I will be available for a DOD Skillbridge internship with your company in approximately August, 2026. I have a passion for digital marketing and strategic communication. I have an established history with developing large regional initiatives and strategies across the country (see" Projects" section). I am currently in my final US Army assignment in Tampa, wrapping up 15+ years in Recruiting Comma
nd and a final total of 25 years in service. Outside of the Army bubble, I have provided consulting services and created social media marketing plans for numerous organizations. I have served as speaker at several notable events, to include Social Media Strategies Summit and the Military Influencer Conference. I am also a part-time professor with West Virginia University's Marketing Communications graduate program. I am a proud University of Florida Gator, where I earned a Master of Mass Communication degree specializing in social media. I am the Founder and President of the UF Association of Military Alumni. I was recognized with the UF Inclusive Leadership Award in the Industry Achievement category in 2024. In a recommendation letter for this award, the Commander of US Army Recruiting Command, Major General Johnny Davis, noted: "Kevin has served in USAREC since 2009 and is undoubtedly one of the organization's single most influential figures of the past decade." As co-author of two US Army Recruiting publications that detail digital marketing strategy and social media management techniques, I am proud to serve as change agent and advocate for modernization efforts. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I implemented comprehensive virtual strategy while leading the Florida Medical Recruiting Company, resulting in them becoming the first in US Army history to be ranked #1 in the country for three years in a row. Let's connect!