Just to clear up a misunderstanding that's been weirdly recurring for the past week or so, Ka-Blam Digital Printing is comic-book specialty PRINT SHOP. We're not a publisher and we don't have editors on staff. We're not checking content for typos or continuity problems or pagination errors. And we don't try to ascertain anyone's 'intent'. We follow the specifics of an order and we print the files we're sent.
That said, we MIGHT sometimes notice a typo or a duplicated page or something like that and if we do, we'll mention it. But as a rule, we do NOT check the CONTENT of a comic beyond page dimensions, page count, and technical compliance.
So when we say the files "look good" or something to that effect, we're not signing off editorially. We're not talking about the art or story or the design any editorial content. We're saying that the files we received have passed our technical preflight checks and are ready to PRINT.
Ka-Blam Technical Specs Here at Ka-Blam, we’ve tried to make the readying of your files for our printing process as simple and as painless as possible. While each different product type has a few specific requirements, there are FOUR basic things that apply to almost all the products. Just four si...