Our Mo-Po Dots are a target for the client/patient and an assessment tool for the practitioner.
The challenge is mid-range and end range frontal plane lunges. The Mo-Po Dots make it easy to see how her right side externally rotates and her foot lands at a 45° angle at end range versus her left side which consistently lands on the zero. This explains why she occasionally has discomfort at the knee.
The goal will be to gradually have her begin to move thru internal rotation to get her back to the zero degree mark.
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tut.fitness.studio and @trainer_katia show us a fantastic push-up with hip rotation challenge.
The Mo-Po Dots a create great visual targets for your hand placement and hips drivers.
Give this a try! We promise this will challenge even your toughest client.
Ready! Set! Mo-Po!
#tutfitness #trainerkatia
#moposolutions #mopodots #mopomat #mopoeducation #626wellnesscommunity #626wellness #juliamorichelli #terilewis #sundfysik #pivkoserhii #functionalpersonaltrainer #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalphysiotherapist #functionalthletictrainer #functionalocupationaltherapist #functionaltraining #functionalassessment #functionalmovement #grayinsititute #functionalaginsititute #issaonline #NASM #acepersonaltrainer #ACSM #ideafit #ideainternational
Smartass Gym & Soul Getting it done!
#moposolutions #smartassgymandsoul
Rising Sun Spherical Chi Ball Calibrations … I mean lunge matrix chi ball? Honor thy sphere 🐦🔥🫀☸️
Check out the Gray Institute's 3D MAPS motion within this spherical movement pattern.
Thank you @movement_exploration_channel for your beautiful movement and soul. ❤️
.#moposolutions #mopodots #mopomat #mopoeducation #626wellnesscommunity #626wellness #juliamorichelli #terilewis #sundfysik #pivkoserhii #functionalpersonaltrainer #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalphysiotherapist #functionalthletictrainer #functionalocupationaltherapist #functionaltraining #functionalassessment #functionalmovement #grayinsititute #functionalaginsititute #issaonline #NASM #acepersonaltrainer #ACSM #ideafit #ideainternational
The first two photos are of a 10 station Mo-Po Circuit Workout. The second two photos are of a 10 station Mo-Po Circuit Workout. It's all about the layout and the space you have available.
Our Mo-Po Products allows you to create an unlimited amount of workouts in large or constrained spaces. Don't miss our Training in Constrained Spaces workshop at the Functional Aging Summit by @faieducation. This year's Summit will be conveniently held within the @ideafit conference in Los Angeles, CA.
#moposolutions #mopodots #mopomat #mopoeducation #626wellnesscommunity #626wellness #juliamorichelli #terilewis #sundfysik #pivkoserhii #functionalpersonaltrainer #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalphysiotherapist #functionalthletictrainer #functionalocupationaltherapist #functionaltraining #functionalassessment #functionalmovement #grayinsititute #functionalaginsititute #issaonline #NASM #acepersonaltrainer #ACSM #ideafit #ideainternational #scwmaniaconference
Keep your eye on the ball, then load and explode! Training for the golf swing using our Mo-Po Dots as targets for the client and as an assessment tool for the movement professional. The AnchorPoint band by @anchorpointtraining was added for additional resistance and tension during throughout swing.
Ready! Set! Movement!
#moposolutions #mopodots #mopomat #mopoeducation #golf #golfswing #juliamorichelli #terilewis #sundfysik #pivkoserhii #functionalpersonaltrainer #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalphysiotherapist #functionalthletictrainer #functionaltraining #functionalassessment #functionalmovement #grayinsititute #functionalaginsititute #issaonline #NASM #acepersonaltrainer #ACSM #ideafit #ideainternational
Another sneak peak at what you will learn from @terifix during her workshop at the Functional Aging Summit by @faieducation at the @ideafit convention July 12th & 13th in Los Angeles.
Teri will show you how to take common yoga moves and turn them in to 3D movements to challenge your clients and patients in all three planes of motions. Also, how great of a warm-up or cool-down would this be for your clients/patients?
#moposolutions #mopodots #mopomat #mopoeducation #626wellnesscommunity #626wellness #juliamorichelli #terilewis #sundfysik #pivkoserhii #functionalpersonaltrainer #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalphysiotherapist #functionalthletictrainer #functionalocupationaltherapist #functionaltraining #functionalassessment #functionalmovement #grayinsititute #functionalaginsititute #issaonline #NASM #acepersonaltrainer #ACSM #ideafit #ideainternational
Test and Assess with Mo-Po Solutions!
What do you see in this loaded and unloaded single leg squat with a toe tap?
Using the Mo-Po Mats helps you clearly see the obvious and subtle differences in this clients movements.
Ready! Set! Mo-Po!
#moposolutions #mopodots #mopomat #mopoeducation #626wellnesscommunity #626wellness #juliamorichelli #terilewis #sundfysik #pivkoserhii #functionalpersonaltrainer #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalphysiotherapist #functionalthletictrainer #functionalocupationaltherapist #functionaltraining #functionalassessment #functionalmovement #grayinsititute #functionalaginsititute #issaonline #NASM #acepersonaltrainer #ACSM #ideafit #ideainternational
We are honored to see @chris_gerona_dpt one of the best Physical Therapists in the country using our Mo-Po Mat! Good luck Chris on your new journey!
#moposolutions #chrisgeronadpt #626wellness #626wellnesscommunity #portlandtrailblazers #lasparks #grayinstitute #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalathletictrainer #functionalpersonaltrainer #viprpro
Test, Assess, Cue, & Move with Mo-Po Solutions!
Using variations on the @grayinstituteofficial
3D MAPS @626wellness
uses our Mo-Po Mat to Test, Assess, Cue, & Move their client's Mobility & Stability, Motion & Position, and ROM on both right and left sides of the body.
Ready! Set! Mo-Po!
#moposolutions #626wellnesscommunity #626wellness #grayinstitute #functionalphysicaltherapy #functionalpersonaltraining #functionalathletictraining #3DMAPS #NASM #issaonline #faieducation #ACSM #acepersonaltrainer
#functionalfitness #functionalmovement
Here's a sneak peak at our 'Connect the Dots with Yoga' workshop on Saturday, July 13th with the @faieducation at the international Functional Aging Summit within the @ideafit conference!
Learn how to take your typicallly sagittal plane yoga moves and turn them into 3D movement motions and positions for your active aging clientele.
Ready! Set! Mo-Po!
#moposolutions #faieducation #ideafit #functionalagingsummit #issaonline #grayinstitute #NASM #functionalfitness #functionalyoga #functionalpersonaltrainer
The amazing new Mo-Po class at @smartass_sport in Kyiv, Ukraine!
#moposolutions #smartasssport #functionalpersonaltrainer #functionalmovement #functionalfitness #functionalphysicaltherapist #functionalphysiotherapy #pivkoserhii #juliamorichelli #sundfysik