Alongside Night Media

Alongside Night Media Author/filmmaker J Neil Schulman talks politics, pop culture, paranormal and more Home for J. Neil Schulman produced media


Something to keep an eye on. Over the past year, the price of gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange has averaged about $35 higher than London. But this week it has fallen to $11 below the London price.

That is still a sign of continuing gold demand in China, but an indication that imports into the country are possibly catching up to the backlog of demand. This may lead to gold's price stagnating at current levels for a time.


Global uncertainty is on the rise right now. The first round of French elections has former political opponents scrambling to try to stop the surge of the far-right party going into the second round of elections. United Kingdom elections are tomorrow which are expected to result in a political and economic disaster for that country (worse than is already happening).

Perhaps the most significant political development is that Democrat governors are having an emergency meeting, looks like today, which is getting very little media coverage. Almost certainly the subject will be a possible disaster looming in the November elections all the way down the ballot.

Prices of precious metals are up significantly today, thought right now they are below their highs. As of a couple minutes ago, here were the bid and ask spot prices at which Liberty Coin Service was buying and selling physical precious metals:

Gold: bid spot price $2,357.00/ ask spot price $2,360.00
Silver: $30.49/$30.57
Platinum: $996.00/$1,008.00
Palladium: $1,012.00/$1,037.00

Palladium today is at its highest in weeks. This could be partly a reflection of the decline in electric vehicle sales. Electric vehicles don't need catalytic converters, which means lower future demand for palladium. Should fewer electric vehicle sales occur, that means more palladium would be needed by the automotive industry for catalytic converters in internal combustion gas vehicles.


The interest rate yield on 10 year US Treasury debt was 4.70%. This is an almost 6-month high. Last time it was this high was November 1, 2023 at 4.77%.

The interest rate yield on 3-month US Treasury debt was 5.47%. It was higher than that at 5.48% twice in January 2024 and twice in March 2024.

With the US Treasury having difficulty finding buyers for its debt, don't look for interest rate cuts this year unless it is a political move to try to sway the presidential election.

I miss you J. everyday. I know you see the amazing advances at San Pablo Motion Picture Studios, I have heeded your advi...

I miss you J. everyday. I know you see the amazing advances at San Pablo Motion Picture Studios, I have heeded your advice, but I could really use your knowledge and guidance right about now, but we persevere and stand on the shoulders of the giants as we move liberty forward.


Fine art enthusiasts will appreciate these fascinating 100-year-old film clips of four of the most celebrated artists in history; Claude Monet, Pierre


Science Fiction Nebula Grandmaster, Robert A. Heinlein is known for many of his books, but none more than hisStranger in Strange Land. I have been unable to find any other copy of the manuscript listed anywhere for sale and aside from manuscripts archived by the Heinlein Collection at the University...

J Neil Schulmann was scheduled to be on Coast to Coast with George Noory, but was then curiously canceled. Call and ask ...

J Neil Schulmann was scheduled to be on Coast to Coast with George Noory, but was then curiously canceled. Call and ask why as I did.

Listen to Coast to Coast AM Call- June 16th 2018 | Clyp is the easiest way to record, upload and share audio. No account required.

J. Neil Schulman on SEK3, Agorism & Science FictionJ. Neil Schulman is one of the last founding fathers of Agorism. He h...

J. Neil Schulman on SEK3, Agorism & Science Fiction

J. Neil Schulman is one of the last founding fathers of Agorism. He has authored multiple books including the Prometheus-award winners, Alongside Night and Rainbow Cadenza. He has written, directed and produced movies and episodes of the Twilight Zone.

J. Neil Schulman is one of the last founding fathers of Agorism. He has authored multiple books including the Prometheus-award winners, Alongside Night and Rain

Libertarian and anarchist friends of mine don’t care about the truth or falsity of the accusations against Brett Kavanau...

Libertarian and anarchist friends of mine don’t care about the truth or falsity of the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh that Christine Blasey Ford has testified to in subsequent Senate hearings because Kavanaugh is a statist — so whatever happens to him, he has it coming.

