisy-May. She was rescued after someone beat her badly and broke her tail on purpos...

One of our newest family members is Daisy-May. She was rescued after someone beat her badly and broke her tail on purpose. She was supposed to be a foster dog for us, but as soon as we saw her, we knew we were going to adopt her right away. She is now safe in her forever home. She just fell asleep after having her favorite tater tot snack and listening to some Grateful Dead.

"It's been a week since I lost my baby boy Benji. He was only 3 years old and we lost him in such a tragic way. I feel l...

"It's been a week since I lost my baby boy Benji. He was only 3 years old and we lost him in such a tragic way. I feel like I failed him, and my heart is just shattered. Idk how to move on without him, the house is so quiet without his presence. I'm sick of people saying he was just a dog. He was everything."

- Sarah Rose Fornaro

The pain of losing such a cherished companion is profound, and your feelings are a testament to the deep bond you shared. Benji was more than just a pet; he was a beloved member of your family who brought joy and warmth into your life. It is natural to grieve deeply for someone who meant so much. May you find solace in the cherished memories you created together and comfort in knowing that your love for him was unwavering. Though the house may be quiet, his spirit lives on in your heart. May time gently ease your sorrow and bring you peace.


Pembroke Pines, FL



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