Up close and personal with one of the best for #throwbackthursday as Rob Holland Aerosports conducts a practice run for the world championships last year 👏 #aerobatics #iac
Intermediate Power and Glider Unknown
Intermediate Power and Glider Unknown
Int power Free, Prim Power Free, Int Glider Free
Tuesday morning session
Interested in aerobatics
Interested in aerobatics? So are we!
Visit the IAC Aerobatic Center while you are at Airventure 2021.
#IAC_GetYourStart #OSH21 #iac_av2021
#IAC_getyourstart Austin and Jenna let us in on how they got started in aerobatics.
#IAC2021 #IAC_chaptercontest #OSH21
Ringo Massa has completed an update of the official version of OpenAero (2020.1.3) with the 2020 IAC sequences.
IAC Nationals Advanced Free Unknown #2
IAC Nationals Intermediate