That attitude is how over 15,000 people were murdered in what historians record as the Reign of Terror in the 1790′s French Revolution. They “had it coming,” too.

I believe in truth, justice, and the American way, just like my first childhood hero, Superman.

Does anybody actually care about the truth of Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation that as a teenager President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh drunkenly assaulted her?

Fine. You want to play it that way, right back at you.

Fine. You want to play it that way, right back at you.

Earlier today (August 15, 2018) I sent out two tweets intended to cause trouble for my political enemies — totalitarians who want to leave no aspect of human life — even the most trivial — free from their commands.

Since Alex Jones / Infowars videos have been banned on YouTube ..On July 28, 2014, Alongside Night author/filmmaker/acto...

Since Alex Jones / Infowars videos have been banned on YouTube ..

On July 28, 2014, Alongside Night author/filmmaker/actor J. Neil Schulman was interviewed regarding the libertarian content of his movie on an iconic TV show..

This video is provided for archival purposes since the original video is no longer available.

The Alongside Night movie streams on Amazon Video / Amazon Prime and its official movie website is
and its page is
Film & Animation

On July 28, 2014, Alongside Night author/filmmaker/actor J. Neil Schulman was interviewed regarding the libertarian content of his movie on an iconic TV show...

The following excerpt from Chapter 20 of my novel The Fractal Man ( is fiction.Wha...

The following excerpt from Chapter 20 of my novel The Fractal Man (
) is fiction.

What isn't fictional is the news conference today by Clark County Nevada Sheriff Joseph Lombardo stating that the motive for Stephen Paddock's actions will never be known and that the case is now closed.

I think the reason for Lombardo closing this case is a cover-up of Paddock's profession as a hit man who worked for intelligence agencies and that for the October 1 2017 shootings of country music fans -- a demographic traditionally pro-Second Amendment --Paddock was hired to promote a gun-disarmament agenda of the Deep State. I can't prove this but I could and did write it into my 2018 novel.

Note: the "Free State Project" in The Fractal Man is a multiversal organization not related to the Free State Project in New Hampshire in our (presumably common) timeline.


“A little less conversation, a little more action please.”

I was back in Vegas with Simon, in my own timeline.

On October 1, 2017, a man known to the news media as Stephen Paddock -- using a room in the Mandalay Bay Hotel as his sniper’s nest -- opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival on the Las Vegas Strip. When Paddock ceased fire 58 people were dead and another 851 were wounded or injured.

Despite investigation by all levels of law enforcement no motive for the attack was found. That is to say, the reason for the attack satisfied no one’s political agenda so no investigation was prepared to solve it.

Simon and I knew Stephen Paddock’s real name, what paraverse he hailed from, and that he was a pay-for-play hit man who’d been used at one time or another by just about every statist faction, and we knew who had hired him for this job, and why.

If you ever heard the phrase “Vegas Strong” you want to know the why of it more than anything else.

The Free State Project worried about one thing more than anything else when they contemplated the invasion of a world. That was the capacity of the locals to offer effective resistance.

Stephen Paddock was hired by the Free State Project – before Simon’s boffins ended their reign of terror – to advance the cause of “gun control” by an act of terrorism using common civilian long guns and thereby reduce the capacity of the most technologically equipped civilians in that timeline – Americans -- to resist invasion.

The F-Staters might well have overpowered the armed forces of the United States. They had the technology. But their occupation would not long have survived Americans equipped with rifles, shotguns, handguns, Ham radios, off-road and sports-utility vehicles, and all sorts of nasty chemicals stored under the average American’s kitchen sink.

Unlike Anthroterra before occupation taught them otherwise, Americans would not have flown away like birds if attacked.

We also knew that Paddock had escaped the Mandalay Bay alive, and where his new safe house likely was.

Simon and I are not assassins. Paddock was going to Coventry. That was, if he didn’t leave me no choice but to kill him.

This was my own world, my own timeline. I would shed no tears if Stephen was planted six feet under a paddock right here. He had the bad judgment to take the wrong job.

Because I came from this world and Simon from a world virtually no different, we blended. This Las Vegas, Nevada was a city both of us knew well.

