I guess 11 is our favorite number 🥹🫶🏼
#bigbaby #babygirl #baby #newbornbaby #babymilestones #tummytime #myplantlovinghome #babyactivities #cutebaby #babyroll #ihavethisthingwithplants #newmom #firsttimemom #smartbaby
the fact that co-sleeping is such a big no no and they fear monger you into thinking your baby should be separated from you instantly after being INSIDE you for 9 months???? 🥺
So many out ppl here in the USA cosleeping in secret while other countries are doing it for YEARS and they have lower cases of SIDS? explain that one to us plz 😮💨
Obviously there are good reasons not to cosleep - if you are drinking or doing drugs, if you are a heavy sleeper, if you move around a lot, if your partner is unaware of the babe, etc, etc.. but do what’s best for you and your family.
This chick will not sleep in her bassinet or crib no matter how hard I try and it’s just not worth the extreme pain I feel hearing her scream bloody murder, when she sleeps like a literal angel right next to me. Plus if she gets hungry? You can just whip the tit out and feed em. 😂
If you are considering cosleeping - look up the safe 7 but honestly it came so natural I can’t believe so many people act like a baby is just supposed to sleep all alone while we snuggle up with our lovers every night???
Add this to the things I said I would NEVVVVVER do as a mom 😂😂
#cosleeping #cosleepingmama #cosleepingfamily #cosleepinglife #newmom #firsttimemom #momlife #newborn #newbaby #bigbaby #babygirl
my girlies 💓
#dance #fun #maternityleave #newbaby #postpartum #backtowork #girlygirls #teacherlife #teacherstuff #maternityleaveisover #favorites #newmom #firsttimemom #besties💕
@godiaperfree everyone is shocked because she 💩 on the potty, sometimes we even catch a p*e!
The other day she slept@for 4 hours and had a completely dry diaper. When she woke up we got on the potty and she p*ed within 30 seconds.
I love that she doesn’t have to sit in dirty or wet diapers, it also so much cleaner.
8 weeks old and she is doing 90% of her poops on the potty (someone forgets or we had an adjustment period when pooping became less frequent)
Elimination communication is REAL and I will never stop talking about it because im amazed 😂
Find the top hat potty in my Amazon storefront - 🔗 in bio!! 💓
Did you or would you try EC? 👀
#motherhood #eliminationcommunication #potty #pottytraining #momlife #newmom #firsttimemom #girlmom #cutebaby
I’ll take one 4 oz serving of liquid gold plz 🍼💓
#breastfedbaby #breastfedbabies #pumpingmom #pumpingmoms #pumpingmama #cutebaby #bigbaby #babygirl #newbornbaby #newborn #momlife #mama #bottlefeeding #breastfeeding
Enjoy the audio on this 😭🫧
I am probably the only one who didn’t know these things 😂
1. Rooting CRACKS ME UP.. I had no idea what it was in the hospital until a nurse said “oh good she’s rooting!”— then I asked. It’s how they stimulate the nips for more milkies!!
2. I collected colostrum multiple days before birth and only got 5 ml… because it takes so long to squeeze it out. But NOT the case when milk comes in! It did not prepare me for when i went to check if milk was coming out while she was BFing and milk came shooting out like a fire hydrant at her face. 😂
3. I assumed breastfeeding would be easy but I was wrong. It is NOT easy at first and can be frustrating. It’s a learning process and the lactation consultants are hilarious as the shove them on the the boobie. I started pumping in the hospital even though the colostrum wasn’t enough for her. I had to supplement with formula so she didn’t go to the nicu due to low blood sugar (since she was 11lbs!) Then when I got home, every 2-3 hours I pumped when my milk came in. Even during the night when I would only get 1 or 2 ounces. I started the pitcher method and now we rock and roll and I am freezing plenty for a stash.. sometimes pumping 12-14 ozs! I may have turned myself into an over-supplier but I’m happy about it because I can feed her the best for free✨✨
My postpartum journey has been awesome and I am so happy with all the choices I’ve made - which I have learned SO much from others on instagram alone. I never took a class because I felt prepared from all the research and resources on the internet!
