Spread a little (foam) love
Throughout February, we replaced our traditional packing materials with these foam hearts to spread a little love. We hope you were one of the lucky recipients! Either way, do your part to spread some love today, tomorrow, and beyond...
#love #customfoam #hardcases #protection #mcb #printonfoam
Always the perfectionist. Steve being interviewed at the NAB Show in NYC. 😂😂😂
Two tray podcast case...sing it with me...
Nikon Z8 Camera, lens, batteries and accessories custom foam and hardcase for a customer.
Great flexibility for the customer to transport long or shorter lenses, multiple batteries, depending on the project.
Let us know what you think. Leave a comment below.
#hardcase #protection #foam #photo #video #AV #nikon #prophoto #photopro #prosumer #gear
At the InfoComm Show here in Vegas. Come by and say hello. Bring some cold drinks, it’s🔥hot. Booth…C8127. See ya there.
Nice project for Logitech.
Custom printed lid foam and MyCaseBuilder base foam with our TopGuard protective layer to keep their gear safe from bumps and bruises.
#protective #hardcase #DIY #printonfoam #designityourself #madeinUSA #prodesignservice
Steve's at the @cinegearexpo in Los Angeles.
In fact he's at the @warnerbrosentertainment studios and we're having a debate.
Which sitcom was better? @bigbangtheory or Friends?
Vote below.
Transform your gear from disorganized to organized. Amateur to professional. Stress out to stress free. MyCaseBuilder's here to help! #hardcase #customfoam #protective #DIY #printonfoam #designityourself
NAB Show 2024! Steve's got something to share. Follow us for more...
Yeah...MyCaseBuilder is magic and easy to DIY.
Organize your gear. Achieve greatness. Rule the world.
Send us your pics 📸
#customfoam #hardcase #printonfoam #case #custom #audio #pros #sendusyourpics
Our 10 Pistol/20 Magazine case at the range.
Plenty of clearance for sights and under barrel attachments of all kinds.
Wheels, extendable handle, eyelets for padlocks, IP67-rated, Mil-spec and more.
#lawenforcement #militarytraining #firearmsafety #pistol #case #shootingrange #GunSafety
Video credit: Youngbuckdave @youngbuckdave