For all intents and purposes we had unlimited money. It’s amazing how fanning a stack of crisp hundred dollar bills can get anyone to talk. That included pit bosses at casinos Paddock had played at, and people he had generously tipped to get way too many bags up to the 32nd floor without asking questions, and all levels of law enforcement from local to federal who otherwise would have been reticent to share forensic reports and case files.

The big difference between a casino worker and an FBI agent is that the FBI agent is a lot more expensive.

Every morsel that Simon and I picked up was relayed back to both my analytical team at IntellSec and Simon’s boffins. In a bit over three weeks we’d narrowed down Paddock’s hideaway to three locations.

Then we brought in our own version of SWAT for the takedown.

Nothing as crude as battering rams when we could focus a microgate into a room where he was watching old reruns of Murder She Wrote.

We literally caught him with his pants down, sitting on the crapper.

But the man was a skilled operative with professional paranoia up the w***o. He wouldn’t take a dump without an U*i on his lap.

He did everything but shout, "Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?" before I double tapped him with an AR-15, which I brought with me for sentimental reasons.

I am so sorry that the Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, never made it to Coventry.

J. Neil Schulman's fourth novel, The Fractal Man, could only be penned by a writer who wrote scripts for The Twilight Zone. It’s a fictional autobiography of lives he never lived. The story begins when David Albaugh is awakened by a phone call from his best friend, who’s been dead f...

My new novel, The Fractal Man, takes the Revolutionary Agorist Cadre into the Paraversal (multi-universal) War against ....

My new novel, The Fractal Man, takes the Revolutionary Agorist Cadre into the Paraversal (multi-universal) War against ... the Free State Project! (No, not THAT Free State Project!)

The Fractal Man is currently being serialized on the website of Steve Heller Publishing. Read the first fifteen chapters at!

Announcement We are pleased to announce that our first novel will be The Fractal Man by J. Neil Schulman. The Fractal Man will be serialized on this site and then published as a Kindle book. You can read chapters 1-5 here, chapters 6-10 here, and chapter 11-15 here. “J. Neil Schulman’s The Fract...


Let's hear it for Attorney General Jeff Sessions, bound and determined to return cannabis away from open and legal sales to the clandestine trading floors protected by the Revolutionary Agorist Cadre as seen in Alongside Night - The Novel and Alongside Night - The Movie!

Obviously I'm not doing a good enough job in marketing the audio edition of my over-three-hour interview with Mr. Heinle...

Obviously I'm not doing a good enough job in marketing the audio edition of my over-three-hour interview with Mr. Heinlein. Only a few sales since I put it on sale December 21st.

Any of you have a podcast appropriate to discussing Heinlein? Have me on and you can play excerpts of Mr. Heinlein which we can discuss. Invite on other guests to comment as well.

Any takers?

Robert Heinlein Interview: Brad Linaweaver Foreword Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 1 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 2 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 3 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 4 to End of Interview

James Gill writes: "The Heinlein recorded interview that you released is great! I've been looking forward to hearing it ...

James Gill writes: "The Heinlein recorded interview that you released is great! I've been looking forward to hearing it for years. I don't think people realize what you've just released yet."

Robert Heinlein Interview: Brad Linaweaver Foreword Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 1 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 2 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 3 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 4 to End of Interview

“I’ve been encouraging Neil for years to bring out his interview with Robert as a book. To my knowledge, this is the lon...

“I’ve been encouraging Neil for years to bring out his interview with Robert as a book. To my knowledge, this is the longest interview Robert ever gave. Here is a book that should be on the shelves of everyone interested in science fiction. Libertarians will be using it as a source for years to come.”
–Virginia Heinlein

Audio Contents:

Robert Heinlein Interview: Brad Linaweaver Foreword
Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 1
Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 2
Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 3
Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 4 to End of Interview

Bonus PDFs:

Complete Book: The Robert Heinlein Interview and Other Heinleiniana
Pulpless.Com, 1999

Note from Bill Patterson

Buy Now for only $35.00!

Robert Heinlein Interview: Brad Linaweaver Foreword Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 1 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 2 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 3 Robert Heinlein Interview Audio Part 4 to End of Interview


Pahrump, NV


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