I’m no expert, just sharing our journey because I think it’s fascinating and would love to help someone else like so many who don’t even know they helped me! 💓
#breastfeedingmom #breastfedbaby #breastfeedingmama #breastfeeding #breastfed #pumpingmom #pumpingmama #bigbaby #newbornbabg #postpartumjourney #postpartumlife
Their arm placement is exact 😭
#twinning #dadanddaughter #daddydaughterlove #twins #justlikedaddy #newbornbaby #newborn #bigbaby #cutebaby #babygirl
my arms after this year: 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
dying to do a lil workout here or there.. my body is soooooo out of whack after this whole 11lb baby came out!!
nothing makes me more annoyed than when someone says “she’s not 11lbs..” because I earned that badge 😂 pregnancy is already hard but add in heavyyyyy baby + extra fluid.. I would actually count the days until I could see the doctor again in hopes it would be the day she offered to take me to the hospital 🏥
We made it 39 weeks though! 😅
Who else is in the big baby club!?
#bigbaby #babygirl #baby #newborn #newbornbabygirl #newbornbaby #mybaby #cutebaby #babyweight #instababy #babiesbabiesbabies #babiesofinstagram #bigbabies #pregnancy #pregnant #postpartum #postpartumjourney
Happy New Year my plant fam 🪴🥳
Twas’ the hardest year yet but also the best year yet 💕
Thanks for being here, can’t wait to get back to regularly programmed plant content in 2025!
Love my people!!! ✨💓
#houseplants #myplantlovinghome #plantmom #plantseverywhere #plantseverywhere #ihavethisthingwithplants #newbaby #newyears #newyear #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsmakepeoplehappy #junglevibes #pregancy #postpartum #babygirl #diyprojects #diyeverything #homedecor #homeimprovement
some of you might not know….
yes we really are 22 years apart - Aaron just turned 52 on the 19th 🤯 and I’ll be 30 in May 😮💨
And YES she was 11 pounds and I’m still not done talking about it because WHAT a pregnancy 😂 the end was so hard… no wonder why!!!
#agegap #agegapcouple #agegaprelationship #newborn #newbornphotography #newbornbaby #newbaby #bigbaby #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantseverywhere #myplantlovinghome #newbornphotoshoot #babygirl #newbornphotos #nurserydecor #nurseryinspo #girlmom #nurseryideas
⭐️ tip 1: over watering is the FREQUENCY at which you water - not how much water you are giving!!
Most of my plants are fine getting a deep water and then staying dry for a week plus, it depends on the plant of course and the pot you have!
⭐️ tip 2: self watering pots are amazing for busy plant lovers.. instead of soaking the soil, the plant will take what it needs from the reservoir - top soil rarely gets wet so you minimize the fungus gnats as well!
Self watering pots keep me sane. Especially for thirsty high maintenance plants!
⭐️tip 3: keep plants off carpet… if you make a mess watering - it evaporates pretty quick 🙌😂
#moreplantsplease #ihavethisthingwithplants #plantseverywhere #plantmom #myplantlovinghome #newmomlife #pumpingmom #onthego #houseplants #junglevibes #plantsmakepeoplehappy #houseplantcare #plantcare #plantcaretips #postpartum #newbornbaby
Comment “prime” and I’ll send you my list! 💡🪴
Still in shock over the @bissellclean mopping vacuum sale… I love mine so much and it’s $150 off right now. Maybe I should get another and then I have one for each hand. 😂
My DIY grow light items are on sale too - the best rope with 3 bulb inserts too (the one in video) and you can pair it with whatever “shades” you want.
I also linked some of my other favorites for kitchen essentials, cleaning, diy, etc… because I am definitely obsessed with being as organized as possible to simplify my life and create daily efficiency.
I am working on a list for all things baby too if you happen to be an expecting mama like me 🤰 and want to shop those sales too! I bought a lot of little stuff over the last few months because I feel weird having an extremely long registry.
Happy Prime day… and to my fellow Floridians - stay safe during Milton, we are getting alll the rain here already in Ormond Beach.📍 Saving my planty chores for when we lose power and I have nothing to do but stress/worry. 🤣
#myplantlovinghome #primeday #primedaydeals #amazonfind #primedeals #plantlover #diyhomedecor #diyorganizer #cleaningessentials #houseplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #ihavethisthingwithplants #moreplantsplease #shopwithme #amazonprime #amazondeals #plantaccessories #diyaccessories #plantcare #plantcaretips
Prime day 2024 | plant care essentials | diy tips and tricks | prime day shopping