Oh, Wonât It Be Heaven
There is a place prepared for a prepared people. Itâs not just a place for this denomination or that denomination, but itâs been prepared for those that believe! I am ready and on my way. Are you?
This episode is different than any of the other ones. I preached my first sermon on October 29th and I wanted to share that with all of you. This has been a long time coming and you all have been on this journey with me. I love yall.
Wading Through Deep Waters Episode 16
Who Are You?
Ministry Mondays Episode 2
Let me introduce you to an amazing man of God. He is taking God's love and truth into places that most people can not go and most don't want to. He has a huge heart for people and just wants others to know the transformative power of Jesus Christ like he does. Gary J Mostert Disciple Grootâs Grace Mission
Tomorrow night we will have a special guest join us. My husband, Logan Martinez, will join me for a joint Bible study and share a personal testimony! This is gonna be a lot of fun and I really think you all will enjoy it!
Wading Through Deep Waters
Episode 14
"It Shall Be Well"
Wading Through Deep Waters Episode 13
My Rock!!!
Prayer is a Christianâs life line.
Wading Through Deep Waters Episode 12
Be Strong! Be Courageous! Don't Give In and Don't Give Up! Some One Is Counting On You!
Ministry Monday Episode 1
Join me as we talk to a dear friend of mine, Stacy Seals. Come see what ministries that she and her husband are involved in. We should all be banding together and supporting each other as we serve in different ministries. We are all on the same team. We are all part of the body of Christ, just have different functions. I hope you enjoy this and will support her and her husband as they minister, her in Huntsville, Al.
Wading Through Deep Waters
Episode 11
"The Prettiest Flowers Still Come Right Out Of The Dirt!"